• 第二国会每年至少开会一次开会日期除以法律另行规定外,1月3正午开始

    Section 2. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on the 3d day of January, unless they shall by law appoint a different day.


  • 10月9(星期二),也就是课程开始的前一天,学校将在午餐时间于网球场召开会议,告知大家课程时间。

    A meeting will be held at lunchtime, Tuesday October 9th, the day before the course begins, on the school tennis courts to let you know the lesson time.


  • 1933年,富兰克林·罗斯福命令第73届国会3月9宣誓就职5天后,开会处理全国银行危机

    And in 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered the 73rd Congress to meet Thursday, March 9 - five days after he had taken the oath of office - to deal with the nation's banking crisis.


  • 爱德华一世(1239年6月17——1307年7月7)在1279年宣布禁止穿盔甲来国会开会,否则犯法。 现在也还是一样,穿件盔甲国会试试?

    Edward 1 banned the wearing of armourin Parliament in 1279 –and it's still a crime to do so.


  • 工作的九小时上班时间中,不是每时每刻使用比如吃午饭开会其它事情

    During a nine-hour workday, it isn't always in use because of lunch, meetings and other things.


  • 16迪拜交警部门已开会安排人员协调具体方案

    A meeting was held on 16th to arrange staffs to coordinate specific plans by the Dubai traffic police.


  • 了解,安理会于14议,讨论边境局势

    It is learned that the Security Council will hold a meeting on 14th to discuss the border situation between Cambodia and Thailand.


  • 美联储将于下周购买国债计划更多细节有望113会议中披露。

    The Fed meets next week and details of any bond-buying program are expected to be announced when the meeting wraps up Nov. 3.


  • 克鲁特超市于10月12邀请投资者议,批准合一的股票拆分计划

    The company will also ask investors at a meeting on Oct. 12 to approve a five-for-one stock split.


  • 8月4大公司新奥尔良召开海洋能源管理局议上阐述了它们计划

    The companies outlined their plans at a public meeting held in New Orleans on August 4th by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.


  • 2007年6月18华盛顿世界银行执行董事会今天开会继续关于遴选世界银行行长协商。

    Washington, June 18, 2007 - the Executive Directors of the World Bank met today to continue their deliberations on the selection of the President of the World Bank.


  • 1月26北约各国大使将就新秘书长的人选,而现任秘书长夏侯雅伯将于今年夏天离任。

    On January 26th, NATO ambassadors will start talking about who should replace Jaap de Hoop Scheffer as secretary-general when he steps down this summer.


  • 欧洲区域消灭脊髓灰质炎认证委员会于2010年6月28-29丹麦哥本哈根召开会

    The European Regional Commission for the Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication met in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 2829 June 2010.


  • 现在首要事件解决即将12月31过期布什时代的税收减免政策这件事,国会将在开会

    High on the agenda as the lame-duck Congress convened this week were the Bush-era tax cuts due to expire on December 31st.


  • 3月18委员会开会时,金融市场继续面临巨大压力尤其是短期抵押计费抵押债券市场。

    When the Committee met on March 18, financial markets continued to be under great stress, particularly the markets for short-term collateralized and uncollateralized funding.


  • 2007年3月13|内瓦-启动一个新的国际专题小组今天第一开会应对全球卫生工作者短缺问题。

    March 2007 | Geneva - a new international Task Force was launched and met for the first time today to tackle the global shortage of health workers.


  • 51920华盛顿,国家标准与技术研究院招集相关部门开会,讨论标准实施路线。

    NIST will hold a stakeholdersmeeting for the standards road map May 19 and 20 in Washington.


  • 1676年6月20马萨诸塞州查尔斯理事会确定如何最好表达他们的感谢谢——好运使得他们的共和国牢固建立

    On June 20, 1676, the governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts, held a meeting to determine how best to express thanks for the good fortune that had seen their community securely established.


  • 管理人员两个相互重叠工作里疲惫不堪:一直开会正式工作,另一天是不得不处理大量邮件信息的非正式工作

    Executives are lumbered with two overlapping workdays: aformal one full of meetings and an informal one spent trying tokeep up with the torrent of emails and messages.


  • 4月2伦敦开会G20各国的领导第一任务就是有害的事情。

    The first task for the leaders of the Group of 20, who will meet in London on April 2nd, will be to do no harm.


  • 4月2伦敦开会G20各国的领导第一任务就是有害的事情。

    The first task for the leaders of the Group of 20, who will meet in London on April 2nd, will be to do no harm.


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