• 邮件中附有奥巴马描写黑猩猩儿子照片。

    Attached to that email was a picture of Obama as the son of chimpanzees.


  • 发行情歌专辑。

    He is releasing an album of love songs.


  • 收到全额账单。

    You will receive a bill for the full amount.


  • 然后我们寄给全部课程费用发票。

    We will then send you an invoice for the total course fees.


  • 圈外人继续遭受极其明目胆的歧视

    Outsiders will continue to suffer the most blatant discrimination.


  • 获胜者每人获得代币券,可换取两电影票。

    The winners will each receive a voucher for a pair of movie tickets.


  • 任意抽取10名符合要求入围者赢得入场券价值$30

    The first 10 correct entries drawn out of the hat will win a pair of tickets, worth $30 each.


  • 考试包括回答一些关于照片的问题

    The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.


  • 获胜者获得现金机会发行他们激光唱片

    The winners will pocket a cash sum and get a chance to release their debut CD single.


  • 今年夏天父母再次北京

    Zhang Xin will go to Beijing again with his parents this summer.


  • 2006年大选肖恩•特伦德制作了图表,现任总统的竞选开支优势他们最终获胜优势进行比较。

    After the 2006 election, Sean Trende constructed a graph comparing the incumbent campaign spending advantages with their eventual margins of victory.


  • 票房分析师预测,到今年年底售出13.5亿门票,低于2009年14.2亿

    Box office analysts forecast 1.35 billion tickets will be sold by the end of the year, down on 1.42 billion sold in 2009.


  • 小提琴盒子里,然后盒子放在一的床那里可以避免被碰到

    His fiddle is in its box, he laid it on one end of the bed where it would ride softly.


  • 100名订票免费获得主角亲笔签名照片一

    The top 100 leading tickets will get an autograph photo for free.


  • 宾夕法尼亚州进行一项研究,多家餐馆服务员账单交给顾客之前,会随机选择账单,在上面写上谢谢”。

    In a study conducted in Pennsylvania, servers in various restaurants wrote "Thank you" on randomly selected bills before presenting the bills to their customers.


  • 航空包裹邮寄收据寄买家

    Addressed two copies of air parcel post receipt to the buyers.


  • 与此同时医生更多女生寻求堕胎因为她们单纯到知道如何保护自己

    Meanwhile, Zhang says more girls will be seeking abortions because they simply don't know how to protect themselves.


  • 稍后摄影师需要通过电脑图片最佳特征一起。

    Later, the photographer needs to merge the best characteristics of each photo on a computer.


  • 如果复杂模型,例如一显示进入临界状态的反应堆图表,则做出如何防止熔炉的决策会复杂。

    If the model is complex-perhaps a diagram showing a nuclear reactor going critical-the decisions on how to prevent a meltdown will be complex.


  • 展示幻灯片中,网络价值量化使用者人数平方简单做比。

    On a slide, he quantified a network's value as roughly proportional to the square of its number of users.


  • 雇佣一队专业人员购物中心或者公共广场支起折叠文件置于桌上,然后桌子附近游荡路人搭讪。

    A group of paid professionals put the paperwork on a folding table in a mall or public plaza and then roam around the table, approaching passers-by.


  • 液滴硬的索引卡上

    Slide droplets onto a sheet of rigid paper like an index card.


  • 第二在其旁边一个星号因为实在太重要了。

    The second picture I'll put a star beside that, because it is such an important one.


  • 动作立即他吃红牌,也缺失半决赛同时吉安送到了罚球线。

    That drew an immediate red card for the striker, who will miss the semifinal, and sent Gyan to the penalty spot.


  • 铅笔上然后结合处粘住。

    At first he winded a piece of paper around a pencil and glued it.


  • H.D.R模式下,相机会连续捕捉片:一亮,一正常,一,然后照片组合成一

    In H.D.R. mode, the camera snaps three shots in succession: one that favors the brights, one normal, one that favors the darks - and combines them.


  • H.D.R模式下,相机会连续捕捉片:一亮,一正常,一,然后照片组合成一

    In H.D.R. mode, the camera snaps three shots in succession: one that favors the brights, one normal, one that favors the darks - and combines them.


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