• 事实上一些剧作家剧本结尾开始然后着写剧本的开头只是为了确保一个事件都能从逻辑上与之前发生事情联系起来。

    In fact, some of these playwrights would start by writing the end of a play and work backward toward the beginning, just to make sure each event led logically from what had gone before.


  • 同样一旦开始唱歌,你并不需要考虑下一步,你听到歌曲开头几个音符接下来演唱便一气呵成

    Similarly, once you get a song started, you don't have to think about what comes next. You hear the first few notes of a song, and it just comes pouring out.


  • 列表开始过滤只为显示以键入字符开头方法

    The list begins to filter, showing you only methods that begin with the characters you're typing.


  • 下面说明如何做到假定文件开头算起第1000字节开始读取789字节数据。

    Here is how it is done: suppose that you want to read a chunk of 789 bytes starting from byte 1000 counted from the beginning of that file.


  • 一个忙忙碌碌的家庭一天中好的开头同时也保证大家从开始就能互相交流

    This is a nice way to start the day and a good way to ensure open lines of communication in a very busy household.


  • 我们开始第3开头

    We'll start reading right at the beginning of chapter 3.


  • 众所周知,要开始坚持一个习惯开头困难的。

    We all know that getting started and sticking with the new habit for a few weeks is the hard part.


  • 4显示消息大小默认5MB,NSD输出2 MB,因为NSD输出是从文件开头开始读取所以是文件的2 MB。

    Figure 4 shows the defaults of 5 MB for the total message size and 2 MB worth of NSD output, which is read starting from the beginning of the file, so it's the first 2 MB of the file that is used.


  • 每个小节中的文件都是以相同字母开头22小节小节都是以字母表顺序中的不同字母开始

    The three lines in each stanza begin with the same letter, and each of the twenty-two stanzas begins with a different letter in alphabetical order.


  • 开始时,访问所需功能自定义应用程序开头包含若干文件必要的。

    To start, it's necessary to include a number of header files at the start of your custom application that provide access to the required functions.


  • 演讲开头说道:“在过去几个月,关于这个话题所有演讲是从批评美国开始不会这样做。”

    He began his keynote address by saying, "in the last few months, virtually every speech on this subject has started with criticism of the United States. But I will do nothing of the kind."


  • 回到开头通过seek方法进行,接受参数表示要从文件中的什么位置开始读取写入(例如0代表文件开头)。

    You do so via the seek method, which takes a single parameter that indicates where in the file you want to start reading or writing (for example, zero indicates the start of the file).


  • 书中有章节是这样开头的:“苹果公司开始只是一项生意不是一个公司。”

    Apple Computer started life as a business, not a company.


  • 150签名征集期限开头每个签名的价格也许10分钱或者20分钱开始

    Early in the 150-day collection period, prices might start at 10 or 20 cents per signature.


  • 大致了解程序运行原理后我们从带有声明部分开头位置开始学习。

    With this overview of how the program works, let's begin at the beginning with the declarations section.


  • 开始就问“为什么”确实不是个简单问题,以此为开头对接下来发生的事情有的放矢

    Beginning with the "why" can be challenging, but starting here is critical to ensuring that your subsequent efforts are on target.


  • 通常家长表现得强硬,因为孩子反抗开始时候总是最难的,所以西方家长开头放弃了。

    This often requires fortitude on the part of the parents because the child will resist; things are always hardest at the beginning, which is where Western parents tend to give up.


  • 开头几个好,因为他们搬家之后从头开始做了必要准备

    The first couple of months were fine, he says, as they took the steps needed to get restarted after any move.


  • 开始时,工作量不是很大,就是个学习过程,最开头学习如何保养自己的双手,接着学习各种手的姿势

    It was a process. I had to first learn how to take care of my hands, and then learn all the types of poses.


  • 学期开头开始骑车时,我发现自己不能再昂贵的会员资格花钱了。

    And when I took up cycling at the beginning of the academic year, I found myself unable to take out that expensive membership.


  • 要做到一点,父母必须很坚强,因为孩子反抗万事开头难,西方父母正是开始阶段放弃了。

    This often requires fortitude on the part of theparents because the child will resist; things are always hardest at the beginning, which is where Western parents tend to give up.


  • 我们下来开始商讨,会议主持人鲍勃·鲁宾,一开头请列昂。帕内塔发言。

    After we sat down to work, Bob Rubin, who was running the meeting, called on Leon Panetta first.


  • 一个无序列表开头标签每个项目开始标签为。

    An unordered list starts with the tag. Each list item starts with the tag.


  • 与后面篇幅,能算是开头部分,此时,路加开始读者注意力转向耶路撒冷

    We're at still very early in the Gospel compared to what the rest of it is,and yet,what Luke is doing is turning your attention as a reader now to Jerusalem.


  • 开始著作上学》,伟大的著作《形上学》,书中的开头陈述即是,“所有求知欲

    He begins his Metaphysics, his great book the Metaphysics, : with the famous opening statement, " "All men have a desire to know."


  • 说话对于非常艰难并且开始时候说得很慢但是总算开头了。

    My speech was extremely difficult and slow in the beginning, but at least it was a beginning.


  • 说话对于非常艰难并且开始时候说得很慢但是总算开头了。

    My speech was extremely difficult and slow in the beginning, but at least it was a beginning.


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