• 一方面,项目后期往往引入更多控制比如变更控制消除不想要创造性相关风险,以免在晚期引入缺陷

    On the other side, late in the project, you often want to introduce more control, such as change control boards, to remove undesired creativity and associated risk for late introduction of defects.


  • 这个办公室明亮,天花巨大天窗自然光引入

    The office is wonderfully bright; thanks to a large window in the ceiling which casts natural light onto brilliant white walls.


  • 最后根据我国创业市场引入市商制度优势障碍笔者就我国创业市场引入作市商制度提出了几点建议。

    Finally on the basis of the transaction systems preponderance and obstruction for adopting market maker system, we provide some proposals for the establishment market maker in GEM.


  • 钢与混凝土组合梁设计分析通过引入有效宽度概念考虑混凝土翼剪力滞后影响

    In the analysis and design of steel-concrete composite beams, the concept of effective flange width is introduced to consider the impact of shear lag.


  • 德国比赛引入小巧很有效空气动力部件——一种新的后部,原本预期会匈牙利站比赛中出现的附加两片后抛翼后翼的下方和后轮前方

    A small but effective aero change introduced in Germany - ahead of a new rear diffuser expected at the next round in Hungary - is this extra flip-up under the main one in front of the rear wheel.


  • 引入冗余照明概念实现的空间相干照明以及降低束线光源不稳定性元件振动的要求。

    The concept of redundant illumination is introduced to ensure the coherent illumination of zone plate and reduce the effect of source instability and element vibration.


  • 但是由于我国目前种种现实障碍创业市场范围引入做市制度并不合适

    But because the various obstacles of China's current reality, introducing Market-making System in large-scale is not suit.


  • 引入纬纱推向织其中钢筘梭的作用;(4卷取机构。

    Will be introduced into the weaving shed weft mouth, one of the reed , and take the shuttle plate to guide the role of shuttle; (4) take-up mechanism.


  • 我们引入这套电镀仪电镀组合不需专业技术人员,便轻易修补线路的电镀金位置

    We have introduced a set of electroplating electroplating pen instrument portfolio, without professional technical staff, can easily repair the circuit board electroplating gold position.


  • 引入标准12色调色作者展示了如何选择组合132个新的色彩在一瞥图表混合使用

    Introducing a standard 12-colour palette, the author shows how to select and mix 132 new colours, using at-a-glance mixing charts.


  • 对于线性荷载作用引入统一强度理论,进行极限荷载分析

    For simply supported annular plate under linear load, the limit load analysis was investigated by applying unified strength theory.


  • 振动防渗技术近几年引入水利工程中进行地基防渗加固技术。

    In recent years, the vibration sinking mould cutoff panel wall is introduced to the hydro project, which is the new technology to strengthen the foundation anti-seepage.


  • 文中引入横向剪切误差误差进行了分析,最后给出实验所得一组相干涉图。

    The lateral shear errors and phase shift errors induced by wedge plates are also discussed, and the experimental results of phase-shifting vectorial-shearing interference fringes are given.


  • 此外,建筑引入了许多细节比如栏杆、遮阳这些为了有效地进行被动式通风

    Moreover, even some details such as doors, fences, sunlight screen patterns, etc. were meticulously designed to utilize the wind more efficiently for ventilation purpose.


  • 高压空气通过引入模拟发动机气流

    High pressure air is brought through the strut and simulates the engine air flow.


  • 本文引入弹性元有限元计算试验测定两方面分析研究了堆焊时平面变形形态产生机制

    In present paper, the form and mechanism of formation of out-of-plane distortion during bead-on-plate welding was studied by thermal clastic analysis with introduction of dummy element and experiment.


  • 我国创业市场引入做市商制度可以起到提高交易效率降低市场风险维持价格稳定等作用。

    Therefore, to adopt the market-maker system can improve the exchange efficiency, decrease market crisis, and stabilize the price.


  • 同时使设计出更趋完善计算过程中引入压力加权系数

    At the same time, the weight coefficients of plate width and rolling force have been used in the calculation of roll shape in order to improve the calculation accuracy.


  • 本文引入稳定问题广义支承边广义支承边矩形概念,应用功的互等建立弹性矩形稳定问题的广义位移解给出了广义位移解的各个边界

    The reciprocal method is applied to establish the generalized displacement solution for the elastic stability of thin rectangular plates, and the boundary values of it are also worked out.


  • 引入边界条件给出线上挠度径向转角、径向弯矩径向剪力

    By introducing the boundary conditions of the circular plate, the flexure displacement, radial rotation Angle, radial bending moment and radial shear force on each nodal line of the plate were given.


  • 引入全新驱动方法后,导致显示的动态范围大幅度扩展,保证了大显示容量等离子显示器屏幕工作电压均匀性和实时显示。

    With the new drive method, the operating margins will be enlarged, resulting a good working performance and real time display when full screen is updated.


  • 假设孔隙多孔介质,模拟蒸汽发生器内的流动引入体积孔隙率,渗透率分布阻力模拟管束支撑钠流动的扰动。

    The model simulates sodium flow in the steam generator as quasi-continuum. The model USES volume porosity, area permeability and distributed resistance to model the tubes and support plates.


  • 引入直接或间接积分方程中只要边界进行离散,就计算有限尺寸裂纹弯曲问题

    When it is taken in integral equations, plate bending problems can be calculated only out boundary of the plate should be discretized.


  • 引入正交试验分析对影响激光弯曲回弹参数进行了优化,试验表明弧形模具结构能有效控制激光拼焊的回弹。

    Then, orthogonal experimentation is introduced to optimize each parameter that influences the springback of laser tailor-welded blank. The result shows that the arc roof mould STR...


  • 引入正交试验分析对影响激光弯曲回弹参数进行了优化,试验表明弧形模具结构能有效控制激光拼焊的回弹。

    Then, orthogonal experimentation is introduced to optimize each parameter that influences the springback of laser tailor-welded blank. The result shows that the arc roof mould STR...


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