• 真正参与竞争他们必须高中毕业然后必须大学毕业,也许还拿一研究文凭

    To really compete, they need to graduate high school, and then they need to graduate college, and they probably need a graduate degree, too.


  • 绘画研究范围简图,中应包括地形、样条的位置方向、高潮线和低潮线位置等有关因素。

    Draw a sketch map of the bay indicating its landscape, aspect, approximate positions of the high tide mark and low tide mark and position of the transect line.


  • 刚开始研究个月内放弃传统方法

    Within six months of starting his research, Zhang had given up on traditional methods.


  • 研究表明虽然未经整理的看起来很肮脏但它无法吸引那些被认为会引发哮喘过敏症尘螨

    Research suggests that while an unmade bed may look scruffy, it is also unappealing to house dust mites thought to cause asthma and other allergies.


  • 征募了自己的工程师开始研究如何建造既便宜环保建筑抵御地震

    Zhang drafted his own engineers and started researching how to build cheap, environmentally friendly structures that could also withstand an earthquake.


  • 研究思路一个囊括将近70万个不同的100万不同图像数据库测试机器

    The idea was to test the machines on a database that included up to 1 million different images of nearly 700,000 different people.


  • 宾夕法尼亚州进行一项研究,多家餐馆服务员在将账单交给顾客之前,会随机选择账单,在上面写上谢谢”。

    In a study conducted in Pennsylvania, servers in various restaurants wrote "Thank you" on randomly selected bills before presenting the bills to their customers.


  • 学生们不知情的情况下,研究人员调查了他们在该学期餐卡的匿名消费情况——500名学生的1.4万消费小票

    Unknown to the students, the researchers studied their anonymized meal-card purchases for that semesternearly 14,000 receipts for almost 500 students.


  • 计划事情:计划旅行穿着时,根据旅游途中可能发生会议活动等做一打包用的图表,然后研究目的地温度

    Plan for each event: When planning your attire for the trip, create a packing storyboard that Outlines each event, meeting and activity on your trip. Then research temperatures at your destination.


  • 这两名人照片都被到了此次研究之中

    Both were among the celebrity faces used in the study.


  • 为了使雕像更加真实,雕刻家他们研究数百照片和数小时视频

    The sculptors working on the likenesses say they have studied the politicians via hundreds of photos and hours of video.


  • 研究人员给每个人约会对象”照片,他们想象自己和“约会对象”一起吃饭他们决定顿饭买单

    In each case, they were shown a picture of their 'date', told to imagine they had been for dinner together, and asked to decide who should pay for the meal.


  • 以下图表来自美国企业研究份报告显示邮件数量全面崩溃的局面。

    The two graphs below, courtesy of a report from the American Enterprise Institute, show the overall collapse in volume.


  • 卧龙研究中心负责人和民表示:“整个生产过程持续34个小时之久,这熊猫繁殖时间最长一次。”

    'the whole process lasted about 34 hours and was the longest in the history of panda reproduction,' Zhang Hemin, head of the Wolong centre, said of the birth.


  • 愿意工作公司单子,然后对公司里有关职位一些研究

    Compile a list of companies that you'd like to work for and research relevant positions within those organizations.


  • 然后研究人员这些男人168片各观看秒钟其中一半照片上是,另一半照片上是物体(房子绘画)。

    The researchers then asked the men to look at 168 pictures--half of them of people and half of objects, such as houses and paintings--for a few seconds.


  • 相关研究中,科学家招募了志愿者观察51人脸照片

    In related studies, the scientists recruited volunteers to look at photographs of 51 faces.


  • 我们经常费尽力气使用文字,而同样的内容研究可以用简简单单图像传达

    We often labor to express in words what a researcher was able to convey in a single image.


  • 自然之友组织研究伯驹表示,欢迎环保部叫停开发项目决定

    Zhang Boju, a researcher with Friends of Nature, welcomed the ministry's decision to hold up the project.


  • 而后研究人员膜过滤溶液时,表面活性剂被排出化合物们立马自发重组一个活力焕发成形光电管

    Then, when the researchers removed the surfactant by pushing the solution through a membrane, the compounds spontaneously assembled once again into a perfectly formed, rejuvenated photocell.


  • 调查数据中,研究团队制成了三维地下水地图统计模拟的方式显示了与不含相关的水平

    From the survey data, Berg's team created the first three-dimensional groundwater map, using statistical modelling to show levels that are relatively arsenic-free.


  • 这个新的机构视为一生物医疗研究领域全新面孔。

    The new institution is billed as an entirely fresh look at biomedical research.


  • 快乐研究志》篇文章和温候芬(出版中)古代中文版道教佛教儒教放到现今的快乐条件下进行比较。

    In an article in the Journal of happiness Studies, Zhang and Veenhoven (in press) compare the ancient Chinese versions of Taosim, Buddhism and Confucianism with the modern conditions of happiness.


  • 为了在网上还原地堡真实面貌,研究人员们参照了数百照片计划搜集尽可能多的有关地堡的建筑布局信息

    Researchers studied hundreds of photographs and plans to gather as much information as possible about the construction and layout of the Fuehrer Bunker.


  • 基于收集数据研究绘制了类似生长曲线根据一个年龄性别推测生命

    Based on the data, the researchers created a chart, much like a growth curve, which estimated life expectancy based on a person's age, gender and walking speed.


  • 美国国家标准技术研究(NIST)最近公布了数千有关2001年世贸中心倒塌照片有些前所未见的。

    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently released thousands of photos, some never-before-seen, of the collapse of the World Trade Center in 2001.


  • 然后可以截取另外进行分析研究之后,附加之前笔记之后然后继续进行分析。

    He can then capture another graph as his investigation proceeds, append that to the previous Note and continue in that way gathering data and making observations.


  • 然后可以截取另外进行分析研究之后,附加之前笔记之后然后继续进行分析。

    He can then capture another graph as his investigation proceeds, append that to the previous Note and continue in that way gathering data and making observations.


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