• 周前便条。

    She had written him a note a couple of weeks earlier.


  • 上海ATP1000大师赛组委会1日宣布,将把两正选赛单打外卡发给世界排名第442位的少眩和第481位的公茂鑫。

    The ATP Shanghai Masters 1000 organizers announced some wild card entries Tuesday.


  • 其中照片出现经济学人》封面上。

    One of those pictures appeared on the cover of the Economist.


  • 认为我会描述一种状态制成悲伤地图。

    I thought I could describe a state; make a map of sorrow.


  • 一个被化疗蹂躏得光秃秃脑袋——公众似乎很快就接受了,正如我们习惯于认作“一种族主义者面孔”“可笑的无知者形象”那样。

    The bald, chemo-ravaged head - the public got used to that pretty quickly, just as we once got used to thinking of her as "the face of racism" or "the laughable image of illiteracy".


  • 一旦找到妈妈喜欢香味,在贺卡小便条,说明选择的香味代表你们度过特别时光

    Once you find a scent mom likes add a little note to the gift card of what special time you spent together the scent you chose represents.


  • 莫斯科唯一认识尼基·亚历克西斯。早先夏天,我牛津回家,她送给非常喜欢友谊卡片

    The only person I knew in Moscow was Nikki Alexis, who had given me the two friendship CARDS I loved when I went home from Oxford the previous summer.


  • 2005年,《华尔街日报》获得难得的机会,参观了该监狱,狱警让记者参观了囚室里面双层,住着八个犯人,旁边连着很小盥洗室

    In a rare 2005 visit to the facility by the Wall Street Journal, the warden offered a visit to one cell, which housed eight prisoners on four bunk beds and was connected to a small washroom.


  • 表示中国接收到来自外籍捐赠者众多援助以及资金支持,此举应当受到“尊重理解以及鼓励”。

    He said that China also has received a lot of support and funding from overseas donors, and Zhang's move should be regarded with "respect, understanding and encouragement".


  • 宋朝商英,“没有做好事快乐的了。”只有一个懂得给予不是一味索取的时候感到真正的快乐

    Zhang Shangying from Song dynasty said, “Nothing is happier than being happy of doing good deeds”, only a person whoknows how to give rather than just take can be truly happy.


  • 长凳上坐一整天,一点东西都没到了晚上我请他吃饭——只须段街就到了馆子,他却回答说:‘麻烦老兄,给我买盒烟就行了!

    I've seen him sit all day on a bench and never a bite pass his lips, and in the evening, when I invited him to dinner - restaurant two blocks away - have him say, 'Too much trouble, old man.


  • 研发人员希望推进他们技术,使之轻易处理成千上万甚至数百万图片

    The researchers wanted to push - or "scale" - their technology to be able to handle tens of thousands or even millions of photos.


  • 据报道去年夏天警方打击几家非法经营的网吧,原因是明目胆地提供超出一般的网上聊天约会之外的服务。

    Last summer the police were reported to have cracked down on several illegal Internet cafes which offered something more daring than the average chatting and dating.


  • 看看俄亥俄州斯维尔,律师制作自来水地图,看到那些房子,谁家连着用水

    Look at Zanesville, Ohio. Here is a map a lawyer made, put on at the water plant, seeing which houses are there, which houses have been connected to the water?


  • 遇上过这样问题段时间以后,所有这些经典照片都开始指向同一个方向

    As my photo source. The problem I've been running into however is that after a while, all these vintage photos tend to direct each piece in the same direction.


  • 委内瑞拉法院禁止国民报》(ElNacional,委内瑞拉主要报纸之一)出版一系列暴力犯罪信息,之前该报刊登加拉加斯太平间尸体照片。

    A court in Venezuela barred el Nacional, one of the country's leading newspapers, from publishing information about a wave of violent crime, after it printed a photo of corpses in the Caracas morgue.


  • 从事研究二十中,教授听说过许多来自“同妻”的悲剧性故事她们如何自己丈夫行为感到羞愧,并且这增加了她们无爱婚姻中的压抑

    In more than 20 years of research, Zhang has heard many tragic stories from tongqi: how they were ashamed of their husband's behavior and grew depressed in their loveless marriage.


  • 想走向世界,”火车驶进伦敦时,,“当我40岁时坐在说,‘我的专辑卖出一千万!’

    "I'd like it to be a worldwide thing, " she says as the train pulls into London.


  • 事业顶峰无疑全世界最耀眼明星卖出75亿专辑

    At the height of his career, he was indisputably the biggest star in the world; he has sold more than 750 million albums.


  • 但也有一个小小的失望之处:尽管抵达之前一再要求他们地图无论是四川省地图还是任何地区地图。

    One slight disappointment was that despite my repeated requests in advance of arriving, they were unable to provide me any maps, either of the province or the areas we were to visit.


  • 抱怨其他事情的表格。然后这些事情按讨厌的顺序最不讨厌的顺序排列。

    Make a list of other things you have complained about. Then rank the items from the most to the least annoying.


  • 外祖父家的地窖挖前院,里面摆着一桌子,桌上放着盏煤油灯

    Theirs was out in the front yard, and had a little bed and a small table with a coal-oil lantern on it.


  • 魅力在于武术方面训练有素韩国教练学了,那位教练师从一位台湾晚期李小龙的追随者。

    How's this for charm: Jang Hyuk is well-skilled in martial arts, having trained for seven years with a Korean master who learnt from a Taiwanese disciple of the late Bruce Lee.


  • 哈姆雷特奥菲利亚,“上帝,你却自己再造了。”真实自己外在的伪装相互斗争胜负难分。

    As Hamlet said to Ophelia, "God has given you one face, and you make yourself another." the battle between these two halves of identity who we are and who we pretend to be, is unwinnable.


  • 梵志画布拼成展示了任何印记技法中介如何必须像面具那样把它们所创造的意象予以遮蔽。

    Zeng's group of three canvases demonstrates how any marking, any technique, any medium, must mask the image it reveals.


  • 记得和祖母在同床上。

    He remembers he Shared a bed with his grandmother.


  • 记得和祖母在同床上。

    He remembers he Shared a bed with his grandmother.


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