• 介绍了覆盖岩层条件,确定地下采矿引起地表变形特征有限元塑性计算分析工作。

    The analysis of 3D elasto-plastic FEM is introduced for calculating the deformation of the ground surface caused by underground mining under thick rock overburden.


  • 高层连体结构为例,采用不同计算模型有限元计算分析程序,结构进行详细塑性计算分析。

    By using the different calculation models of SATWE and ETABS of finite element, the elastic and plastic properties of the high-rise connected structure are analyzed and calculated in details.


  • 通过计算找到了立体桁架强震作用下薄弱部位,并对弹塑性计算结果作了对比,其结论可供工程设计人员设计时参考

    Weak locations of space truss can be found. Through comparing the results of elastic and elastoplastic analysis, some conclusion can be drawn for reference to engineers.


  • 塑性理论出发截面轴为例校正应力残余变形进行了分析研究,提出了给定弯曲误差校正载荷的计算公式

    The paper has studied straightening stress and residual deformation of circular shaft by using elastic - plastic theory, deueloped calculation formula of straightening loud in given deflection error.


  • 求解过程中的介质振动一种噪音引起塑性介质计算结果误差性介质的计算结果几乎不受影响。

    The medium vibration during solving process is a noise rather than a more real simulation to medium mechanical behavior and could cause calculation error for elastoplastic medium.


  • 求解温度场基础弹塑性理论计算应力场及最终的残余应力。

    Both thermal stresses and residual stresses are calculated according to thermal elastoplastic theory based on the calculation of temperatures.


  • 这个计算中,采用了流体——塑性变模量模型使用拉格朗日坐标有限差分方法人造粘性,获得了冲击波空腔波形参数分析了这些参数

    In this computation a fluid-elastic plastic model and a finite difference method of Lagrange coordinate are used The parameters of shock, cavity and waveform are obtained and analysed.


  • 本文弹塑性有限元计算含圆对称复合材料层间应力分布

    In this paper, the interlaminar stress distributions of symmetric composite laminates with a hole are predicted by the three-dimensional elastoplastic finite element method.


  • 以托板理论塑性力学中的薄板弯曲小挠度理论基础,编程计算了爆破矿柱后顶板悬露面积临界值。

    On the basis of SLATE theory and elastic and plastic mechanics theory, the critical area of SLATE is obtained by computer calculation.


  • 本文采用塑性模型提出计算地基变形有效压缩层深度方法

    This paper presents a new method of calculating depth of compressible stratum, in which a viscoelastic-plastic model was adopted.


  • 通过增量理论塑性有限元计算对比分析了不带加载ct试样J积分之间差异

    The differences of J-integral between CT specimens with and without loading holes have been compared and analyzed by means of incremental theory elastic - plastic finite element calculations.


  • 基于塑性理论编制了“结构塑性有限元计算程序”,对一些例进行了验算,得到较好的结果

    A finite element program of wall beam structure under elastoplasticity condition is compiled based on the plastic theory and used to test some practical samples.


  • 本文给出计算压杆塑性稳定极限承载力有限塑性系数增量应力

    The paper presents a numerical method, named the Finite Strip Plasticity Coefficient Increment Initial Stress Method, to solve the elastoplastic stability ultimate loads of steel columns.


  • 并用弹塑性断裂理论J积分计算分析了非线性时砌石体断裂度。

    Simultaneously, the fracture toughness was analysed, and calculated by means of J-integrals adopting the theory of elastoplastic fracture.


  • 弹塑性边界应力(初应变)奇异体积分计算一直一个较为困难又是非常重要问题

    The calculation of the initial stress (or initial strain) singular integrals in elastoplastic boundary element method is a difficult, but an important problem.


  • 运用渡槽薄壁结构塑性动力分析模型开展了渡槽非线性地震响应分析计算

    Based on the elastic-plastic dynamic model of the thin-wall structure aqueduct, the non-linear earthquake response analysis is presented.


  • 本文采用三维塑性增量塑性刚度有限元计算地下洞室围岩稳定

    In this paper, the elastoplastic incremental finite element method with variable plastic stiffness is used to analyse the surrounding rock stability of underground openings.


  • 堆石本身弹塑性结构,应力变形非线性关系确定计算方法采用增量有限元法

    Rockfill is elastoplastic itself and its stress-strain relationship is nonlinear. So the calculation method must be incremental FEM.


  • 应用塑性介质本构理论,视岩体弹塑性体,得到隧道开挖引起地层应力变化计算公式、计算程序。

    In the application of elastoplastic medium theory, the rock and soil are assumed to be elastoplastic medium, and the stress change due to tunnel excavation can be calculated, too.


  • 作为塑性求解问题的简化方法极限分析传统塑性增量计算效率更高、更实用

    As a simplified method for elastoplastic analysis, limit analysis method is more efficient and practical than the traditional increment method.


  • 试验理论计算表明,模型能够较好地预测复合材料宏观塑性性能

    The model can calculate elastoplastic properties of composites correctly, which is verified by experiments and theoretical analysis.


  • 本文方法可以计算塑性弹塑性耗能器剪切框架式高层建筑结构

    This method can be used to analyze shear wall structures with elastoplastic hinges or dampers as well as tall frame-type structures.


  • 本文计算轧制中的参数时应用初始应力弹塑性边界单元方法

    In the paper, the elastoplastic boundary element method (BEM) of the initial strain is worked at calculating parameters of flat rolling of plate and strip.


  • 根据张力减过程变形特点采用建模技术编写了弹塑性有限元计算程序

    Based on the characteristics of tube stretch-reducing process, the elastic FE calculation program is prepared by means of the constituent element modeling technique.


  • 本文采用综合离散化分析方法进行空间框架结构塑性稳定计算

    A synthetic discrete method is presented for the analysis of the inelastic stability of space steel frames.


  • 利用有限元计算弹塑性地基不同基础水平竖向力作用交错桁架体系变形与内力。

    The three dimensions FEM is used to investigate the displacement and forces of staggered truss with different foundation in elastoplastic ground under horizontal and vertical loads.


  • 并采用往复振动能量准则建议能量集中楼层弹塑性位移计算方法

    Based on the equal cyclic energy criterion of vibration, the computation method of inelastic displacement at the energy concentrated storey of the structure is suggested.


  • 有限元方法平面应力条件下弹塑性材料裂纹尖端应力应变进行了计算

    The crack tip stress-strain field of elastic-plastic materials are analysed by finite element method in the plane stress condition.


  • 有限元方法平面应力条件下弹塑性材料裂纹尖端应力应变进行了计算

    The crack tip stress-strain field of elastic-plastic materials are analysed by finite element method in the plane stress condition.


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