• 为了确保简历有利(不是不利),建议你把得更提案不是一份工作描述

    To ensure that your resume works for (and not against) you, I recommend writing it more like a proposal than a job description.


  • 提案范围常常包括多个方面,客户希望获得软件产品方面的建议,又希望咨询专业人士开发一个端到端的应用程序

    Often the proposal scope is multidimensional, wherein the customer expects both a software product recommendation as well as consulting expertise to develop an end-to-end application.


  • 许多提案开发过程中,建议解决方案价格往往会超过流程开始时设立预计定价

    In many proposal development efforts, the price of the proposed solution exceeds the projected, estimated price set at the start of the process.


  • 在这份消费者游说团体委托,许多大人物起草提案中,大多数建议都是老生常谈

    Commissioned by Which?, a consumer lobbying group, and authored by a handful of worthies, most of its Suggestions are not new.


  • 我们网络公民,开始着手草拟份网络公民权宣言提案并且希望其他网民也能够对此发表看法,就哪些权利应该纳入本宣言抒发意见建议

    We Netizens have begun to put together a Declaration of the Rights of Netizens and are requesting from other Netizens contributions, ideas, and suggestions of what rights should be included.


  • TDA根据提案确定时间成本资源确保建议解决方案中的范围实现的可能

    The TDA ensures that the scope of the proposed solution has realistic chances of being met according to the time, cost, and resource identified in the proposal.


  • 苏格兰限制短期服刑6月30日苏格兰议员通过了多项提案建议减少三个三个月以下刑期服刑人数

    Short prison sentences will also be restricted in Scotland, where on June 30th MSPs passed proposals to reduce the number of sentences of three months or less.


  • 这样为了避免QA审核人员建议提案有所偏袒

    This is done to prevent bias of QA reviewers toward the solution being proposed.


  • 搭档的提案每次询问客户是否需要文案建议应该详细情况转给你的文案。

    Partner proposals: Each time you ask your clients if they would like a copywriting proposal, you should pass on the details to your copywriting partner.


  • 我们提案远远超过《危机中的国家报告中所提的各种建议

    Our proposals went well beyond those of the Nation at Risk report.


  • 他们承认,要美国宇航局接受这项提案很难主要是安全性问题因而私营部门提出这个建议也许有希望。

    They acknowledge the proposal is a tough sell for NASA, with its focus on safety, and suggest the private sector might be more fertile ground.


  • 比如策划才能:“那就工作某些方面提出改进建议然后提案呈交给公司的决策者。”

    Or let's say you're skilled at planning: "Put together an improvement proposal for some aspect of your job, and present it" to decision-makers.


  • 另一项提案建议取消双重股权机构,采取单一股权制。 虽然提案对公司有利,仍然被众多股东否决,惨遭搁置。

    Another shareholder proposal to eliminate the dual class of shares and create a single class of stock was also on the docket that year, which might have been helpful but was defeated by shareholders.


  • 上周苹果加利福尼亚总部库比·提诺举行的股东大会上,一项建议苹果公司推荐出继任执行官提案获得通过,而这次会议乔布斯并未参加

    A proposal for Apple to outline a succession plan for its executives failed to pass at a shareholders' meeting at the company's Cupertino, California, headquarters last week. Jobs didn't attend.


  • 由于担心党派初选激进作用会让胜利远离在同一天举行的选举,所以14条提案建议让初选公开化。

    Fears about this radicalising effect of partisan primaries lay behind the victory on the same day of a ballot measure, Proposition 14, to change to open primaries.


  • :“美国伊拉克提案当中一些矛盾所以现在大家都最初提案搁置一边提出新的建议。”

    The prime minister said there were several points of conflict between initial drafts drawn up by U.S. and Iraqi negotiators, so they put those drafts aside and are submitting new ideas.


  • 英国《每日邮报》10月11日报道,鼓励多人登记器官捐献,一项提案建议英国国家医疗服务系统(NHS)为器官捐献者丧葬费用埋单。

    Organ donors should have their funeral expenses paid by the NHS, according to a proposal to encourage millions more to sign up to the register.


  • 加州民众23提案投了反对票,提案建议该州温室气体总量管制和交易法案搁置直到连续四个季度失业率超过12%至5.5%。

    California voted against Proposition 23, which would have put a hold on the state's cap-and-trade law until the unemployment rate, now over 12 percent, fell to 5.5 percent for four quarters.


  • 额外建议:向老板递交提案清楚地列出建议改变能带来的好处

    Bonus tip: Create a proposal for your boss that clearly Outlines the benefits of any changes you suggest.


  • 去年12月安委会提案禁止司机开车途中使用手机,并且草案正在考虑公众建议

    The Transportation Department proposed a ban last December, and is considering public comments on its draft rule.


  • Pierluisi先生提案建议返回酿酒厂的资金比例限制最高10%。

    Mr Pierluisi's bill would cap the proportion of funds that can be returned to rum producers at 10%.


  • 提案建议董事会成员选举每年举办一次。

    One was to elect directors annually.


  • 联邦通讯委员会觉得可行,起草提案建议说服电视公司出让它们部分波段

    It has come up with a proposal to persuade TV companies to part with some of their airwaves.


  • 第二提案建议代替扩展适应空置有多层设施转为顾客的一个品牌经验中心雇员城市居民

    The second proposal suggested, in lieu of the expansion, to adapt a vacant multi - story facility into a brand experience center for customers, employees, and city residents.


  • 如果已经处在一个喜欢并且不想变动职位,你仍然利用这股能量的优势呈交提案建议

    If you are already in a position you love and don't want to change jobs, you can still take advantage of this energy by using it to present new ideas and to make proposals.


  • 研究提案质量不仅取决于你的建议项目的质量,同时你的建议写作质量。

    The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing.


  • 提出试探性的建议提案计画构思

    Make a tentative suggestion, proposal, plan, idea, etc.


  • 公众60天的评议可以提案提供他们建议

    There is a 60-day comment period for the public to share their opinion about the proposal.


  • 提案建议专责小组应对虚拟货币核心区块链(blockchain)技术专业理解。

    The proposal suggests the taskforce should build expertise in the underlying blockchain technology of virtual currencies.


  • 提案建议专责小组应对虚拟货币核心区块链(blockchain)技术专业理解。

    The proposal suggests the taskforce should build expertise in the underlying blockchain technology of virtual currencies.


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