• 警察使用了一合成照片确认嫌疑犯

    The police used a composite photo to identify the suspect.


  • 开始收集支票整理起来,把一百张合成一扎,一扎扎

    He began to collect them and sort them out, in packages of a hundred, tying each package securely with twine.


  • 合成或者成为“变体”,八位正常小脚女性脸形组合而成。

    It is a composite face, or "morph", made from the faces of eight women with unusually small feet.


  • 唱片《帕伯军士俱乐部》封套合成照片,画面上一大堆人簇拥墓地周围。

    The cover on a new LP album called Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is a photomontage of a crowd gathered round a grave.


  • 解放报》末版刊出无头公鸡”广告 是一张合成图,广告底部用小字写道没有动物杀”。

    The headless bird was a photo-montage and "no animal was killed," noted the small print at the bottom of the ad on the back page of Liberation newspaper.


  • 张合成照片直观比较了同一台望远镜照相机拍摄太阳,一拍摄2008年近日点,另一个拍摄于同年的远日点。

    This composite neatly compares two pictures of the Sun taken with the same telescope and camera on the dates of Perihelion (closest approach) and Aphelion in 2008.


  • 同年一个威士忌品牌把一电脑合成李小龙照片用中文广告里,这一举动冒犯许多粉丝毕竟大家都知道李小龙可是滴沾的人。

    In the same year, a CGI Bruce Lee appeared in a Chinese language ad for a whisky brand, which offended many fans because Lee was widely known not to drink alcohol at all.


  • 一方面,告知他们自己的脸所合成的——即使不是这样——他们也会认为这比较没有吸引力。

    On the other hand, when participants were told that a face had been morphed with their own - even if it hadn't - they were less attracted to it.


  • 不管照片相机还是电脑合成结果没有吓人一跳耀眼闪光没有因为照相机闪光太亮产生的多余虚假影像,干净利落的一照片

    Whether the images are combined directly on a camera or on a computer, the result is a crisp photograph without any of the startling dazzle or unwanted artifacts produced by a bright camera flash.


  • 一方面,告知他们自己的脸所合成的——即使不是这样——他们也会认为这比较没有吸引力。

    On the other hand, when participants were told that a face had been morphed with their owneven if it hadn'tthey were less attracted to it.


  • 静态图像压缩合成GIF格式文件(动态图像)一部时长1分24秒的视频片段

    The GIF file, made by compressing several images into an animation, is part of a 1:24 long video.


  • 历史上8字曲线照片——1978年至1979年期间,美国格兰创作照片——是世界上为数不多的没有使用合成前景的8字曲线照片之一

    The first analemma photograph ever made-created over New England in the U.S. between 1978 and 1979-stands as one of the few analemma pictures in the world that does not use a composited foreground.


  • H.D.R模式下,相机会连续捕捉片:一亮,一正常,一,然后照片组合成

    In H.D.R. mode, the camera snaps three shots in succession: one that favors the brights, one normal, one that favors the darks - and combines them.


  • 因此一整份合成CDO中,风险最高部分收费最高,违约发生时就变成一废纸。

    So in a synthetic CDO, those who owned the riskiest tranches got more of the premium but lost out when defaults occurred.


  • 打开相机快门捕捉过的飞行路径。拍了几分钟然后合成图片

    I left the shutter open to capture his flashing flight path, freezing minutes of time and action into a single image.


  • 一个男子下了车,我家邻居孩子男孩还是女孩先生过来根据邻居回忆合成人像

    "A man got out and asked my neighbour whether our baby was a boy or girl," said Mr Wu, handing over a composite image of the man that the villagers had drawn up.


  • NGC 6240(星系)图片来自钱德拉X射线天文台)X射线数据如图部分所示)哈勃望远镜于2008年首度公开的一光学图像两者合成的。

    This image of NGC 6240 contains new X-ray data from Chandra (shown in red, orange, and yellow) that has been combined with an optical image from the Hubble Space Telescope originally released in 2008.


  • 图片合成图,耶鲁大学皮博迪自然历史博物馆

    Composite of three images, at Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale university.


  • 幅经过伪色处理拼图28图片经过7个步骤合成,全部西尼窄角度摄像机完成

    This false-color mosaic was created from 28 images obtained at seven footprints, or pointing positions, by Cassini's narrow-angle camera.


  • 实际上9照片经过高度数码合成的360度全景图片

    The image is actually a deep digital fusion of nine photos that create a panorama fully 360 across.


  • 六月印度洋留尼汪一位调皮摄影师8照片合成奇妙天空

    Earlier this month, over Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean, a playful photographer with an eye for the sky took eight images and composed the above intriguing picture.


  • Kanye专辑,2008年的808sand Heartbreak,大量运用Auto - Tune刻板的电子合成却相对缺乏堂皇构想

    Kanye's last album, 2008's 808s and Heartbreak, was heavy on the Auto-Tune and stark synths, but relatively light on grandiose ideas.


  • 假设包含了所有元素的图像,那么你可以这个方法合成完整图像

    You could have all elements in a single image file and use this method to composite a complete drawing.


  • 这一百天的工作后来合成了一综合照。

    Yes. I combined one hundreds work photos with one big composite photo.


  • 艾玛泰勒有一小歪嘴儿,是图像合成处理的搭档

    Emma and Taylor share the same slanted mouth making them a good match to combine.


  • 人生各个失落部分逐渐梦幻现实中新的图画

    Lost in all parts of life gradually combined into a new reality and fantasy picture.


  • 完后应用就捕捉到的组全景图

    Once you are done, the app combines what you've captured into one beautiful panoramic shot.


  • 2009年,整合成深度传播机构吉成董事长人民网家电频道开设专家专栏

    In 2009, Depth Communication Agency was established; President Jason Zhang established expert column about household appliance in people. com. cn.


  • 2009年,整合成深度传播机构吉成董事长人民网家电频道开设专家专栏

    In 2009, Depth Communication Agency was established; President Jason Zhang established expert column about household appliance in people. com. cn.


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