• 飓风活门最大增长张迪美国市场25%速度增长。

    The biggest growth dyi hurricane shutters market is in the US with an impressive growth rate of 25%.


  • 公司一名经理张迪(音)表示说:“我们晚上。”客户们来到公司催促我们交付产品

    "We are very busy at night. Clients come to the factory, pushing us to deliver the products," said Zhang Di, a manager at the company.


  • 唱片献给伍·艾伦,她艾伦理解她的痴迷

    She dedicated her first album to Woody Allen, who she says understands her obsession.


  • 把手伸进手提袋中,递给小小的印刷传单

    Judy reached into her handbag and handed me a small, printed leaflet.


  • 们用一些木棒划过去,然后朱在一白纸上画了一只蝴蝶。

    They made across with some wood sticks, and then Judie painted a butterfly on a piece of whitepaper.


  • 为了使“指认”工作更加高效,和协作完成书作克劳德·门比尔根据法语字母使用频率高低,排列出了一特殊字母表

    To make dictation more efficient, Bauby's interlocutor, Claude Mendibil, read from a special alphabet which consisted of the letters ordered in accordance with their frequency in the French language.


  • 近日西班牙斯省地区足球联赛中,主裁判居然出示19红牌

    A referee in Spain has issued 19 red CARDS as a regional football game degenerated into a brawl recently.


  • 姨妈那种迷糊又女人长着尖瘦而又温和的脸庞一头被她随意散在脑的浅色头发

    Aunt Judith was the sort of woman who always looked vaguely flustered; she had a thin,mild face and light flyaway hair pushed back untidily.


  • 图书管理员是球状的生物,一千只眼睛但只有。它一千只眼睛中的只弯向泰博士

    The librarian, a globular being with a thousand eyes and one mouth, bent some of his eyes upon Dr. Thaddeus.


  • 年后又收到来自短笺,说班级第二的成绩从高中毕业,她一生最好老师

    Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy. He then wrote that he had finished high school, second in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.


  • 没有了姚明火箭主教练里克·阿德尔曼急需王牌。

    With Yao and McGrady out, Houston coach Rick Adelman is in desperate need for a go-to guy.


  • 这次玛利亚出任中场,故意手球阻止卡诺传球导致被出示第二黄牌

    This time, Di Maria took out the middleman, intentionally handling the ball to block a Vallecano pass that resulted in his second booking of the match.


  • 本来是应该马丁身份证交给,结果,她给了盖恩斯拍立得的照片,相片的内容是马丁的身份证。

    She comes to make the handoff for Mandy, but instead, gives Gaines a Polaroid photo of Belkin’s ID.


  • 五十年前,鲍勃·发表了自己专辑,如今,有新作不断问世(包括去年发行圣诞歌曲合辑),此外还在进行全国巡演

    Nearly half a century after he released his first album, Bob Dylan continues to release new albums (including, last year, a compilation of Christmas songs) and tour the country playing concerts.


  • 五十年前,鲍勃·发表了自己专辑,如今,有新作不断问世(包括去年发行的一圣诞歌曲合辑),此外还在进行全国巡演

    Nearly half a century after he released his first album Bob Dylan continues to release new albums (including last year a compilation of Christmas songs) and tour the country playing concerts.


  • 最后已经逃离人群沙发上跟治疗师抱怨说:“孤单都没有人说话。”

    In the last drawing, Woody lies on the couch, having escaped the crowds, and complains to his therapist: "I'm so lonely. Nobody talks to me."


  • 图片合成图,耶鲁大学皮博自然历史博物馆

    Composite of three images, at Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale university.


  • 为了证明这个留下了只有十个随意选择单词纸条将会用这些单词死后和他妻子交流

    In order to prove it, Houdini left his wife a secret note with 10 randomly selected words that he would communicate to her after his death.


  • 1987年国家地理里程碑式文章——沙特阿拉伯妇女——摄影记者乔.科布(Jodi Cobb)巧妙利用摄影技巧,同一照片呈现了女孩现在未来

    Photographer Jodi Cobb captures a child's present and future for National Geographic's landmark 1987 article on the women of Saudi Arabia.


  • 伍德放映的幻灯片奥德丽·赫本大约1952年,‘罗马假日’公映那一年,解释,阿申利一家到意大利度假,看到了莫达公司的一款20英寸的丝巾,阿申利一家决定仿制这种款式。

    Wood’s first slide was of Audrey Hepburn, circaRoman Holiday.” In 1952, he explained, the Ashleys had gone on vacation to Italy, where twenty-inch neck scarves were di moda.


  • 鉴于的第一专辑囊括了诸多精彩之极的曲目比如苏珊”(这首歌原是民谣歌手·柯林斯1966年的热门单曲)再见,玛丽安”,相比之下他的第二专辑就略低调

    Whereas his previous album had contained highlight tracks such as "Suzanne" (originally a 1966 hit for folkie Judy Collins) and "So Long Marianne," his second album was more low key.


  • 听到巴里岛,我自己也订了机票去那里

    Candice: When I heard that you were going to Bali I booked myself a ticket there too.


  • 专辑还没有名字,它2006年摩登时代》之后的录音室唱片。

    The as-yet untitled album will be Dylan's first studio release since 2006's Modern Times.


  • 虽然多数房间怀利酒店会议科特学院特征一个大号中心大床床房间可以的。

    While the majority of rooms at Wylie Inn & Conference Center at Endicott College feature one queen-size bed, rooms with a king bed or two beds also are available.


  • 志勇刚刚开始消费的消费者购买耐克·达斯,因为他们知道这些品牌

    'Consumers who are just starting to shop are buying Nike and Adidas because those were the names they know,' said Mr.


  • 恩太太举起蜡烛看见柔和的面孔,那个呼啸山庄年轻小姐只是面相看上去深沉,更亲切

    N raised the candle, and I discerned a soft-featured face, exceedingly resembling the young lady at the Heights, but more pensive and amiable in expression.


  • 但是这儿·雷德梅最新接下角色的剧照——扮演一位女子

    But this is the first photograph of Eddie Redmayne in his latest role... as a woman.


  • 利物浦因此获得了通往足总杯决赛的入场券,切尔西门将奇尼则感到十分失望

    Liverpool clung on to book an FA Cup final place and Chelsea 'keeper Carlo Cudicini put it down to one of those days.


  • 利物浦因此获得了通往足总杯决赛的入场券,切尔西门将奇尼则感到十分失望

    Liverpool clung on to book an FA Cup final place and Chelsea 'keeper Carlo Cudicini put it down to one of those days.


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