• 标段建人招标代理机构相互任职或工作的;

    The bidder conducts mutual post-holding and duty-fulfilling activity together with the agent for the bid section or the tendering agency;


  • 有效激励约束机制高速公路业主激励努力工作最佳动力

    Effectiveness of incentive and restraint mechanisms is the best power for the agent to work hard.


  • 建人管理责任核心防范建人管理责任风险是代制有效实施的永恒主题。

    The management duty of constriction agent is the core of agent construction. Avoiding the duty risk of construction agent is the eternal object of the agent construction.


  • 本文对代中代建人责任风险加以分析,对提交履约保函一应对措施局限性进行了剖析,在此基础上提出建人责任所承担责任风险相一致的BT模式

    This paper analyzes the duty of construction agent and the limit of the bonds, it also proposes the BT model of construction agent which relates the duty with the duty risk.


  • 足够坚固的抵挡黄河的水流当时当地来说一种挑战

    It was challenge for the locals back then to build a bridge was strong enough to withstand the current of the Yellow River.


  • 个餐厅是专门为老年的。

    The dining hall is specially built for the old.


  • 一些杂物实在太多了,以至于他们觉得更大房子扩大衣橱添置一个物间,甚至去租一个储物

    Some people have so much clutter that they feel the need to build a bigger house, expand a closet, add a shed or even rent storage lockers.


  • 比特汽车旅馆真正霍比特洞穴一样一边

    The hobbit Motel resembles an authentic hobbit hole built into the side of the mountain.


  • 随后马其顿声称斯科普里中心亚历山大大帝铜像,起初很多以为一个为了抨击希腊玩笑话,为了讽刺希腊总自诩为历史文化中心

    So when the Macedonians said they planned to put up a statue of Alexander in the centre of Skopje, many assumed it was a joke to rile the Greeks, who see him as central to their history and culture.


  • 丈夫承诺会为她在佛罗里达的露天平台上间房并且一个花了两个星期完成然后把妻子带去那里

    “He undertook the creation of a Florida room off their deck, and built it himself over the course of two weeks, so he could move her out there,” Dr.


  • 关于这个项目成本主要的就是搭教室使之适应这种教学模式,我们需要间能装170,的教室上这种课。

    In terms of cost to institute this, the upfront cost to build classrooms, to accommodate this kind of structure, we need two classrooms that hold 170 students a piece to do this.


  • 有些当地希望高速公路围栏改善十字路口的照明

    Some locals want more fences along the highway and better lighting at intersections.


  • 丈夫承诺会为她在佛罗里达家的露天平台上间房并且花了两个星期完成,然后妻子带去那里

    "He undertook the creation of a Florida room off their deck, and built it himself over the course of two weeks, so he could move her out there," Dr. Milch said.


  • 另外就算章子怡打算公告媒体她的捐款,然而捐款儿童保护中心需要牵涉多少,明眼想就知道。

    Besides, even though Zhang did not plan to invite the mass media to report the event, building a children protection center will involve a huge amount of people.


  • 骈回忆说:“沈奎安欠了很多,他债主可能有几千

    "He owed money to many people; the number was probably in the thousands, " Xu recalls.


  • 先前我们一些熟知格米社区专家进行了交流他们一个电台

    So we talked with some experts who know the pygmy communities very well, and they said let's have a radio station.


  • 年轻怎样七叶树果游戏,怎样洞穴,怎样生火,怎样露营书籍成了畅销书

    Books teaching young people how to play conkers, build dens and fires, and set up camp are bestsellers.


  • 他们之所以会非法房屋由于以色列多年来拒绝巴勒斯坦提供屋许可证

    They say the illegal building is the result of decades of Israeli refusals to grant building licences to Palestinians.


  • 同时我们不得不付钱我们账户,我们必须为期一年协议然后,我们发现,还要交月费

    And meanwhile, we had to pay to get our bank account set up, we had to enter into a one-year agreement, and then we found out there was a monthly fee.


  • 篇博客中,余秋雨谈到,这笔善款自己名义四川小学,具体捐款事宜由上海九久读书公司负责。

    The money Yu promised was supposed to be used to set up a primary school bearing his name in Sichuan, according to his blog.


  • 股票经纪说,没问题账户

    You can go there and say, I want to buy stocks, and the broker will say fine, we'll set up an account for you.


  • 这项为期一年的活动被命名为“机器250”,而今年也恰逢匹兹堡城250周年。

    The yearlong program, called Robot 250, coincides with the city's 250th birthday.


  • 日本设施……为了经受地震的——不是8.9级地震。”CNN供稿麻省理工学院安全研究项目研究员JamesWalsh

    "Nuclear facilities in Japan... were built to withstand earthquakesbut not an 8.9 earthquake," said James Walsh, a CNN contributor and research associate at MIT's security studies program.


  • 尔塔一边ElRodadero这一个类似坎昆地方,时尚餐厅露天集市高楼大厦沿海而,逢周末大量的有钱来到这里度假。

    On the other side of Santa Marta lies el Rodadero, a cancun-like strip of stylish restaurants, open-air markets and high-rise hotels along beaches that fill with well-to-do locals on weekends.


  • 来此寻求议的病来自于全国各地,释德表示他们通常只是为了治疗病症本身,医是以整体作为治疗对象,健康了,病症自然就消失了。”

    Usually they want treatment only for symptoms, says Dejian, but "Chan Wu Yi treats the whole person. When the person is healthy, the symptoms disappear."


  • 如果关心年轻15岁12岁的孩子说:,“考虑一个虚拟广播站或是提供家教服务。”

    If you care about a young person, and that 15-year-old or 12-year-old says, "I'm sort of thinking about a virtual radio station or tutoring service."


  • 2008年12月18日下午,外交部发言举行例行记者会,就打击索马里海盗问题答问

    On December 18, 2008, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Jianchao held a regular press conference and answered questions on counter-piracy efforts off the coast of Somalia and etc.


  • 一些房屋6- 8居住住了30

    Some homes, built for 6 to 8 people, have up to 30 people living in them. Unemployment.


  • 一些房屋6- 8居住住了30

    Some homes, built for 6 to 8 people, have up to 30 people living in them. Unemployment.


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