• 蝴蝶后面有意向内那个永恒的。

    Behind the butterfly is the face of consciousness, looking inward to that which is eternal.


  • 为了获得最好效果朋友取经(如果问到的朋友就最好不过了),问他们是如何整一有意照片

    For best results, ask your friends (even better if you can talk to her friends) to comb their digital libraries for a meaningful PIC.


  • 即使照片快速地呈现受试者面前,受试者到自己看到了照片,他们也出汗

    The sweat shows up even when a picture is presented so rapidly that the subject has no conscious awareness of seeing it.


  • 希望这件有意事情可以传播世界各地同时5美元的快餐礼品这样无家可归可以享受饭。

    She hopes that the meaningful thing can spread around the world, and she also wants to add $5 fast food gift card so that the homeless people can also enjoy a hot meal.


  • 表格当然绝对不是一完整的表格,不过,探讨一件有意思的旅行

    This is by no means a complete list, but it should prove to be an interesting adventure.


  • 口袋里找到纸条写着要对某人某事是件很有意

    How nice would it be to find a note in your pocket telling you that you matter to someone?


  • 同辈人中的很多小孩一样,19岁拿到了自己信用卡并且自由地使用,完全到这会给自己带来伤害

    Like many kids of my generation, I got my first credit card at 19, and used it liberally without any sense of the damage I was doing to myself.


  • 简单有意图片人类意志象征

    This is a simple but meaningful picture. It's a symbol for the human will.


  • 他们有意识到,每个物体出现之前屏幕上快速闪过一或者愤怒恐惧或者平静面孔

    They were unaware that just before each object appeared, the screen quickly flashed either an angry, fearful or neutral face.


  • 例如上述行为中,如果先生产销售部门管理者们进行反馈,然后再去设计图纸的。

    In the above list of actions, for example, it does not make sense to create the minimum of five draft sketches before obtaining feedback from the product and marketing managers.


  • 他们卖掉几百品尝券,但显然只分配少量昂贵所以他们的存货很快告罄了,拿不出或是有意思的酒来。

    They'd clearly allocated a very limited number of pricey bottles to a tasting for which they'd sold hundreds of tickets, so they quickly ran out of anything older or more interesting.


  • 放屁fart’是为了帮助我们记住:强烈的有意的照片,而不是行色匆匆地席卷而结果得到大堆没劲、乏味的快照

    FARTing helps us remember to make a strong, meaningful photo instead of just snapping away and winding up with a lot of boring, thoughtless snapshots.


  • 艺术给给某个脑壳里点点了点就是下边这些了——有意看看简简单单一幅画都让了些啥。

    This is how it looks like when you give a dot art to someone who is a little bit older with a little bit of dirty mind. It is interesting to see what a simple picture makes someone to think of.


  • 那么,我个例子,如果一个学生诽谤世界新闻组网络的帖子,但我们识到是具有诽谤性质的,那一旦条帖子被诉讼只有这个学生需要承担法律责任。

    Thus, for example, if a student posts a libelous message to our Usenet server and we never learn of it, the student alone will be liable if the message results in a lawsuit.


  • 全然没有有意嘲讽之意文章棺材照片阐明文章内容。

    Without conscious irony, the article was illustrated with a photograph of a coffin.


  • 有意人物主体照片

    This is the very first photograph that intentionally has a human as its main subject.


  • 正确裁剪技巧可以幅普普通通的随意变成难得的,有意义的照片

    With the right cropping skills, you can make any ordinary shot into a noteworthy, interesting photograph.


  • 带来了自己典型的文艺使用东西并用一种真的有意思的方式融入非常商业化的影片。

    He took things that he would use in a classic Zhang Yimou art film and melded it into a really commercial format in a really interesting way.


  • 有意者请中英文简历、期望薪金一寸近照至所述地址

    Please send your resumes (both in Chinese and English), expected salary and photos to address by post.


  • 你可以一个一起快乐时光画册或者一起特别好看或者特别有意的合照。

    Maybe it's a gallery of fun times you've had together; perhaps it's a particularly glamorous or amusing shot of them.


  • 认为个人城市景观结合图片中,视觉上看上去有意思,同时直接方式表现出两者对抗的力量。

    I thought by combining the individual and the cityscape in one shot it would be interesting visually and also in a very open way the two would then play off each other.


  • 如果有意为此项基金或是学校运作捐献校长振坤联系。

    If you would like to make donations to this fund or for general purposes, please contact the principal, CK Chang.


  • 群论方法给出一种具有特殊本征对称性四阶各点晶体中的形式,并将其应用于声光散射转动效应的研究,获得了有意义的结果。

    The form of a four-rank tensor with the particular intrinsic symmetry for a variety of crystal symmetry is given by the use of the group theory method.


  • 群论方法给出一种具有特殊本征对称性四阶各点晶体中的形式,并将其应用于声光散射转动效应的研究,获得了有意义的结果。

    The form of a four-rank tensor with the particular intrinsic symmetry for a variety of crystal symmetry is given by the use of the group theory method.


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