• 光盘放入光盘播放器中。

    He was slotting a CD into a CD player.


  • 他们努力沙发搬马路对面去。

    They were trying to manhandle an old sofa across the road.


  • 现在独自坐在黑猫咖啡馆桌子旁,雨声看着行人经过。

    I'm currently sitting alone at a table outside the Black Cat Cafe, listening to the rain and watching people passing by.


  • 克拉拉苍白瘦削温柔眼睛双眼睛此刻不耐烦地盯着时钟

    Clara had a pale, thin face with soft blue eyes, which at that moment were watching the clock impatiently.


  • 照片展示了男孩海滩上旁边是成堆树叶辆自卸卡车大堆树叶运走。

    One photo showed a young boy crouched on a beach beside piles of the leaves as a dump truck carried off a large load of them.


  • 发现自己房子里在哪里人们围着桌子吃着午餐或是晚餐我所被告知风俗样,聚会上的都是贵族上流社会人士

    I found myself in a large room, where people were sitting at lunch or supper around small tables, as is the custom, I am told, at parties in the houses of our nobility and gentry.


  • 使任何利率平衡下赚取利息如果锁定长的时间内锁定更多数量银行我利息。

    Another lets me earn interest on any positive balance at a rate Banks would only offer if I locked in a far higher amount for a far longer time.


  • 不管怎样,当拼命追赶校车时,我看到人行道美元的钞票!

    Anyway, I was racing to catch the school bus, and I saw a dollar on the sidewalk!


  • 辐射惊人速度向西而来,希望你有地图,这样就能明白是什么意思

    He says that the radiation is coming west at an alarming rate, and you wish you had a map so you'd know what that meant.


  • 有着娃娃脸的激进分子卡萨伯拍到拿着机关枪大步穿过火车站最终名警察制服朝这名警察开枪。

    Kasab, the baby-faced militant who was photographed striding through the railway station with a machine gun, was eventually overpowered by a police constable whom he had shot five times.


  • 所以可能非常书目。

    So notice that this could be a very early canon list.


  • 德克萨斯尽力改善囚犯刑满出狱时的状况,但是出狱的囚犯只能拿到100美元休斯顿或者达拉斯车票

    Texas is making its own efforts to improve results for released offenders, but released prisoners typically get just $100 and a bus ticket to Houston or Dallas.


  • 英国最新调查显示虽然史密斯仍是英国第大姓,但姓“”、“辛格亚洲姓氏的人数以惊人的速度增加

    New research has found that while Smith remains Britain's most popular surname, Asian names such as Zhang and Singh are rapidly catching up.


  • 读着切,感觉自己点点陷入低矮的懒人沙发,而且再也无法站起身来。

    Reading this, I felt I was sinking into a low-slung foam chair from which I couldn't get out.


  • 马库斯·瓦雷斯沃图拍摄自匈牙利琼格拉德州的照片中,颜色鲜艳的虎鸟栖息枝头,凌空捕捉黄蜂。

    One picture by Markus Varesvuo shows a brightly coloured bee-eater sitting on a branch and reaching out for a bumble bee in Csongrad, Hungary.


  • 视线未及窗台边,放着样高的写字桌,桌上散乱着蓝色笔书写稿件萨缪尔•马纳什

    This was the first clue that out of sight, level with the window sill, was a writing desk, and that at this desk, on sheets of unruled paper in blue felt-tip pen, Samuel Menashe was writing poems.


  • 数据快速恶化房地产业已经到达临界点表示

    "The property sector has probably already reached a tipping point given the data is getting worse at a very fast pace," Zhang said.


  • 旁边床上睡来自旧金山的朋友,刚刚恢复单身享受个人的生活。

    On the next mattress was a 15 gal from San Francisco, newly single and enjoying her independence.


  • 摄影师拍到照片是,道琼斯指数暴跌时,纽约证交所资深人士瑞银(ubs)场内业务主管卡欣(ArthurCashin)戴着的“道指10000点”的帽子

    Photographers snapped pictures of NYSE veteran and director of floor operations for UBS, Arthur Cashin, donning his Dow 10, 000 cap as the industrials tumbled lower.


  • 摄影师拍到照片是,道琼斯指数暴跌时,纽约证交所资深人士瑞银(ubs)场内业务主管卡欣(ArthurCashin)戴着的“道指10000点”的帽子

    Photographers snapped pictures of NYSE veteran and director of floor operations for UBS, Arthur Cashin, donning his Dow 10,000 cap as the industrials tumbled lower.


  • 遇到30Rewa 'aOmerNasser医院里站在病床之间,病床上是她女儿ola儿子Yahya

    I had first encountered Rewa 'a Omer, aged 30, in the Nasser Hospital, standing between the beds of her two children, her daughter Ola and her son Yahya.


  • 照片夏洛特公主穿着的小毛衫,头上搭配粉色蝴蝶结推着学步车穿过草坪

    In one of the pictures Charlotte, wearing a little pink cardigan with a matching pink bow in her hair, can be seen pushing her walker across a lawn.


  • 设想下这幅情景,坐在上海宾馆房间里散乱地摆放上海地图,你筹划这座大都市的日行程。

    Picture this - you're in Shanghai, sitting in a hotel room, with five different maps of the city sprawled on the bed before you, and you're trying to logistically plan a day in this grand city.


  • 设想下这幅情景,坐在上海宾馆房间里散乱地摆放上海地图,你筹划这座大都市的日行程。

    Picture this - you're in Shanghai, sitting in a hotel room, with five different maps of the city sprawled on the bed before you, and you're trying to logistically plan a day in this grand city.


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