• 张问思想诗歌理论创作一定影响。

    His theory and writing of poetry had been influenced to a certain degree by his thought.


  • 清中叶著名诗人张问,又是一位造诣诗论家。

    Zhang Wentao, a famous poet in the middle of the Qing Dynasty and also a poetics maker with profound knowledge.


  • 狐狸太太:“这位先生穿红色吗?他尖尖吗?”

    Mrs. Fox asked: "Has the gentleman red stockings on, and has he a pointed mouth?"


  • 2021年2月,天一号探测器把第一火星的照片送回了中国。

    Tianwen I probe sent the first picture of Mars back to China in February, 2021.


  • 如果客户优先兴趣,那么团队应该份团队根据自己判断列出的一优先列表,客户是否认可这些

    If the customer is not interested in prioritizing then the team should hand them a list of prioritizations based on their judgment and ask the customer if he is fine with that.


  • 精神医生,“那么让我们来看看我们发现什么,”拿出墨渍测验纸,“图片画什么?”

    The Psychologist says, "Well let's see what we can find out", and pulls out his ink blots. "What is this a picture of?" he asks.


  • 如果网站宣称图片份文档公共域内的,什么意思

    What does it mean when a Web site says a picture or document is in the public domain?


  • 如果网站宣称图片份文档公共域内的,什么意思是否意味着可以为我所用

    What does it mean when a Web site says a picture or document is in the public domain? Does that mean I can use it for my own purposes?


  • 之前设计了思维实验,我把自己照片放在不同国家女人的照片中,读者是否找到

    Previously I designed a little thought experiment in which I placed my photo among eight Mainland women and asked readers to see if they could pick me.


  • 母亲是否我们应该贺卡这个表示感谢母亲不必了,因为此时正在客厅里。

    I asked if we could send a card to the man to thank him but my mum said that there was no need as he was in the sitting room.


  • 尼姑名字年龄时在一堆文件和旧东西里找到笔迹文章。

    When I asked the name and age of a nun in Thai Binh province, she went rummaging through her old papers and things to find a piece of paper with my own handwriting on it.


  • 要不就不停发抖,磕牙他在发烧,并病房里那二十八床可有一

    Or he passed his time in trembling, chattering his teeth, saying that he had a fever, and inquiring whether one of the eight and twenty beds in the fever ward was vacant.


  • 今晚打电话的会计论文指导老师美红教授一下关于论文的事情,因为上次开会我因为期末考所以没有参加。

    Tonight I made a phone call to my thesis instructor, professor Zhang, asking her something about how to write the thesis.


  • 接着,我:“有没有两头等舱船票?”

    I then asked if they had two first class (“tou deng”) cabins available.


  • 以“成功非而是境界中”为题,在一开始描绘那时的头脑一瞬间的灵感,他自己“在什么时候键盘键盘有效?”

    In a paper he drafted on the spur of the moment, entitledSuccess Lies in Paradox”, he asked, “When is a tiny keyboard more efficient than a large one?”


  • 精神医生尝试第三图片男人同样:“图片画的什么?”

    The Psychologists tries again with the third ink blot, and asks thesame question, "What is this a picture of?"


  • 如果他们一些建议马上就会有回答我非常感谢他们,我学会了如何在Twitter上发布一似乎魔力照片以及怎么样bit.lytinyurl缩短一个URL(即网站网址)。

    If you ask them for advice, it's immediately forthcoming: thanks to them, I learned how to make a Twitpic photo appear as if by magic, and how to shorten a URL using bit.ly or tinyurl.


  • 如果家旅馆或者饭店预订坐位,你可以Canimakeatablereservationfor…?(我可以预订一……人吗?)

    If you make a reservation of a table in a restaurant or hotel, you can ask: can I make a table reservation for...?


  • 可以退回吗?”

    "Can I return these two tickets?" he asked.


  • 什么老板那么舒服宽大的椅子

    Why does the boss have such a large, comfortable chair?


  • 可以一下是否可以半价

    You may ask if you can take a half-price ticket.


  • 可以退掉吗?”

    'Can I return these two tickets?' he asked.


  • 句广告语就是在广告中当一个顾客钱包里拿出信用卡商店是否接受美国运通时,售货员回答顾客的句子。

    It's the shop assistant's reply to a customer who selects a credit card from his wallet and asks if the shop accepts American Express.


  • 一个朋友婚礼上司仪拿出钞票场所有人举手大家怕是司仪想出来整人的花招说话

    A friend's wedding, emcee took out a hundred dollar bill asked in place someone, who want to please raise hand, you think I daresay emcee think out those trick trick it, can't talk to people.


  • 去夏当地媒体报导,头驴那么空中,以致海滩孩童吓哭父母为何只狗降落伞上。

    Local media said in the summer the donkey was so high in the sky the children on the beach cried and asked their parents why a dog was tied to a parachute.


  • 去夏当地媒体报导,头驴那么空中,以致海滩孩童吓哭父母为何只狗降落伞上。

    Local media said in the summer the donkey was so high in the sky the children on the beach cried and asked their parents why a dog was tied to a parachute.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定