• 他们扫了一眼地板上那个开始呻吟男子

    They glanced at the man on the floor, who began to groan.


  • 围巾男子神秘景点反吸引力只是开始

    Muffler men, mystery spots and antigravity hills are just the beginning.


  • 指示病例名32男子于2009年2月28日开始出现发热黄疸症状。

    The index case was a 32 year-old man who presented with fever and jaundice which began on 28 February 2009.


  • 今天下午,衣着警察一样的男子进入这个小岛控制现场的秩序,不久之后开始射击

    This afternoon, one person dressed like a police officer entered the island and said he was going to have control, and shortly afterwards he started the shooting.


  • 若不出意外,这块金牌将由中国代表团获得。今年22岁袁晓超有望男子长拳项目上夺冠比赛将在早上8点30分开始

    Yuan Xiaochao, 22, is considered the favorite to win the first gold medal for China in the men's changquan starting at 8:30 am.


  • 大约40左右,男子睡眠质量开始下降

    By the age of 40, men's quality of sleep also begins to diminish.


  • 在亚特兰大男子美发中心,气温开始尝试突破华氏100大关

    Here at the Men's Hair headquarters in Atlanta, the temperatures are starting to hit the 100 degree mark.


  • 25岁的母亲16岁那年遇到了33岁的父亲出生还没3个月,父亲离开,于是母亲开始在俱乐部认识的男子交往

    Within three months of his birth, his father had left the family home and his mother had begun a relationship with a man she met in a pub.


  • 35岁时,美国新泽西州男子乔恩·萨金(JonSarkin)开始听到耳朵有铃声

    At the age of 35, New Jersey man Jon Sarkin started to hear ringing in his ear.


  • 1959年9月12日57名男子走进枫丹白露宫(chateaude Fontainebleau)——这里曾是法国国王乡间府邸——开始了一从根本上改变商学院运作方式课程

    On September 12 1959, 57 men walked into the chateau DE Fontainebleau, the former country house of French Kings, to begin a programme that would change fundamentally the way business schools operate.


  • 简单的宣誓这样说开始:“吾以吾男子气概名发誓。”

    The simplest starts by the oath giver saying, "I swear by my virility."


  • 30时候,那个男子结婚了,并在30岁出头的时候生了两个孩子。 “可是,在我的婚姻生活部分走出正常轨道时,突然开始再次思考自己。

    She married him in her late 20s, had two children in her early 30s, "and once I'd got that maternal part of my life out of the way, I suddenly started thinking about me again.


  • 比如说可以看到,“生活型企业家崛起那些开始做生意的人并不那么关注变得富有而是为了支持自己从事样喜欢的事情,成为了收入让位于激情作为衡量男子汉气概的标志。

    We can see, for instance, the rise of “ lifestyle entrepreneurs“, people who start their own businesses not so much in hopes of getting rich but in order to support themselves doing something they


  • 2008年奥运男子篮球比赛将于八月开始

    The Men's Basketball competition at the 2008 Olympics begins on Aug. 10.


  • 孩子父亲,儿子刚生下来不久就带一起去训练,2岁时就开始举重练习。 他还表示,自己的儿子非常喜欢摆那些“非常男子”的姿势而且腹部就像衣板一样结实,肩部肌肉也很发达。

    His father said that his son enjoys striking macho poses and has a washboard stomach and bulging shoulder muscles.


  • 约克郡的男子声称一次手术醒来之后开始明显爱尔兰口音说话

    A man from Yorkshire claims to have started speaking in a broad Irish accent after waking up from a brain operation.


  • 福尔摩斯学生之一名为克莱尔·帕特森年轻男子1948年开始一个项目,以期一劳永逸地确定地球年龄。”

    One of Holmes' students, a young man named Clair Patterson, began a project in 1948 to determine the ultimate age of the Earth once and for all.


  • 本周早些时候开始美国社会男子气概转变方式进行讨论。

    Earlier this week, I began a discussion of the way that manhood in American society is changing.


  • 建立自己男子气概自信就会看到人们开始注意你了。

    Build up your masculine confidence and you will see the women start to notice you.


  • 持枪男子进来时候酒店前厅人们开始跑动

    I was in the lobby of the hotel when gunmen came in and people started running.


  • 作为那些来自人们生产出来的东西一支长矛没有射中猛犸象却伤到了一个部落男子开始技术就是其中之一了。

    As for the things that can come between people, technology is certainly one of them. So it has been since a spear missed the mammoth and hit a tribesman.


  • 酒店,内维站讲台上,准备开始观众发言,林肯锁着出口处丢了丹尼,他四处找寻结果发现另一男子在夹楼上,拿着狙击枪。

    Back inside, Banerjee takes the podium and begins to address the crowd as Lincoln just loses Downey behind a locked Exit door. Lincoln turns around to find another man on the mezzanine with a rifle.


  • 下来,冲负责播放视频技术人员点点头,设在会议室前头一个屏幕开始播放视频录像:镜头前站两个手持突击步枪蒙面男子

    He sat down and nodded to a techie who played the video on the screen in the front of the room: Two men with assault rifles stood in front of the camera, wearing hooded masks.


  • 桑德拉已将头发,并开始穿上阳刚服装,以此挽回失去男子气概

    Sandra has had her hair cut short and has begun to wear more masculine clothes as a way of reclaiming her lost manhood.


  • 幸存接待员胃部被枪击讲述了的生死经历,持枪男子走廊闯进来,进入间教室后便开始了他人狂的杀人派对。。

    The surviving receptionist played dead after she was shot in the stomach while the gunman stalked down the hallway and entered a classroom to resume his killing spree.


  • 2008年,一位土耳其男子科索沃普里斯·蒂娜机场突然晕倒,之后的报道说此人的肾脏窃取国际刑警组织自此开始搜捕桑麦资。

    Interpol had been looking for Sonmez since 2008, when a Turkish man collapsed in the airport in Pristina, Kosovo, and reported that his kidney had been stolen.


  • 2008年,一位土耳其男子科索沃普里斯·蒂娜机场突然晕倒,之后的报道说此人的肾脏窃取国际刑警组织自此开始搜捕桑麦资。

    Interpol had been looking for Sonmez since 2008, when a Turkish man collapsed in the airport in Pristina, Kosovo, and reported that his kidney had been stolen.


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