• 威尔比较文学角度出发,坚持翻译研究重点在翻译的结果不在翻译的过程

    In view of Comparative literature, Andrè Lefevere insists that the emphasis in translation studies should be laid on the result, but not the process.


  • 这个逮捕令已经发给津巴布韦报纸拥有者编辑威尔·穆邦加。

    The warrant has been issued for Wilf Mbanga, owner and editor of The Zimbabwean newspaper.


  • 于是,我俩一起谈论足球,因此第四次说道她长筒袜球袜有得拼时,她招呼到了沙发上,当然,酒醉以后,听到主神夏洛威尔布特林的嘲笑声。

    We had been going back and forth for a year or so on my resistance to get on the couch (you can hear the Gods of Zoloft and Wellbutrin laughing).


  • 哈利法克斯附近考尔加的附近的嗒斯·威尔,这两个试点区并不在市区英国电信表示积累类似环境下铺设光纤经验

    Two of the experimental areas, Calder Valley near Halifax and Taffs Well near Cardiff, are not urban, and BT says it will be "looking to learn lessons from deploying fibre in such environments".


  • 威尔•特拉指责中国2008开张象牙制品销售象牙制品。

    Will Travers,... , blames the sale in 2008 for the opening of a number of new ivory shops in China.


  • 就职于新南威尔士州大学乔·格斯教授说,拜大脑信息处理加速功能”所赐,忧郁的快乐应付一些棘手的事情。

    The University of New South Wales researcher says a grumpy person can cope with more demanding situations than a happy one because of the way the brain "promotes information processing strategies".


  • 电力公司最近纽约东河成功完成了试验英国的洋流涡轮机公司正在威尔沿海一个10.5兆瓦项目做准备。

    Verdant Power recently completed a successful trial in New York City's East River, and the UK-based Marine Current Turbines is preparing for a 10.5 MW project off the coast of Wales.


  • 我们多么崇拜妒忌他们,他们是我们大学生偶像——海明威福克纳罗斯特艾略特玛丽·麦卡锡兰纳里·奥康纳多拉·威尔蒂! ”约翰·厄普代克写道

    "How we did adore and envy them, the idols of our college years-hemingway and Faulkner, Frost and Eliot, Mary McCarthy and Flannery o 'connor and Eudora Welty!" wrote John Updike.


  • 即使是一些比较好的孩子有时候也会父母认为非常重要的事情上撒谎詹妮·威尔·兰德如是说,她是纽约名心理学家

    Even kids who know better lie sometimes about thi "NGS parents consider very important, says Jennifer Powell-Lunder, a psychologist in Katonah, n."y..


  • 另外一位革新者威尔。赛刚刚出版堪称电影业入门指南的《跻身好莱坞》,他倒很决断。

    Another innovator, the writer Will Self - whose Walking to Hollywood, an impassioned RIP for the movie business, has just been published - is in no doubt.


  • 当时克里斯托妻子达纳·莫罗西尼带着年幼儿子威尔吉尼亚州

    Christopher was in Virginia with his wife, Dana Morosini, and their young son, Will.


  • 贾森·贝特曼(Jason Bateman)、威尔阿内特(WillArnett)·西尔曼(Ben Silverman)因为他们公司Dumbdumb而获得年度初创公司

    Jason Bateman, will Arnett and Ben Silverman will receive the Startup of the Year award for their new company, Dumbdumb.


  • “患脑癌风险增加结论并非来自于Interphone研究的数据,”IARC署长克里斯托·威尔德博士(DrChristopherWild)总结称。

    “An increased risk of brain cancer is not established from the data from Interphone,” said Dr Christopher Wild, IARC director, summing up the study.


  • 间断反弹”生态学家这么定义阿伦威尔斯基(Aaron Wildaysky)1经典风险论文《探求安全》(Searching for Safety)2中提出的“弹性”(resilience)的概念。

    TO BOUNCE without breaking. ” That is how one ecologist definedresiliencein Aaron Wildavsky's classic treatise on risk, “Searching for Safety”.


  • 西特机长第一名乘客医生伯明翰飞往威尔山区一个偏僻的村庄。

    Captain Fawcett's first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains.


  • 威尔上了眼睛自己小椅子上站起来,向的方向走去。脑海里满是自己所见所闻

    Wilbur shut his eyes. Fern got up from her stool and started for Home, her mind full of everything she had seen and heard.


  • 闺名杰奎琳威尔约翰威尔三世妻子珍妮特李的女儿

    She was born Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, daughter of John Vernon Bouvier III and his wife, Janet Lee.


  • 聚集玻璃别墅爬坡向上提升天际线和提供威尔大道独特的街景。

    Clustered white glass villas and trees ascend upward to contour the Beverly Hills skyline and provide a distinctive streetscape on Wilshire Boulevard.


  • 威尔。”恩也宣布道

    "I'm going to visit Wilbur," Fern announced.


  • 加拿大安大略省威尔里德·劳里埃大学研究人员布拉德利·拉认为,这是因为应聘者长得太漂亮了。

    Researcher Bradley Ruffle, of Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada, believes good-looking women are being penalised for their beauty.


  • 跻身榜单还有一些新面孔演员歌舞表演者詹妮洛佩兹亿万富翁慈善家苹果创始人史蒂夫•乔布斯遗孀劳伦威尔•乔布斯。

    The list featured newcomers such as actress and performer Jennifer Lopez and billionaire philanthropist and widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs, Laurene Powell Jobs.


  • 例如,圣迭戈加利福尼亚大学生物学家克里斯托·威尔认为思想正在推动我们进化

    For example, the biologist Christopher Wills, of the University of California, argues that ideas are now driving our evolution.


  • 朗西斯·威尔对她作的研究微妙精细、引人入胜——年前,这部作品已经英国面世;在美国,进入了人们的视线

    This subtle and intriguing new study by Frances Wilson, which came out in Britain a year ago and is just being published in America, is changing that view.


  • 有时候,它散布的过程中觉得困恩便抱它上车放在娃娃旁边威尔喜欢这样躺著。

    Sometimes, on these journeys, Wilbur would get tired, and Fern would pick him up and put him in the carriage alongside the doll. He liked this.


  • 恳请你…相信可能你错了(奥立·克伦威尔)。

    I beseech you. think it possible you may be mistaken Oliver Cromwell.


  • 名字农·凯尔出生鲁日,路易斯安那州在1959年,但生活是一个很好的协议我一生威尔伯福斯,俄亥俄

    My name is Kyle Vernon, I was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1959, but lived a good deal of my life in Wilberforce, Ohio.


  • 签名影星有达斯汀。霍夫曼、罗宾。威廉姆斯詹尼安妮斯顿以及欧文威尔

    Campaign for Burma. Among the signatories are movie stars Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams, Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson.


  • 每天早晨吃过早饭威尔恩一起路上,陪校车。她朝它挥手告别,它就站在那里一直等到校车拐弯看不见为止。

    Every morning after breakfast, Wilbur walked out to the road with Fern and waited with her till the bus came.


  • 每天早晨吃过早饭威尔恩一起路上,陪校车。她朝它挥手告别,它就站在那里一直等到校车拐弯看不见为止。

    Every morning after breakfast, Wilbur walked out to the road with Fern and waited with her till the bus came.


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