• 开始担心现在好了一个过程独生子女这样

    I am also worried about the beginning, but now Well, this is a process, and one child have to do.


  • 认为是个独行侠,刚开始也享受平和安静接下来几个月,发现自己常常感到孤独

    As someone who considers himself a loner, I loved the peace and quiet at first, but I found myself feeling very lonely within a few months.


  • 如果农场管理好,并且足够土地也很真诚地转变(农场运营方式),就可以开始段合作关系了。

    If the farm is well managed and has enough land, and the desire to convert is sincere, a relationship can begin.


  • 有点了解兽医专业一个人怎么开始他()的实践(其他某些专业也很着迷),但是,我她不想谈论这个问题。

    I kind of wanted to know about about veterinary school and how one starts their our practice (other professions fascinate me to no end), but I don't think that's what she wants to talk about.


  • 开始抛弃这种错误的想法后,你就会意识到你能力别人提供无穷无尽价值而且他们也很乐意为此掏腰包。

    As you begin to dump such brainwashing, you'll soon recognize that you have the ability to provide enormous value to others and that people will gladly pay you for it.


  • 人们普遍知道银行发放过多信贷储户就会自然的紧张起来,开始取出来。

    It is also common knowledge that when Banks extend too much credit, depositors quite naturally get nervous and start withdrawing their money.


  • 需要完美,需要百分百完成了你才能开始启用战略计划

    It does not have to be perfect or 100 percent complete to start using your strategic plan.


  • 孩子父亲,儿子刚生下来不久就带一起去训练,2岁时就开始举重练习。 他还表示,自己的儿子非常喜欢摆那些“非常男子汉”的姿势而且腹部就像衣板一样结实,肩部肌肉也很发达。

    His father said that his son enjoys striking macho poses and has a washboard stomach and bulging shoulder muscles.


  • 因为健康水平容易观察到可以测量开始看到你有能力成为正在脱颖而出

    Because fitness levels are easily observed and can be measured, you can quickly start to see the emerging person you are capable of becoming.


  • 杰基开始抽烟感到生气什么

    Jackie began to smoke. She felt angry but she said nothing.


  • 想得到新的刺激容易可以开始一项新的工作或者学习一样乐器

    Achieving that stimulation can be as easy as starting a new job or learning to play an instrument.


  • 这种方式至少不是科学即使是如此可以帮助团队开始用户中心的方式来思考问题。

    This is not very scientific to say the least, but even this can help a team to start thinking in a more user centered way.


  • 就是那个持续哔声,如果开始快了突然停下来了,哪怕是一秒钟容易觉察到

    Just a steady beep - you can quite easily detect if it starts going quicker or if it stops even for a second.


  • 但是每次在知道什么难以开始时,我就寻求帮助,我奇怪,为什么一招这么有效

    But whenever I have trouble getting started because I don't know exactly what to do, and I ask for help, I'm amazed at how much it... helps.


  • 1500年,欧洲人就开始使用温度计和降水量测量如今网上容易找到这些测量记录

    Thermometers and rain gauges have been used in Europe since 1500, and many of the records are now easily available on the Internet.


  • 表面上显得平静坚强我已经开始感觉到可怕扼住喉咙

    Outwardly I was calm and reassuring, but I was beginning to feel fear gripping my throat.


  • 我们俩都喜欢跳舞也很欣赏舞蹈艺术我们开始一起跳舞时,我们心有灵犀了。

    We both love to dance and enjoy the art of dance, and we connected as soon as we danced.


  • 帕纳,“开始的时候,某些家长老师对此产生过顾虑这种做法让他们害怕没有安全感。”

    "At the outset," Panaccione said, "there was some hesitation among some of the parents and teachers, motivated by fear and insecurity."


  • 然后突然奇怪是,许多同学开始给他加油。

    Then suddenly, and surprisingly, some of the students join in.


  • 然而尽管现金消费盛行手机开始改变保守的日本传统的消费习惯

    Yet despite the popularity of cash, the mobile phone is starting to change even Japan's traditional habits.


  • 萨那午餐通常丰盛仓促,人们快速完午餐填饱肚子,好开始下午咀嚼

    In Sana 'a, lunch is often large but hasty, eaten quickly to line the stomach for an afternoon's chewing.


  • 1918年暴发流感起初温和,但是几个月之后开始变得致命并且数百万人丧生

    An influenza outbreak in 1918 began in a mild way, but returned in a lethal form months later and killed millions.


  • 人们容易那些最好比较起来发现自己的各种不充分缺失,从来想过,任何人都不是天生都拥有这些技能的,如果他们开始做起,永远走不到这一天。

    It's easy to feel inadequate when you compare yourself to the very best, but even they weren't born with those skills and they wouldn't have them if they never started.


  • 现在平静没什么可以说了:故事结束的时候开始--黑夜里,在疑惑中。

    Now I am calm, but truly there is no more to tell: the incident ends where it began -- in darkness and in doubt.


  • 马克2010年夏天波尔多转会阿森纳之后展现了惊人的能量。仅仅只是一个开始现在享受酋长球场生活

    Chamakh enjoyed an impressive start to his Arsenal career following his move from Bordeaux in summer 2010 and the striker is enjoying life at Emirates Stadium.


  • 学习一门语言容易让人焦躁,人们往往不知从何处开始着手。

    Learning a new programming language can be a daunting task and at times difficult to know where to start.


  • 一定适合开始正在考虑业务服务

    You also must be well suited to start and operate the business and services you're considering providing.


  • 下来,她疲惫这么多路,太阳也很炎热,两只开始以前一样,她唱道:“三只醒着吗?”

    Three-eyes sat down and was tired with the walk and with the heat of the sun, and Two-eyes began the same song as before, and sang, "Three eyes, are you waking?"


  • 学校喜欢是因为它能有效避免旷课节约老师时间,”,“学生开始喜欢它了,因为它看起来科幻刺激。”

    "The schools love it, because it supposedly avoids truancy and saves teachers' time, " she says. "And the pupils tend to love it, because it seems to be all about being futuristic and exciting."


  • 学校喜欢是因为它能有效避免旷课节约老师时间,”,“学生开始喜欢它了,因为它看起来科幻刺激。”

    "The schools love it, because it supposedly avoids truancy and saves teachers' time, " she says. "And the pupils tend to love it, because it seems to be all about being futuristic and exciting."


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