• 包装袋上贴上地址签条

    A large address label was gummed to the package.


  • 从桌上抽出了

    She fished a piece of paper out of the pile on her desk.


  • 他用铅笔了一个便条

    He used a pencil to write a note on a big piece of paper.


  • 看见女主人推开,便机械地问道

    He asked mechanically, as he saw the Hostess push aside a large sheet of paper.


  • 橱柜前拿出起来

    She went to a cupboard, and drew out a large skin rolled up.


  • 选民通常找到他们选择候选人名字

    Voters usually have to find the name of their candidates on a large sheet of paper.


  • 照片展示了男孩海滩上旁边是成堆树叶,一辆自卸卡车一大堆树叶运走。

    One photo showed a young boy crouched on a beach beside piles of the leaves as a dump truck carried off a large load of them.


  • 第二一大早,索菲娅醒来发现埃德温不在,注意到一杯牛奶下面便条上面写好多

    Early the following morning, Sophia woke up only to find Edwin missing and also noticed a note under a glass of hot milk, on which were written too many words.


  • 不同能量来源联入一足够庞大稳健智能电网,则问题部分得到解决,并不完全消除基本负载的各种需求

    A fair part of this can be smoothed out if the various sources are linked into an electric grid that is sufficiently large, robust and smart, but that does not obviate all the need for baseload.


  • 找来想象得到滑稽的卡通图案

    Take a big sheet of paper and a pen and draw the funniest cartoon you can imagine.


  • 全身神纹身包括背部蜻蜓腹部的一蜘蛛网上腹部的大小不一的狼图案。

    Her complex single tattoo includes a swarm of dragonflies on her back and a large spider's web etched onto her stomach with tarantulas crawling over her midriff.


  • 奶牛确实在那里树林里而且黑白相间缠绕在了一棵树上,显然农民当成自己的奶牛了。

    The cow is indeed there, but it's hidden in a grove of trees. There is also a large sheet of black and white paper caught in a tree, and it is obvious that the farmer mistook it for his cow.


  • 一大,涂胶水时垫下面。

    Large sheets of scrap paper to glue on.


  • 放屁fart’是为了帮助我们记住:强烈的有意义的照片,而不是行色匆匆地席卷而结果得到没劲、乏味的快照

    FARTing helps us remember to make a strong, meaningful photo instead of just snapping away and winding up with a lot of boring, thoughtless snapshots.


  • 英国最新调查显示虽然史密斯仍是英国第,但姓“”、“辛格亚洲姓氏的人数以惊人的速度增加

    New research has found that while Smith remains Britain's most popular surname, Asian names such as Zhang and Singh are rapidly catching up.


  • 工作人员一个僻静的角落里了一桌子时,我手上的文件夹被各种文书鼓鼓囊囊,随后自己对付一大堆文书。

    A desk was found for me in a quiet corner, I was handed a ringbinder bulging with paperwork and I was left to get on with it.


  • 照片上,男孩海藻旁边,一辆自卸卡车正在忙于将其运走。

    One photo showed a young boy crouched on a beach beside piles of the leafy glop as a dump truck carried off a large load of it.


  • 唱片《帕伯军士俱乐部》封套合成照片,画面堆人簇拥墓地周围。

    The cover on a new LP album called Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is a photomontage of a crowd gathered round a grave.


  • 田里个大姑娘锄草黄色广告,也许是什么杂技团巡回演出海报田边迎风飘动

    A young girl was weeding in a field, where a huge yellow poster, probably of some outside spectacle, such as a parish festival, was fluttering in the wind.


  • 谁会知道堆东西下面还有桌子

    Who knew there was a desk under there?


  • 刚认识时候这个公寓就是单身公寓,只有一黑色皮沙发等离子电视还有CD

    When I met him the flat was a real bachelor pad and consisted of not much more than a black leather sofa, plasma TV and a lot of CDs and books.


  • 黑布下是笔直僵硬形体一小,两冷冰冰布的裥下面隐约可辨。

    Beneath the black cloth two straight and rigid forms were visible, one large, the other small, and the two faces were vaguely outlined beneath the cold folds of the shroud.


  • 后来收到从头到尾读遍,大部分信还是扔掉了买来印度地图床头。

    After that, he read all the letters he had ever received and threw most of them away, and then he bought a large map of India and hung it above his bed.


  • 然而不幸继续搜索数小时之后,我没有发现第二黑人妇女的照片,只有一大串数字用户线本地电话服务

    Unfortunately, after hours of searching there were no black women to be found; only DSL and local phone service.


  • 但如果能电子邮件收到某个朋友新生小孩近照或是某个亲人假期留影,显然会收到过期相片有趣

    Ago. It's much more fun to receive a recent PIC of a friend's new baby or relative's vacation by email, than to slog through a pile of outdated photos later on.


  • 现在可以瓶子里放进一20元的钞票,如果你能出声来,你就可以把这一大瓶票子拿走。

    You put a twenty in the jar, then if you can make my horse laugh, You win all the money!


  • 需要像足球大小小球;一条浴巾;一办公那样的带滚轮椅子;一块空地一些喜欢的舞曲一大杯水

    What you'll need: a small ball, about the size of a soccer ball; a bath towel; a chair on wheels, like a desk chair; a furniture-free area; some of your favorite dance music; a tall glass of water!


  • 需要像足球大小小球;一条浴巾;一办公那样的带滚轮椅子;一块空地一些喜欢的舞曲一大杯水

    What you'll need: a small ball, about the size of a soccer ball; a bath towel; a chair on wheels, like a desk chair; a furniture-free area; some of your favorite dance music; a tall glass of water!


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