• 只要一下开始即可

    And you just click the start button.


  • 主持人没有开始选手抢答视为犯规

    If the host did not press start, there are the key players vies to answer first, then as a foul.


  • 利昂娜一些清洁剂放入洗碗机,上门按了开始键

    Leona put some detergent into the dishwasher, shut the door and pressed the switch.


  • 接著开始绿色灯亮起,影印发出了运作—触觉。

    She pressed the start button, a green light turn on and the noise of the moving machine parts can be heard-touch.


  • 可以使用范围(即开始终止相同)式地搜索一个已知hash

    You can explicitly search for a known hash value with point ranges, in other words ranges with identical start and stop keys.


  • 开始文件名后,可以escShell将完成文件名,或完成尽可能部分。

    After you start typing the name of a file, you can click Escape, and the shell fills in the name of the file-or as much as it can.


  • 可以洗碗机,你需要就是打开机器一些洗洁开始就可以了。

    You can wash your dishes in a dishwasher. What you need to do is turn on the machine, put some detergent and press the start button.


  • 传真的东西放在上面,然后像打电话一样,先号码,打通了开始可以了。

    Put the fax in the machine, and dial the number just like you dial a phone. Press the button "start" after you get through.


  • 简单。传真的东西放在上面,然后像打电话一样,先号码,打通了按开始可以了。

    It's easy. Put the fax in the machine, and dial the number just like you dial a phone. Press the button "start" after you get through.


  • 主人只需选定洗涤方式宠物大小尺寸狗狗放进机器下“开始机器就会自动完成一系列过程,半小时后脏狗就变干净了。

    Select the required wash cycle, dog size, put the dog in the machine, and press the start button and then your pet comes out clean and unharmed.


  • 所有宏指令都可以设定按某快捷开始运行。

    All macros can be set to run when a hot key is pressed.


  • 代理从某数字开始例如 "1",以这个数字作为第一的值,之后一行中该列的值都 1递增

    The surrogate key values start with a number, for example "1", for the first row of the table, and is incremented by one for each row thereafter.


  • 因为第五步要做我们的成电子所以我们开始每个两个电子。

    Because step five is that we need to fill in our bonding electrons, and we start it with filling in two electrons per bond.


  • 删除用户,请开始菜单的搜索输入用户帐户然后按下回车

    To delete a user, type user accounts into the Start search bar and hit Enter.


  • 消费者开始热衷于塑料便笺上阅读小说新闻,是用拇指按住阅读而不是翻阅纸张阅读。

    CONSUMERS are beginning to warm to the idea of viewing their novels and news on plastic tablets, thumbing buttons instead of flipping pages.


  • 技巧问题简单描述开始定义组合数据库

    This tip starts with a simple description of the problem: defining a composite database key.


  • 引擎评估每个规则右边的选择开始(称为”【Key】),通过移动每个选择器,直到找到一个匹配丢弃规则。

    The engine evaluates each rule from right to left, starting from the rightmost selector (called the "key") and moving through each selector until it finds a match or discards the rule.


  • 因此第一目录输入x: \english然后enter,表示启动english子目录开始搜索

    So entering x: \ English in the first directory field and pressing enter will initiate a search starting from the English subdirectory.


  • iPod播放开始记录所跑的一步

    She pressed start on her iPod and began keeping track of every step she took.


  • 另一个关注选项- b告知sort忽略空白字符(空格、跳格等等)中的第一个非空白字符当做是排序开始

    Another option to watch out for is -b, which tells sort to ignore blank characters (Spaces, tabs, etc.) and treat the first non-blank character on the line as the start of the sort key.


  • 也是个,我们十个价电子开始,只用六个因此我们剩下四个,它们成为电子

    Yeah, so also 4. We started with 10 valence electrons, we used up 6 of those as bonding electrons, so we have 4 left, which will be lone pair electrons.


  • 可以学习一些常用控制ctrl)组合开始然后发现需要使用新的控制(ctrl)组合,再来学习它们

    You can begin by learning a few commonly used control-key sequences and learn new ones as you find you need them.


  • sargable谓词不是一个索引sargable 谓词(不能作为索引扫描开始/停止)。

    This is a sargable predicate, but not an index-sargable predicate (that is, it cannot be applied as a start/stop key on the index scan).


  • 一个事务开始这个事务范围添加这个上下文对象中

    When a transaction starts, the scope key for this transaction is added to this context object.


  • 我们开始介绍共价时候,我们说过电子共用的,但是共用不一定是均等的。

    So as we said when we first introduced covalent bonds, it's a sharing of electrons, but it's not always an equal sharing.


  • 大脑运行方式亦是如此,用不到神经,大脑开始修剪掉,为的是剩下的神经有效率地进行联络。

    The brain works the same way, because it starts pruning away the synapses that it doesn't need in order to make the remaining ones much more efficient in communicating.


  • 句话说,匹配索引开始匹配。

    Put another way, matching starts at the far left of the index key and proceeds rightward.


  • 手指开始戳这个12界面时,一下子找到了我父亲感觉,那60年代笨重电脑科学家,不能自己无线网络正常运作的感觉。

    As I prodded at the little 12-key interface, I feltlike my father, a 60s-vintage computer scientist who can’t get his wirelessnetwork to work, must feel.


  • 手指开始戳这个12界面时,一下子找到了我父亲感觉,那60年代笨重电脑科学家,不能自己无线网络正常运作的感觉。

    As I prodded at the little 12-key interface, I feltlike my father, a 60s-vintage computer scientist who can’t get his wirelessnetwork to work, must feel.


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