• 只有欧式装饰题材引进这些含义变得模糊不清甚至消失

    Only when European decorative themes were introduced did these meanings become obscured or even lost.


  • 欧亚水草一种属于弗里达杂草自从意外引进,就大量繁殖

    Eurasian watermilfoil, a weed not native to Frida Lake, has reproduced prolifically since being accidentally introduced there.


  • 这座电视塔还停留苏维埃时代但是数字设备引进极大改变

    The situation at the tower remains the same as in the Soviet era. But after the introduction of digital equipment, it will be quite different.


  • 加强新药引进管理、新药引进采购管理新药引进的管理。

    The drug administration before and after the introduction and during the procurement should be tightened.


  • 新的设备引进我们公司2012年生产了和前年数量相比两倍的机器。

    After the new equipment was introduced, our company produced _______________ in 2012 as the year before.


  • 我国广告汉语研究起步八十年代,对广告英语的研究则国外广告专著的引进开始的。

    In China, the study of advertising Chinese began in 1980's and the study of advertising English began after those English books on advertisement were translated in Chinese.


  • 进出口联箱是从国外引进改造压力容器设备,对其进行应力分析强度评定十分重要,但又不能直接套用国外的标准

    In the process of technology introduction and reconstruction, strength estimation of some new equipment has no criterion to follow in our present steeliness pressure vessel criterions.


  • 引进系统一定发生变化

    There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.


  • 美洲大陆上外来物种第一接触欧洲引进的。

    Across the American continents, exotic species are those introduced after the first European contact.


  • 虚拟化引进数据中心而导致潜在混乱也许也检查一下自己组织能力有多有效

    You might want to check the effectiveness of your own organization's ability to manage the potential chaos virtualization can introduce into your data center.


  • 他们往往先试图缓慢市场份额下降的势头,经过长一段时间舍得决定引进产品来与其原产品进行竞争

    They have tried to hang on to declining market shares for too long before deciding to introduce new products that compete with their own.


  • 阻止人们取款强行实施资本控制希腊新的货币票据程序形式引进新的货币同样面临大量问题

    And on top of blocking bank withdrawals and imposing capital controls Greece would also face the massive problems of introducing a new currency in the form of new COINS and notes and procedures.


  • 报道提醒直到十年前特意引进外来物种,它们区域生境整体影响力才为人所知。

    The full impact of an alien species on an area's habitat may not come to light until decades after its intentional introduction, a report has warned.


  • 收集数据来自7688名患者——采用核对的3733名引进核对表3955名。

    Data was collected from 7688 patients - 3733 before and 3955 after the checklist was introduced.


  • IBM沃森引进雇佣惯例数十成为公司规范

    At IBM, Watson introduced employment practices that became the norm in big business decades later.


  • 尽管如此打字机主要市场倾向于哪些声称他们海明威的打字机不能任何引进科技创作傲慢小说家

    Still, the typewriter's primary market appears to be snooty novelists who claim they cannot compose on any technology introduced since Hemingway took a dirt nap.


  • 其中很大一部分是引进国外节目进行字幕编辑,美国上映很短时间内上传到国内平台。

    Much of this content consists of foreign programs pirated, subtitled, and uploaded hours after broadcast in the United States.


  • 曾有传言说,自从引进人工草皮前十字交叉韧带撕裂损伤急剧上升。

    A common myth is that ACL injuries have increased dramatically since artificial pitches were introduced.


  • ,马赫特负责保时捷旗下的新的分公司——保时捷咨询公司主要保时捷公司引进丰田公司的生产策略

    A year later, he began running a new subsidiary, Porsche Consulting, which focused on bringing production methods used by Toyota Motor Corp. to Porsche.


  • 中国媒体报导丁磊他们考虑了口感体型大小各种因素决定引进这种

    According to Chinese media, ding said they've made the decision on this pig species after examining various factors, from general taste to the size of the animals.


  • 温格虽然不舍两位离开球员相信引进一些面孔阿森纳更加强大。

    Wenger would rather have held onto a couple of the players he let go but the manager believes that Arsenal will be stronger after bringing in a number of new faces.


  • 炉火烧着特纳热量引进房间氏160至180温度中熏制鳗鱼至少四个小时

    Once the fire is going in the stove, Turner directs the heat and smoke into the chamber, and the eels are cooked at 160 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit for a minimum of four hours.


  • Facebook逐渐成熟并成为因特网受欢迎的站点引进更多广告

    Facebook is attracting more advertising as it becomes more established as the Internet's most popular hangout.


  • 签发1万份工作许可证,会进行一项检测程序决定是否必要继续引进计算机专家

    After 10,000 work permits have been issued a monitoring procedure is to be carried out to determine if there is further need for computer specialists.


  • 中国本土佛教可能是在公元前世纪开始引进的,公元一世纪开始存在佛教僧团。

    In China itself, Buddhism was introduced probably as early as the first century BC, with communities of Buddhist monks in existence by the first century AD.


  • 不久淘宝引进了“80记忆网络商店过去的9个月营业额就超过了1亿美元。

    Taobao, the eBay of China, soon thereafter introduced an online store called Memories for the Post-'80s Generation, which has generated more than $10 million in sales in the past nine months.


  • 买下肯尼亚内罗毕长颈鹿庄园主人开始培育项目重新引进罗斯柴尔德长颈鹿。

    Shortly after purchasing the giraffe Manor in Nairobi, Kenya, the owners began a breeding programme to reintroduce the Rothschild's giraffe into the wild.


  • 介绍了我国引进新型轮毂骨架油封(EQ153)的结构原理改进装配工艺

    The structure principle and improved fitting process of imported new type hub framework oil seal (EQ153) are introduced.


  • 介绍了我国引进新型轮毂骨架油封(EQ153)的结构原理改进装配工艺

    The structure principle and improved fitting process of imported new type hub framework oil seal (EQ153) are introduced.


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