• 驻印度大使张炎出席“水墨聚焦”中国书画展开幕式致辞

    Remarks by Ambassador Zhang Yan on the Exhibition of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy


  • ,其具体时间可以张炎仇远逝世标志

    The music of ci poetry died out in early Yuan Dynasty, marked specifically by the deaths of Zhang Yan and Qiu Yuan.


  • 结语部分张炎总结桃花源故事繁华过后凄凉下场

    Zhang Yan as an example to some conclusion summed up the story of the Peach Blossom Spring "left desolate downtown after the" end.


  • 张炎长期以来第一位到访比哈尔邦中国外交官,他的行程持续两天。

    The ambassador, who arrived on a two-day visit, first by a Chinese diplomat after a long time, will visit Nalanda on Friday.


  • 张炎对词坛积极作用,也有消极影响,而个体的影响又印证了对群体的影响。

    The influence of Zhang Yan has both positive and negative side. His influence on individuals lends support to the effect on the schools.


  • 场上有炎属性怪物时,可以特殊召唤此卡此卡特殊召唤时,破坏自己场上2张炎属性怪物

    If you control a FIRE monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). When this card is Special Summoned: target 2 FIRE monsters you control; destroy those targets.


  • 张炎,夏仁云,余国庆,血管桡骨骨膜骨移植治疗陈旧性舟骨骨折。中华创伤骨科杂志,2004,6:708- 709。

    Zhang YX, Xia RY, Yu GQ, et al. Grafting of radius periosteum flap pedicled with fascia and vessel in treatment of old scaphoid fracture. Chin J Orthop Trauma, 2004, 6:708-709.


  • 朱炎表示组委已经个人最多购买票数50减少8张,每人限购不同场次比赛、每场最多4张。

    He also said the committee has reduced the maximum number of tickets that individuals can buy from 50 to eight, or a maximum of four tickets to each of two different events.


  • 任命张胜炎为河南省林业厅巡视员,免去河南省林业厅副厅长职务。(2009.07.13

    Zhang Shengyan was appointed Inspector of Henan Provincial Department of Forestry and was relieved from the post of Deputy Director of Henan Provincial Department of Forestry. (2009.07.13


  • 由于爷爷患有关节炎不能时间站立先煮果汁然后厨房一张椅子坐在炉子旁边

    Unable to stand for long periods of time due to arthritic knees, Grandpa would get his juices cooking, then drag over one of the kitchen chairs and sit next to the stove.


  • 能够服输张斐实力果然不同一般

    Can let black burning concede vanquish, Zhang Fei's real strenght naturally as anticipated assorted general.


  • 由于爷爷患有关节炎不能时间站立先煮果汁然后厨房一张椅子坐在炉子旁边

    Unable to stand for long periods of time due to 1 arthritic knees, Grandpa would get his juices cooking, then drag over one of the kitchen chairs and sit next to the stove.


  • 任命张胜炎为河南省林业厅巡视员,免去河南省林业厅副厅长职务。(2009.07.13)。

    Zhang Shengyan was appointed Inspector of Henan Provincial Department of Forestry and was relieved from the post of Deputy Director of Henan Provincial Department of Forestry. (2009.07.13).


  • 本文收集整理近年中医药治疗该病研究进展,并总结导师张晓云教授治疗急性痛风关节炎临床经验

    My paper is a collection of the envelopment on TCM treatment in these years, at the same time I summarized some treatment experience of my tutor Zhang Xiaoyun on acute gouty arthritis.


  • 结果38肺不张纤支镜术检查显示炎性狭窄、阻塞最多见,为18例(47.4%);

    ResultsIn 38 cases with atelectasis, 18 cases were found with inflammatory narrowness and stenosis(47.4%).


  • (in Chinese) 张颖,罗会明,温宁,。 脊髓灰质炎野病毒输入传播风险评估工具研究[J]。中国疫苗免疫,2013,19(1):17-19

    Zhang Y, Luo HM, Wen N, et al. Study on assessment tool for wild poliovirus importation and transmission risk[J]. Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization, 2013,19(1):17-19.


  • (in Chinese) 张颖,罗会明,温宁,。 脊髓灰质炎野病毒输入传播风险评估工具研究[J]。中国疫苗免疫,2013,19(1):17-19

    Zhang Y, Luo HM, Wen N, et al. Study on assessment tool for wild poliovirus importation and transmission risk[J]. Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization, 2013,19(1):17-19.


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