• 票好吗?

    Could you give me a ticket in the balcony?


  • 2011年5月30江苏省南京市,两位建筑工人从建于1920年代废弃居民垃圾堆里,捡到了一可用桌子

    Construction workers carry a usable desk which they found in a garbage dump site next to dilapidated residential buildings which were build in the 1920s, in Nanjing, Jiangsu province May 30, 2011.


  • 一对夫妇的公寓具有桌子在中间梯的宽踏板可以作为休闲座椅用于存储展示物品

    On the second floor is an apartment for a couple that features a wide wooden staircase with a desk midway up, and wide treads that can be used as casual seating or for storing and displaying objects.


  • 是公寓中的起居室,一推拉式的木板既可用作收纳之用,又可作为咖啡使用。

    In this condo's living room, a handy pull-out shelf functions as a dining table while a coffee table does double duty as a bench.


  • 登记员可以营业部联系办理一停车

    R:You can contact the Estate Department on the fourth floor about getting a parking permit.


  • 酒店37个卧室总共99入口大堂餐厅其他重要场所放置俯瞰景观运动场

    The hotel is composed of 37 bedrooms for a total of 99 beds, an entrance lobby and a big cafeteria, another important hall is located at the first floor overlooking the landscape and the sport fields.


  • 而且总有一天鸟症视为残疾房东必须按照法律规定这栋大网

    It's called ornithophobia, and someday it will be recognized as a true disability, and then the landlord will be required by law to put a giant net over the building.


  • 不过百科词典还是拥有地图,它显示了所有位置确定房间。 另外还有格兰芬多男生宿舍城堡场地地图

    The Lexicon includes a map of the Ground Floor, however, showing all the rooms which can be positively located, and maps of the Gryffindor boys' dormitory and the castle and grounds.


  • 温馨提醒:面试携带身份证复印件彩色照片酒店5人力资源部。

    Kindly reminder: Please bring one copy of ID card and one inch color photo to have an interview on 5th Floor.


  • 海湾看去,已经不再典型城市形态:垂直摩天办公酒店耸立前面

    ZK: Viewing from the bay area, it's no longer those typical urban vertical high-rise office buildings and hotels in front.


  • 环境不错,干净,舒适我们坐在,围着很长的桌子坐下。20分钟以后,就开始上菜了。

    The environment is cleanly and comfortable, we got up to the 2nd floor and sitting around a long and black table. the food started to serving after 20 minutes.


  • 房间里桌子

    There is a big table in teh room.


  • 下车后在匆匆走向办公时候看到地上100刀的钞票飞舞

    I was walking to my building when I saw a 100 dollar note flying my way.


  • 断裂带北侧地区广泛出露寒武系粒灰岩,鲕粒变形普遍发育

    Oolite lime of Cambrian Zhangxia group emerged widely in Loucun area north beyond the fault and oolite deformation is widely developed.


  • 我们银行大厦有一宽敞房间,当中设有一长长的木桌

    On the tenth floor of the bank building was a spacious room with a long wooden table.


  • 抱怨头发噪音他们转移22房间更好,有一双人床

    I complaint about the hair and noise and they moved me up to the 22nd floor, which is a better room with one double bed.


  • 开工之项目学校至少提供新建增建教学校园之预定地照片,若属危房改建者,则提供危房拆除前具代表性之照片一

    Schools whose construction have not been commenced shall provide at least one photo of the planned place for the new or built-out teaching building or campus.


  • 图书馆里接待杂志,一个多功能室,底儿童区,一个通用区和内部工作区

    It has a reception desk, a magazines area, a multipurpose room and a children's area on the ground floor, as well as a general area and an internal work area on the first floor.


  • 应聘者直接带上个人简历像片2至金都大酒店21人力资源部参加面试

    We will not arrange interview through website, All candidates are requested to come to Human Resources Department on the 21st floor for interview with personal resume and 1 inch photos for 2.


  • 薛淑英王志彦影响乳腺癌手术患者睡眠形态紊乱相关因素护理对策河北医药,2005,27 (7):555。

    Xue SY, Wang ZY, Zhang YL. The correlation factors influencing sleep of the post-mastectomy breast cancer patients and the nursing strategies. Hebei Journal of Medicine, 2005, 27 (7) : 555.


  • 我们厅的15元 一票。

    We have seat at 15 in the balcony.


  • 福利院1310多名残疾儿童正在排练舞蹈剑飞孩子逐一交流,他们送上了节日的礼物——崭新书包

    On the 13rd floor of the institute, a dance performed by 10 disabled children was in rehearsal. Mayor Zhang talked with them and presented them with new schoolbags for Children's Day.


  • 福利院1310多名残疾儿童正在排练舞蹈剑飞孩子逐一交流,他们送上了节日的礼物——崭新书包

    On the 13rd floor of the institute, a dance performed by 10 disabled children was in rehearsal. Mayor Zhang talked with them and presented them with new schoolbags for Children's Day.


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