• 地震能量关系修正之后,对能量的预测评估更加准确

    After corrected by this expression, the formula used to show quake energy will be more precise in prediction and evaluation work.


  • 但是测试开发时期修正薄弱错误的十分困难而且成本很高尤其是使用一个基于开发方法的时候。

    But correcting a weak or erroneous use case at test development time can be difficult and costly, especially when using a waterfall-based development method.


  • 2008年眼下的情形类似,经济学家修正预测是应激的。两者发生股市强烈震荡之后

    In both 2008 and today, economists modified their estimates in a reactionary fashion: both revisions occurred after the stock market had already tanked.


  • 然后有可能这套策略修正名字作为标签不是作为列表本身

    It is then possible to use the name of this set of policy revisions as an explicit tag rather than the list itself.


  • 算法会脱节于任何特定修正请求他们销毁需要适合反馈

    The algorithm dislocates the explicit request from any specific revision; they destroy the feedback required and are not suitable.


  • 标签描述单一策略修正直接连接

    Explicit tags depict a direct connection to a single explicit policy revision.


  • 操作使用需要运算法则确定正确版本一般标签标记使用的策略修正信息来标记。

    The options are to tag using a generic tag that requires an algorithm to determine the correct revision, or to tag items with explicit policy-revision information.


  • 叙述了压力精度,对U形压力计正确使用方法误差修正做了简要分析。

    The precision of liquid column manometer was described. The correct use method and error correction of U tube manometer and double tube differential pressure gauge were analysed.


  • 如果没有支持向后兼容2.0处理程序,必须采用选项15或者选项4的一个子集所有bug修正必须采用2.0方

    If you do not have access to a 2.0 processor that supports backwards compatibility, then you must choose option 1, 5, or a subset of option 4, where every bug fix must be a 2.0 solution.


  • 此外提出一种修正开关半径计量方法

    A method to revise the radius of switch probes is also put forward.


  • 引入诊所法律教育我国传统法律专业教育进行补充修正,相对于传统法律教育给我们带来的是教学理念的多方面转变

    Introducing clinical legal education to China to complement and amendment our traditional legal profession education bring many changes to our legal education.


  • 长白山阔叶林三类清查资料依据,采用修正指数分布拟合并预测林分的直径分布

    The diameter distributions were simulated by the modified exponential distribution function for describing the stand structure, based on inventory data of broad-leaf forest in Changbai Mountain.


  • 用增阻系数概念建立了增阻射程弹道修正质心运动方程组

    The mass center motion equations of a damp-increasing range correction projectile were established by the concept of damp-increasing coefficients.


  • 介绍了流量传感器工作原理,对小流量流动流量系数的变化提出修正方法并研制了智能型小流量测量的靶流量计

    The principle of target flow-meter was introduced and design the intelligent small-flow target flow meter based on a modification method of flow coefficient shifted with small-flow.


  • 王牌碾压残骸时的图象修正

    Tiger Ace with wreck mesh has been fixed.


  • 其次采用变方程中修正时间硬化模型蠕变试验全过程进行了仿真,计算结果试验值能够很好吻合

    Secondly, the whole creep test process was simulated using modified time hardening model of implicit creep equation, the calculated results are fit well to the test ones.


  • 由于采用了数字数字系统误差修正技术仪器精度稳定性得到很大的提高。

    Because of digit weight and digit system error modification, precision and stability of the instrument can be improved greatly.


  • 分布算法通过边界协调方程修正边界节点估计值,从而保证计算精度

    The DSE method modified the results of the boundary buses by the coordinate function, thus it ensures the calculating precision generally.


  • 指示器应当平衡微调,这样零点漂移可以不用调节元件来修正

    Gauge Pointers shall be balanced and provided with a micrometer adjustment so that zero shift may be corrected without adjusting the movement.


  • 阐述光学高温计测温原理灯丝隐灭光学高温计制作参数选择以及光学高温计显示温度实际温度修正方法

    The paper illustrates the principle of optics pyrometer, the making preferences of ones with implicit filament, and as well as the modifying method of its display usage and actual temperature.


  • 本文利用多项逼近方法获得频率幅值修正计算

    The polynomial approximation method is also employed to obtain simple formulas for frequency and amplitude correction.


  • 模型采用新的耦合修正交替方向迭代求解并行计算程序设计交替方向网格划分数据并行信息传递。

    This model USES new coupling correction alternation direction implicit iterative solution, parallel calculation program design, alternative direction grid delineation and parallel data transference.


  • 算法特点处理界面速度中的压力交叉导数项,得出压力压力修正方程,使得压力及压力修正值与界面逆变速度直接耦合。

    The main feature of the algorithm is that the pressure and pressure correction equations are obtained by explicitly treating pressure cross-derivatives terms in interface contravariant velocities.


  • 避免互逆活塞砂浆运动过程中出现刚性冲击”,凸轮机构进行修正设计分析了修正凸轮机构的运动特性

    For the avoidance of rigidity impact of commutative piston mortar pump in movement, the amendatory CAM mechanism was designed, and the characteristic of movements was analyzed.


  • 虚拟仪器系统误差分析修正方法案例研究:讨论了虚拟噪声分析仪、虚拟心电分析仪的误差分析和修正

    It provides example for error analysis and modification of virtual instrument system. It discusses the error analysis and modification of virtual noise analyzer and virtual ECG analyzer.


  • 供热机组热力试验数据修正曲线依据,较准确地建立了表达供热汽轮机机组热力特性数学解析

    According to the thermal experiment data and correction curve of heat supply units, the mathematical analysis formula of thermodynamic characteristic has been given accurately in this paper.


  • 通过电化学理论推导提出测定多种离子的混合溶液一种离子浓度电势的能斯特响应修正方法

    By the theoretical deduction of electrochemistry, the method for rectifying the Nernst's Equation when determining one ion's concentration in a multi-ion-mixed solution was put forward.


  • 这样对于复杂喷气飞机目标,其机头机尾RCS值就通过波导模型的模拟来修正

    Therefore, the RCS of forward and rear aspects may be modify by using a waveguide model for the calculation of RCS of jet aircraft.


  • 本文提供修正角膜半径校正近视时,半径变化量屈光度之间关系

    The relations between the radial variance and the diopter difference are given in this paper for correcting the cornea radius to rectify short—sight.


  • 本文提供修正角膜半径校正近视时,半径变化量屈光度之间关系

    The relations between the radial variance and the diopter difference are given in this paper for correcting the cornea radius to rectify short—sight.


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