• 2008年10月16日发行了第五韩国专辑《唯雨独尊》。

    On October 16, 2008, he released his fifth Korean album, "Rainism".


  • 现在伊利诺伊州西北大学研究者们,当时德尔·布洛克曼带头,超过五十万美元钞票在活动情况进行分析

    Researchers led by Dirk Brockmann, now at Northwestern University in Illinois, analysed the movements of more than half a million US one-dollar bills as they were passed around over five years.


  • 在20世纪20年代8岁到12孩子们每周六都会排队买一五分钱电影票接着看上周六悬而未决险情如何化解

    Back in the 20's children between the ages of 8 and 12 lined up on Saturdays to buy their nickel tickets to see the crisis of last Saturday resolved.


  • 1969到1975年间,每天3小时演出过后,其余时间录歌这些歌组成了杰克逊五兄弟在13专辑

    After three hours' daily tutoring, he spent the rest of the day recording the 13 albums the Jacksons released for Motown between 1969 and 1975.


  • IBM金融路线图”,告知投资者在下一预期利润以及实现途径。

    IBM has a financial "roadmap" telling investors how profitable it intends to be in the next five years and how it will get there.


  • 昕杰和姚凯艳已经在一起

    Eric Zhang, left, and Yao Kaiyan have been together for more than five years.


  • 新世纪头十中期,据称迈克尔·杰克逊朋友巴林王子阿卜杜拉的资助下,开始创作专辑如果成功,那以来的首专辑。

    In the mid-00s, funded by his friend Sheikh Abdullah of Bahrain, he reportedly began work on what would have been his first new album in five years.


  • 杰克逊作为演唱组合“杰克逊兄弟”主唱1964年首次亮相,并于1971年开始自己独唱生涯,共发行10唱片专辑。

    Jackson made his debut, alongside his brothers, in 1964 as the lead singer of the Jackson 5. His solo career started in 1971, and resulted in ten studio albums.


  • 都没发过唱片,近期复出巡回活动在贝尔格莱德(Belgrade)混乱而令人痛苦的表现而取消。

    She hadn’t released an album for five years. Her recent comeback tour was cancelled, after an agonisingly shambolic performance in Belgrade.


  • 之后英国有了电话卡现在可以上百国家购买电话卡

    Five years later the first British card appeared, and now you can buy CARDS in more than hundred countries.


  • 他们1971年解散开展个人事业-特拉弗斯发布了唱片-从未达到高度合作

    They disbanded in 1971, launching solo careers - Travers released five albums - that never achieved the heights of their collaborations.


  • 这些年,画家占占自己的毛坯房进行了彻底改造,粉刷成白色木板覆盖混凝土地板,用五彩斑斓织物覆盖空空门廊

    Zhang Zhanzhan, a painter, has completely transformed his maopifang over the years, covering the concrete floors with whitewashed pine slats and the empty doorways with colored fabric.


  • 今天一起男朋友给了节育环的宣传单。

    Today, my boyfriend of five years gave me an information packet on Nuva-ring.


  • 孙耀威将会五月推出年来个人唱片。

    After nine whole years, Eric will release his new album in May.


  • 2000年末恩雅又推出了充满内容专辑《雨过天晴》。

    Enya's first album of new material in five years, Day Without Rain, was released in late 2000.


  • 2011年11月24日结束第五届亚洲埃森轮胎展上我们荣幸地采访到了山东银轮胎集团销售总监建生先生

    On November 24, 2011, at the end of the fifth Asian Essen tire exhibition, we are pleased to interview the sales director Mr. JianSheng Zhang of Shandong YinBao tire Group.


  • 迄今为止曾经穿越片被称为死亡之海的秘境者为数寥寥,12岁的小学女生韬讳则这些穿越者年轻一位。

    Up to now few people have successfully crossed this deadly desert, and the 12-year-old fifth grade girl Zhang Taohui is the youngest among them.


  • 先后有四家唱片公司接手乐队来得及推出唱片它们都倒闭了。

    In five years, four labels picked up the band but collapsed before they could put out a record.


  • 研究生阶段作品《》(2007年)耗时个月获得了当年苏格兰皇家学院颁发的“苏格兰未来之星大奖”。

    "Black and Grey" of his post graduate period in 2007 took him five months to finish, and won the "Scotland Future Star Award" in Scotland Imperial Academy in that year.


  • 2002年艺谋英雄》开始,中国短短几年的时间里,制造包括《十面埋伏》、《无极》、《夜宴》、《满城尽带黄金甲》在内的部“大片”。

    Starting with Hero, directed by Zhang Yimou in 2002, we have worked out House of Flying Daggers, The Promise, The Banquet, and Curse of The Golden Flower five movies in only several years.


  • 迈克尔杰克逊第二专辑真棒》于1987年发行销量800万,这专辑中诞生了首排行榜榜首歌曲一部极高水平的音乐电视

    Michael Jackson's next album, "Bad, " released in 1987, sold eight million copies and produced five No. 1 singles and another state-of-the-art video.


  • 如果今后更多爵士乐,到时第三专辑可能就充满爵士乐风格。

    Maybe I will listen to more jazz 5 years from now, so my third album might be really jazzy.


  • 在18年前周五上午走进办公室时迎接只有最后工资单一沓人力中介指南

    Eighteen years earlier, I walked into my office one Friday morning only to be greeted by my last paycheck and directions to the unemployment office.


  • 2010年初经历了不到专辑职业生涯BWO宣布暂时解散。

    In early 2010, BWO announced they were temporarily departing ways after an intensive career of five albums released in less than six years.


  • 2010年初经历了不到专辑职业生涯BWO宣布暂时解散。

    In early 2010, BWO announced they were temporarily departing ways after an intensive career of five albums released in less than six years.


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