• 骆驼消失在沙丘背后留给的只有一张照片以及索科特拉充满敬畏记忆

    It vanished behind the dunes, leaving me with this picture and the most awe-inspiring memories of Socotra.


  • 现在我给大家一张列表,上面列举了八项纳博科夫非常重要文学现代主义特征

    So, now, here's just a list for you: eight features of literary modernism that are all important to Nabokov.


  • 来自技术专家道格拉斯·洛西科夫的提名是:技术存在一种固有偏见”,不是一张可以留下任何痕迹的白纸

    Technology scholar Douglas Rushkoff nominates the concept that technologies have anembedded biasrather than being blank slates from which any outcome can arise.


  • 卢斯科尼强有力的一张道德牌。

    But Mr Berlusconi's strongest card may be an ethical one.


  • 萨科先生不是干脆法定限制完全废除,而是设置一张由法规鼓励每个人忽视刺激组成

    Rather than just getting rid of the legal limit altogether, Mr Sarkozy has put in place a web of new rules and incentives to encourage everybody to ignore it.


  • 下半场替补出场舍普琴科上场16分钟因领到本场第二张黄牌下。

    Substitute Andriy Shevchenko was sent off just 16 minutes after coming on as a half-time substitute when he collected his second booking.


  • 发言人拜瑞-斯科内特用户删除一张照片时,在90天内删除公司服务器所有副本。

    The spokesman, Barry Schnitt, said that when a photograph was deleted by a user, it was removed from all of the company's servers within 90 days.


  • 彭蒂科夫被领到一个电话间,口中取出一张纸片

    Penticoff is led to a phone bay, where he removes a tiny slip of paper from his mouth.


  • 广州当地一家医院传染科医生张亚男有的香水过敏

    Doctor Zhang Yanan works in the infectious department of a local hospital. Zhang says that there are some people who are allergic to perfume.


  • 私人物品中,一张阿尔卡季·米哈伊洛维奇(Arkady Mikhailovich)——《苏联巴洛克艺术大百科全书》的作者——的照片,这个故事此刻就以这张照片开头

    I have in my possession a photo of Arkady mikhailovich-the author of the Great Baroque Soviet encyclopedia-which was taken at the exact moment that this story begins.


  • 西雅图摇滚乐队磐的《Nevermind专辑获得极大成功美国专辑就售出1000万,但是,1994年,乐队主唱库尔特·科本却自杀了。

    'Nevermind' became a huge success for Seattle-based grunge-rock band Nirvana, whose lead singer Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1994. The album sold over 10 million copies in the US alone.


  • 1955年4月份18的时候,最年长哥哥送给一张汽车票让我看望,他密西西比州的比老科斯市的凯瑟空军基地服役。

    In April 1955, when I was 18, my oldest brother sent me a bus ticket to visit him at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Miss., for a week.


  • 之前提到来自南达科他州88FlorenceSteen坚持的女儿一张缺席选举人票床边

    I've told you before about Florence Steen of South Dakota, who was 88 years old, and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside.


  • 时至今日,收入主要出售照片维持收入。照片通常7张一辑,是与摄影师马尔科•安内尔利合作完成的。

    Nowadays, her income comes mainly from selling photographs, often in editions of seven, made in collaboration with Marco Anelli, a photographer.


  • 1987年国家地理里程碑式文章——沙特阿拉伯妇女——摄影记者乔迪.科布(Jodi Cobb)巧妙利用摄影技巧,同一张照片呈现了女孩现在未来

    Photographer Jodi Cobb captures a child's present and future for National Geographic's landmark 1987 article on the women of Saudi Arabia.


  • 美国脱口秀主持人安迪·科恩社交媒体发布一张自己生活照片。

    US talk show host Andy Cohen even post a photo of himself reading a Little Life on social media.


  • 例如班上名女生玻璃瓶了科附近,瓶子里还有张纸条。

    For example, one girl in his class dropped a glass bottle with a note inside into the water off of Coney Island.


  • 两张脸非常相像,只是父亲激动得难以自制,德拉科的表情是很不情愿甚至有点害怕

    They were extraordinarily alike, except that while his father looked beside himself with excitement, Draco's expression was full of reluctance, even fear.


  • 接到消息。”秋·张举起那枚加隆然后过去坐在迈克尔·科纳身边。

    "I got the message," she said, holding up her own fake Galleon, and she walked over to sit beside Michael Corner.


  • 新娘康尼“科里昂容光焕发地新郎傧相以及迎宾招待坐在一张特殊桌子上

    The bride, Connie Corleone, sat in splendor at a special raised table with her groom, the maid of honor, bridesmaids and ushers.


  • 哈利不敢正视德拉科斜着眼看到了一个身影扶手椅上站了起来,淡金色头发一张苍白尖细的模糊脸庞

    Harry did not dare look directly at Draco, but saw him obliquely: a figure slightly taller than he was, rising from an armchair, his face a pale and pointed blur beneath white-blond hair.


  • 第四应用程序得较,是因为聘请了经过认证的皮肤科医生查看照片检查一张照片最贵美元并且要花24个小时才能拿到结果。

    The fourth app, which did okay, actually used board-certified dermatologists to review images. It was the most expensive at five bucks per assessment and took 24 hours.


  • 科里先生并肩作战的还有另外名得力助手,他们分别艾德先生张霁先生。

    Two other gentlemen, Messrs. Chris Adams and Allen Zhang, are standing side by side with Christophe Lajus.


  • 上周星期六斯科拉打得有效率了,完全超越斯普里特巴西,为阿根廷赢得一张奥运会入场券。他如此引人注目当然也有吉诺比利和奥贝托缺阵的原因

    Scola was more effective Saturday, too. Then Scola outscored Splitter and Brazil, guaranteeing Argentina an Olympic berth, impressive because both Ginobili and Fabricio Oberto weren't involved.


  • 虽然多数房间怀利酒店会议恩迪科特学院特征一个大号中心一张大床床房间可以的。

    While the majority of rooms at Wylie Inn & Conference Center at Endicott College feature one queen-size bed, rooms with a king bed or two beds also are available.


  • 虽然多数房间怀利酒店会议恩迪科特学院特征一个大号中心一张大床床房间可以的。

    While the majority of rooms at Wylie Inn & Conference Center at Endicott College feature one queen-size bed, rooms with a king bed or two beds also are available.


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