• '没有行医啊,','我颁的小贩执照,必要的话,我可以领的执照。

    I don't practice medicine, 'says I,' I've got a State peddler's license, and I take out a city one wherever they demand it.


  • 必须德克萨斯居住证明例如得克萨斯身份证

    You have to have proof of residence in the state of Texas, such as a Texas ID card.


  • 如果马萨诸塞再次露面的话,她发现拘捕令正等着

    If she shows her face again back in Massachusetts she'll find a warrant for her arrest waiting.


  • 宾夕法尼亚进行一项研究,多家餐馆服务员在将账单交给顾客之前,会随机选择账单,在上面写上谢谢”。

    In a study conducted in Pennsylvania, servers in various restaurants wrote "Thank you" on randomly selected bills before presenting the bills to their customers.


  • 当然自己所在国际的驾驶执照

    A: Of course.I have my own license and an international license.


  • 至少情人结婚周年里,只要卡片一个(绝大多数如此)。

    At least with Valentine's Day and your anniversary you only have to buy a card for one person (in most states).


  • 猜想华盛顿装饰华丽的办公室墙上肯定挂着表,上方是这个法案所有在下方

    You've just got a chart on the wall in your fancy office in Washington with this bill at the top and all the states listed below.


  • 现在伊利诺伊西北大学研究者们,当时德尔·布洛克曼带头,超过五十万美元钞票在年内活动情况进行分析

    Researchers led by Dirk Brockmann, now at Northwestern University in Illinois, analysed the movements of more than half a million US one-dollar bills as they were passed around over five years.


  • 科罗拉多,允许联邦土地上进行钻探许可证数量1996年的79增长2006年的650

    The number of drilling permits granted on federal land in Colorado rose from 79 in 1996 to 650 in 2006.


  • 美国北达科他法哥的第一社区银行,某男人在排完队轮到办理业务时将勒索便条递给柜员,柜员如数给了他现金后

    After waiting on line at the Community First Bank in Fargo, North Dakota a man wrote out a ransom note and handed it to the teller. The teller gave him the money and he ran out the door.


  • 德克萨斯位药店营业员认为原因在于墨西哥黑人不同,他们可以坐在冷饮柜边饮料,但是如果想要桌子,白人分开坐。

    One Texas drugstore clerk explained that Mexicans, unlike blacks, were allowed to drink at the soda fountain. But if they wanted a table they would be seated apart from whites.


  • 不过想到花费时,我脑海中看到我们士兵的脸庞,安息泰晤士报上列出的加利福尼亚死亡将士

    But when I think of the cost, what I see are the faces of our soldiers. Go here, to the Times' obituaries for California's war dead and read their stories.


  • 译者注1990年,北卡罗来纳参议员耶西赫尔姆斯竞选时,竞选广告中有这样一个镜头:一双白人撕破工作拒绝涵。

    Third, bash affirmative action, as the late North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms did in 1990 when he ran an AD showing white hands crumpling a job rejection notice.


  • 墨西哥卡尔斯巴德洞窟圆顶,是有史以来彩色照片刊载于1925年国家地理杂志上

    The Dome Room in New Mexico’s Carlsbad Cavern marked the first underground color photograph ever shot, published in the September 1925 issue of National Geographic.


  • 照片是“汽车事故――位于美国66号公路亚利桑那温斯洛佛拉格斯塔之间”,这照片表现路边尸体尸体一块布遮盖着有四个人悲伤在尸体旁边

    The next photo, "Car Accident -- U.S. 66, Between Winslow and Flagstaff, Arizona, " shows a body on the side of the road that is also covered with a cloth. Four people stand sadly near the body.


  • 共和党人普遍指望,要想征战积累270选举人问鼎白宫佛罗里达一个势在必得

    Republicans generally count on Florida as a must-win state in the state-by-state battle to accumulate the 270 electoral votes necessary to claim the White House.


  • 这只名叫弗兰克的猫它的主人米巴里美国马萨诸塞它遗传性面部畸形,使长出额外的一脸。

    Frankenlouie, who lives with his owner in Milbury, Massachusetts, has a genetic birth deformity which caused him to grow the extra facial features.


  • 看看俄亥俄曾斯维尔,律师制作自来水地图,看到那些房子,谁家连着用水

    Look at Zanesville, Ohio. Here is a map a lawyer made, put on at the water plant, seeing which houses are there, which houses have been connected to the water?


  • 佐治亚甚至提议名新生婴儿发一古典音乐CD或者盘磁带

    Georgia's governor even proposed giving every newborn there a classical CD or cassette.


  • 堪萨斯西南部,曾经的短草牧场因为圆形的饲料作物田地点缀而变得斑驳起来,整图片宛如幅美妙的现代艺术作品

    Resembling a work of modern art, variegated green crop circles cover what was once shortgrass prairie in south-western Kansas.


  • 密歇根特拉弗斯克林奇公园动物园拍到粉红色罕见白化叩头它早年受到营养不良的折磨,现在炫耀发育奇特的

    Pinky, a rare albino snapping turtle - who suffered malnutrition in his earlier years and now sports an oddly developed shell - is pictured at the Clinch Park Zoo in Traverse City, Michigan.


  • 当然自己国际的驾驶执照

    Of course, I have any own license and an international license.


  • 1955年4月份18的时候,最年长哥哥送给汽车票让我看望,他密西西比的比老科斯市的凯瑟空军基地服役。

    In April 1955, when I was 18, my oldest brother sent me a bus ticket to visit him at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Miss., for a week.


  • 之前提到来自南达科他88FlorenceSteen坚持的女儿缺席选举人票床边

    I've told you before about Florence Steen of South Dakota, who was 88 years old, and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside.


  • 之前提到来自南达科他88FlorenceSteen坚持的女儿缺席选举人票床边

    I've told you before about Florence Steen of South Dakota, who was 88 years old, and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside.


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