• 大多数不是真的足够想要仅仅是时间作为自我开脱借口而已。

    Most people just doesn't want it bad enough and protect their ego with the excuse of time.


  • 无关紧要,爸爸。”觉得自己12的孩子,在竭力自己拼写测验中传纸条作弊开脱的理由

    "That's not the issue, Dad." I felt as if I were 12 years old, trying to explain why I'd used a crib sheet on a spelling test.


  • 脱冷似乎懂得这种忸怩作态的心理喜欢小小的抗拒一下以后不正当行为开脱理由,自己良心有个交代

    Vidocu seems to understand this: people always love psychological coy little resistance, for future misconduct to find a justification, one of their own conscience.


  • 唯一可以他们开脱就是家里社会各种的条条框框使他们行为失常,所以一旦脱离限制,他们下定决心充分享受自由。

    The only thing to be said in their defense is that, released from the social restraints which would make them act very differently at home, they are bent on making the most of this freedom.


  • 很多教育研究(拿大型小型学校对比特许学校和公立学校对比)类似,双方的倡导者们如果研究得足够深入,就找到为自己开脱内容。

    Like much education research (large schools vs. small, charters vs. public), advocates on either side can find vindication if they look hard enough.


  • 他们打着实现远大理想幌子为他们恶行开脱

    They justify villainy in the name of high ideals.


  • 自己开脱说是养活妻子才迫不得已抢劫的”。

    He excused himself by saying he was "forced to rob to maintain my wife and cat."


  • 警方昨天调查为其开脱这件事故中所有责任

    A police investigation yesterday absolved the police of all blame in the incident.


  • 这些任何事情上都非常害怕标记失败者,以至于为了给自己的失败开脱不断制造出这样那样的障碍。

    Such people are so afraid of being labeled a failure at anything that they constantly develop one handicap or another in order to explain away failure.


  • 不喜欢那些来向寻求建议的人以各种理由开脱搪塞,我向他们提供想法的时候,他们总会告诉他们适用

    I hate when people come to me for advice, but when I give it, they tell me all of the reasons it won't work for their circumstances.


  • 看来男人们圣诞节已经想出了各种好的借口他们的懒惰开脱

    ', it appears men have come up with some pretty good excuses for their idleness at Christmas.


  • 但是没有特别指出这个公司违反了哪条乔治亚州法律害怕这样帮助这个公司开始研究开脱办法。

    He would not, however, specify which Georgia laws the company may have violated for fear it would help the company start planning its defense.


  • 不够 ——2004年,美国银行研究小型企业失败原因报告中指出,79%的人启动资金不够”作为其中一个借口他们的创业失败开脱责任。

    Not asking for enough money-- In a 2004 U.S. Bank study of reasons for small business failures, 79 percent cited "starting out with too little money" as one of the causes of their collapse.


  • 这些貌似有点过分的猜测绝对不是开脱但是理解你的反应,正如本书帮助你理解了你对的反应。

    This somewhat paranoid pattern would not excuse his behavior in the slightest, but it might help you to understand his responses to you, as the book has helped you to understand your reactions to him.


  • 同样华尔街坚信不疑的虔诚代理人精明资本分配个人理财道路坎坷不平遭遇失望时,他们就会这种方式解释开脱

    Similarly, when people's faith in Wall Street as an honest broker, a smart allocator of capital, and a path to personal wealth was disappointed, they managed to explain things away.


  • 如果员工总是找各种借口自己错过了最终期限开脱,老板可以说:“工作负担可能太重了。”然后他的业务分配其他的员工。

    And if someone makes excuses for missing a deadline, consider saying, "you must have too much on your plate, " and look to others to take on additional assignments.


  • 竞争对手们或许也是这么做这个观念不能成为开脱责任的理由。

    The notion that its rivals were perhaps doing the same thing is no excuse.


  • 罗根并不认为阿拉伯民族无需自身苦难开脱责任

    Mr Rogan by no means absolves Arabs of responsibility for their travails.


  • 经历25春秋,《奥普拉脱口秀》的最后节目标志着一个时代结束,届时奥普拉将口秀界,集中精力成立自己电视台,电视台名字就叫做“OWN”。

    The last show of the 25th season will mark the end of an era, as Oprah leaves the talk show circuit to concentrate on the founding of her own cable network suitable labelled 'OWN'.


  • 这种态度完全是在替国会开脱挫败了比尔.盖尔斯顿,被怠慢布鲁金斯学会的资深顾问。

    That attitude, shot back Bill Galston, one of the slighted think-tank’s senior fellows, all but guaranteed that Congress would duck the hard issues.


  • 这种态度完全是在替国会开脱挫败了比尔.盖尔斯顿,被怠慢布鲁金斯学会的资深顾问。

    That attitude, shot back Bill Galston, one of the slighted think-tank’s senior fellows, all but guaranteed that Congress would duck the hard issues.


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