• 我们创造重新发明大量新旧烟道呆板遗留系统方面几十年拼搏足以证明这项任务非常不易

    This is not an easy task, as demonstrated by our decades of struggling to create and reinvent numerous old and new, stove-piped rigid legacy systems.


  • 收购例如QNX这样嵌入操作系统并不能完全保证成功,Symbian已经证明过。

    The purchase (and use of) a strong embedded operating system like QNX is no guarantee of success, as Symbian licensees know.


  • 实验结果证明,基于软件重用技术开发数控系统软件方法可行可以一定程度上实现开放数控系统的重用性,互换性

    The result of experiment proves that the thought is available, and it can make the reusability and interchangeability of CNC software by some degree.


  • 实验结果证明阶层警报分类器的确改善原本入侵侦测系统

    The experimental results demonstrate that the hierarchical alert classifier will improve the original IDS.


  • 最后又结合轧机工况监测系统使用附着测力传感器轧制进行在线监测,证明具有较好的使用效果

    With the monitoring system, the attached type ergometric sensor can be used for the online rolling force monitoring, which proves nice effect.


  • 改进UDP协议核电站嵌入辐射监测系统中的成功应用证明所提出方案的可行性有效性

    The successful apply of the improved UDP in nuclear radiation measurement system at nuclear power station has proved that the technology of this paper is feasible and effective.


  • 实践证明系统完全满足现代数控机床开放数控系统要求

    It's proved by practice that this system could completely meet the request of modern numerical control machine tool for open numerical control system.


  • 通过某橡胶厂密闭循环冷却水系统设计运转证明所采取技术措施可行的,具有一定优越性

    The design and operation conditions of enclosed type circulating cooling water system of rubber plant show that the technical measures taken are feasible and with certain advantages.


  • 实验证明开放消防网络系统可行的。

    The experiment proves the open fire fight network system is viable.


  • 研究证明心血管系统力量不会因为偶尔错过几次训练螺旋下降至向懒人那样

    This study provides proof that the strength of your cardiovascular system will not spiral downward to that of a sloth just because you miss an occasional workout.


  • 实验证明采用分布告警相关性模型可以有效提高系统故障诊断水平。

    The experimentation has proved that the fault diagnosis efficiency is prompted by the distributed alarm correlation systems.


  • 实践证明使用嵌入系统开发绘图机具有硬件电路设计简单功能丰富控制精确等优点

    Practice proving, use the embed system to empolder graph plotter contain excellences, such as hardware electrocircuit design simple, function abundance, control more accurate etc.


  • 基于嵌套工作流驱动型的产品配置管理设计方法开发了一个PDM系统示例证明其方法是科学有效的。

    PDM system is developed making use of embedded workflow driving product configuration management approach. The case demonstrates feasibility of approach to the model.


  • 实验证明系统可以有效实现分布网络环境入侵检测

    The experiments proves this the system may carry out intrusion detection under distributed net- work environment.


  • 结果证明水温控制系统能使小型吸收制冷机具有较好的节能效果。

    The result shown that SAAC with the variable water temperature control system has better energy efficiency than that with fixed water temperature.


  • 阐述了如何利用仪器实现供电系统谐波的自动测量,实践证明U900F便携电能质量分析仪应用不但简化了谐波测量,同时也提高测量精度

    Meanwhile, how to use this device to measure power system harmonic is discussed also. Using U900F Instrument can improve the precision of measure and make the measure fairly simple.


  • 实际生产应用结果证明蓄热步进加热炉仪表控制系统设计合理运行稳定可靠满足工艺提出要求

    The application of the actual production shows that the design of dual-regenerative reheating furnace instrument control system is reasonable, reliable and it meets the technological requirements.


  • 论文最后,对嵌入多媒体系统进行综合性描述,这个系统已经实用并且产,从而证明本文所贡献的理论技术方法的实际意义。

    At last, draws the conclusion and makes prospect. This system is implemented and already in production, which proves the practical value of the theory and technical methods.


  • 不要使用验证系统这些讨厌东西非要输入一些傻瓜字母或是数字证明不是那些随机垃圾邮件

    Don't use a captcha system - you know those annoying little things that make you type in some goofy letters and Numbers to prove that your human and not some random spam bot.


  • 并对该软件系统进行了可行性验证,通过验证结果证明了辊轮导向装置克服剪切峰值提高剪切质量等方面优越性

    The study results prove the advantages of groove guided roiling shear in improving the quality of shearing and reducing the peak shearing force.


  • 测试证明,混杂定位系统定位精度能耗方面具有较大的优势。

    The test shows that HLS outperforms in both position precision and energy consumption.


  • 证明数字系统内部多重固定故障状态下测试统一因其包含常数缩短故障诊断时间

    The unified formula of testing set for multiple stuck fault in digital system is proved. The constant is contained within the unified formula to shorten the time of fault diagnosis.


  • 证明研究多项系统几何性质时,多项系统应当定义射影空间奇点之余维数至少2线

    This note shows that when studying geometric properties, a polynomial system is defined as a line field on a projective space such that its singular set has co dimension at least 2.


  • 本文研究成果——嵌入分辨率VGA显示系统,经过实验证明显示效果主要参数完全能够满足使用要求

    The accomplishment of the study is the embedded high resolution VGA display board. Its display effect and the main parameters reached the standard of using require.


  • 最后证明系统可行性通过案例研究的推拉

    Finally, the feasibility of this system was demonstrated via a case study of push-pull door.


  • 大量测试实际使用证明这种新型的嵌入停车场管理系统工作稳定性上有大幅提高的同时使得停车场的成本有所下降。

    By a great number of tests and practicalities, it is certificated that this new parking management system is stable and the cost is decreased.


  • HLA设计好,证明能力分布仿真系统可重用性操作性保证优良特性几个方面

    HLA was well designed and has been proved to have the ability to guarantee the desirable properties of reusability and the interoperability in distributed simulation systems from several aspects.


  • 首次证明五次多项系统无穷远分支出7个极限

    It is the first time that 7 limit cycles can bifurcated from the infinity for a class of quasi quintic system.


  • 首次证明五次多项系统无穷远分支出7个极限

    It is the first time that 7 limit cycles can bifurcated from the infinity for a class of quasi quintic system.


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