• 但是我们知道今天张付薪水的支票收支相抵,在惯常的花掉时候

    But we know it takes two paychecks to make ends meet today, when it used to take one.


  • 记住空中大会不是完全事先组织好装在盒子里的活动在那儿可以只是下来张付享受表演

    Please remember that JOTI is not a completely pre-organized key-in-the-box event where you can just sit down, pay a ticket and enjoy the show.


  • 在写这个故事过程马利嘴里还抢回其他一些东西(「梳子就是这样被他叼走了!」)包括张付薪金用的支票一条项链

    Other items wrenched from Marley's jaws during the course of this story ("so that's where my comb went! ") include a paycheck and a gold necklace.


  • 鹏猜测是错了。

    Zhang Peng guessed that the payment was a mistake.


  • 如果小姐公寓,你一个打算多少钱?

    How much will you pay for a month if you want to rent a small apartment from Ms.Zhang?


  • 澳大利亚旅馆账单和餐馆账单不含服务费,国家不鼓励小费的行为, 以给服务员消费的现象并不多见。 当然,如果客人因自己得到特别周到的服 务而愿意酬劳,那么以相当于款额 10%的消费较为合适。

    Tipping is neither encouraged nor routine, although visitors may reward special services if they wish, in which case 10 percent of the bill is adequate.


  • 使任何一定利率平衡下赚取利息如果锁定一个长的时间内锁定更多数量银行我利息。

    Another lets me earn interest on any positive balance at a rate Banks would only offer if I locked in a far higher amount for a far longer time.


  • 他用一“买二送一”优惠券结账,克洛伊那一半

    He paid with a two-for-one coupon and made Chloe pay her half.


  • 塑料卡片500美元就立即就让我们拥有了它。

    We instantly saved ourselves about $500 by paying with plastic.


  • 开头提到的那位医生倾诉老妇要求以“奶奶”来称呼最初这位老妇人并不提到那场地震。

    The elderly lady with whom Zhang talked on a recent visit, and whom he asked to be identified only as "Granny Fu," initially said she did not want to talk about the earthquake.


  • 看做得到开快车得到罚单如果遵守那条规则我就必须罚款甚至失去驾驶权利

    I look at it more like getting a speeding ticket. There's a rule there and if I don't follow it, I have to pay a fine and may even lose my privilege to drive.


  • 新的医保方案出台我们只需8%的药费。70岁后还得到老年证,可以免费公交车公园。

    Under the new healthcare plan, we only need to pay 8% if buying medicine, and after I turned 70 I got a senior citizen's pass allowing me to go to any park and take any bus for free.


  • 看看钱包里是否睡眠”——很少使用年费的卡。

    Make sure you don't have a sleeper card, one you hardly use but still pay an annual fee for, in your wallet.


  • 勉强挤坐在奶奶狭窄相当整洁临时营帐然而,这并不足以开启老人的回忆

    Scarcely had Zhang sat down in Fu's cramped but impeccably tidy room in her barracks-like row of temporary housing, however, than she gave vent to her memories.


  • M如果一个小时到达介意一些钱,那么二等快车票

    M: as long as we arrive one hour earlier, I don't mind paying a little extra. Then give me two second-class tickets on the express, PLS.


  • 变卖家具几乎不够丧葬用人找到一破纸,交了给马吕斯。

    The sale of big furniture barely paid the expenses of his burial.


  • 玛格丽特钢笔签下了份弃权声明书接着打开了便携式钱包百元大钞,“的,现在一半等效果满意后再另外一半?”

    She took up the pen and signed the waiver, then opened her clutch purse and counted out ten 100 notes. "Half now, you said, and half upon satisfaction?"


  • 作为维萨万事达规模小的公司,发现公司(此举)希望2.3亿支用户中的一部分人,能他需要申请一新正的发现信用卡

    As for Discover, a smaller player than Visa and MasterCard, it hopes some of PayPal's 230 million customers will sign up for a shiny new credit card while they're at it.


  • 信誉卡创造源于个体难堪遭逢,晚饭钱时发现自己忘了带钱包。 。

    Thee first credit card was created because of the embarrassment of a man who had to pay for dinner but forgot his wallet.


  • 是个危险时期,”太阳月亮咖啡店的老板惠承认租金使纳西族房东能够改善居住条件,搬新城去住

    "This is a dangerous time, " admitted Zhang Hui, owner of the Sun Moon Café, whose rental payments enabled her Naxi landlord to upgrade to the new town.


  • 不幸爱情往往可靠债务人到期借票,的。

    Unfortunately, love, often as a reliable debtor's maturity does not pay the bill, will add your private money.


  • 只要我们能早一个钟头达到,介意一些那么二等特快车票。

    As long as we arrived one hour earlier I don't mind paying a little extra. Then give me two second class tickets on the express, please.


  • 不过她告诉有钱随时可以押金填了卡,然后多少都行

    She told me I could pay the deposit any time I had the money and made me out a car and said I could take as many book as I wished.


  • 支票旅费。

    I'll give you a cheque to cover the cost of you journey.


  • 同样对于一周健身房或者健身频率低的来说,办一健身房的会员卡可能去一一次要花费更多。 。

    Similarly, , tempting gym membership subscriptions can work out to be much more costly than pay-as-you-go schemes for those who only visit once a week or less.


  • 他们除了经常满屋里眼镜,找钥匙,他们还的食品杂货忘柜台上账单忘了

    Added to the frequent house-wide hunts for glasses and car keys were the groceries left behind on the counter, notices of bills left unpaid.


  • 请帮忙译得信达雅一点,谢谢!我厂会派专业摄影师拍摄6细节两2境,为此全部的费用。

    Our factory will assign a professional photographer to shoot 6 detailed pictures and 2 close shots fo you, however, you need to charge for that.


  • 请帮忙译得信达雅一点,谢谢!我厂会派专业摄影师拍摄6细节两2境,为此全部的费用。

    Our factory will assign a professional photographer to shoot 6 detailed pictures and 2 close shots fo you, however, you need to charge for that.


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