• 传统小说罗克的“无私奉献艺术”挑战自私追名逐利”,而兰德的故事和这种期望完全相反。

    A conventional story would have set up Roark's "selfless devotion to his art" against Keating's "grasping, selfish careerism." Rand reverses this expectation.


  • 2007年提出的一项汽车行业实行自由贸易的协议推迟协议各国(阿根巴西巴拉圭乌拉圭)多哈谈判也都无法站在共同立场上。

    An agreement to bring in free trade in cars by 2007 has been postponed. The countries that form the pact (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) failed to adopt a common stance in the Doha talks.


  • 科学家大学生收听来自不同文化男性录音带罗马尼亚大学生阿根美洲驼的牧民,各色各样。

    Scientists asked undergraduates to listen to recordings of men from a variety of cultures: from Romanian college students to Argentinian llama herders.


  • 加先生并没有决定自己的领地脱离肯尼亚说道会献身于一个统一的肯尼亚。

    Mr Odinga has made no call for secession; he says he is still committed to a united Kenya.


  • 黑斯提醒他们前面所预想的要,他他们在这里扎营,然后着他回来指点一条更好走的

    Hastings warned the Donner party that the route ahead was more difficult than he had thought. He asked the emigrants to make camp there and wait until he could return to show them a better way.


  • 阿根通胀率最难人接受

    Argentina's inflation rate is the hardest to swallow.


  • 90年代达沃斯帮人其他追随者们一个无国界世界里不可一世时,“文明冲突论顿超越学术领域全球变得知名

    In the 1990s, when the Davos crowd and other believers in a borderless world reigned supreme, Huntington crossed over from the academy into global renown, with his "clash of civilizations" thesis.


  • Tsutsui本人希望使用新的基因数据确定阿根蚂蚁怎样留下化学痕迹后来的蚂蚁跟随

    Tsutsui himself hopes to use the new genetic data to identify how the Argentines use chemicals to lay down trails for fellow ants to follow.


  • 离终场还有10分钟时候,英格兰队长杰拉德创造了一次绝佳的破门机会德国门将的精彩扑救英格兰无功而返。德国队挺进四分之一决赛,并将会对阵阿根队。

    Captain Steven Gerrard created England's best chance with ten minutes to go, but his shot was well saved, as Germany will now go on to face Argentina in the quarter-finals.


  • 写作体育可以环游世界,伯小姐是Colgate大学汽车系毕业生从没某个地方长久居住过。

    Sports and writing took her around the world, and Ms. Bertine, a turbo-driven Colgate University graduate, never landed anyplace for long.


  • 新泽西州布拉德利海滩(Bradley Beach)玛丽安娜·佩雷斯尼克(MaryannePreztunik),在自己50岁生日时,她享用了送给她的诞辰礼物- 乌斯怀亚阿根南极洲一次往返性的远征旅行。

    Maryanne Preztunik of Bradley Beach, New Jersey, took this photo while enjoying her 50th birthday present to herself--a roundtrip sailing expedition from Ushuaia, Argentina, to Antarctica.


  • 欧元美元实力欧洲学习计划在其他国家更加昂贵比如阿根

    The strength of the euro against the dollar makes programs in Europe more costly than those in Argentina, for example.


  • 帕尔·帕故意义军侦察员获得第二颗位置预见到他们突击队舰队会进攻

    Palpatine allowed Rebel spies to learn of the location of the second Death Star, and foresaw their strike team and fleet assault.


  • 与校方学生备战考试、进入大学目标截然相反教育学生们,工作固然维持生活的崇高追求激情才是而为人根本原因

    In direct contrast to the school goal of preparing students for college, Keating taught his students that occupations were noble pursuits to sustain life, but passion is the reason to live.


  • 贾斯爸爸做做这些算术题这些快把逼疯了

    Justin: Dad, I wish you would do the arithmetic problems for methey're driving me crazy.


  • 意大利裁判挥手离去来自墨西哥选手抗议阿根第一个目标开始游戏运行前锋特维斯显然越位

    The Italian referee waved away protests from Mexican players after allowing Argentina's first goal, which came against the run of play, with striker Carlos Tevez clearly offside.


  • 唯一感到可以放心倾吐这些困惑的就是他成为布少年英雄的那一天就交上的朋友:帕尔帕议长

    The only person he felt comfortable confiding such troubles to was a friend he had since his days as a child hero on Naboo: Chancellor Palpatine.


  • 只有阿根荷兰德国必不可少自信开始了世界杯之旅,他们很轻松地取得开门红

    Only Argentina, the Netherlands and Germany started the tournament with the necessary self-confidence, which led to comfortable opening victories.


  • 阿根队的梅西()眼花缭乱的步伐骗尼日利亚队的防守队员,但是未能冲破门将恩耶马的防线。

    Argentina's Lionel Messi, left, mesmerized Nigeria with his moves but he was unable to get past goalie Vincent Enyeama for a goal.


  • 德尔波特罗,也许这个阿根不可能击败纳达尔但是至少纳达尔流一身的

    Juan Martin del Potro: Our man JMDP won't beat Nadal but he could make him sweat.


  • 而在阿根,控球都会停留一点时间这样可以抬头寻找传球和接应的队员。

    In Argentina you touch the ball and then hold it for a bit, which allows you to have more time to look for the pass.


  • 决赛前,德尔·波特罗家人留在阿根比赛周一阿瑟·阿什球场上的私人包厢留了三个不过按照计划,将于周二晚返回家乡塔蒂尔和家人团聚。

    He had asked them to stay in Argentina for the match, leaving only three people in his private box at Ashe on Monday night, but he was scheduled to see them Tuesday night when he flew back home.


  • 我们预测四分之一决赛中,西班牙打败葡萄牙巴西打败智利阿根打败墨西哥墨西哥像以往那样在小组出线后就出局。

    In the quarterfinals, we had Spain dusting Portugal, Brazil thumping Chile and Argentina sending Mexico to its usual second-round exit. All of those prophecies came true.


  • 保罗准确预测出德国战胜阿根英格兰加纳澳大利亚队,之后将败给西班牙队德国举国陷入震惊和恐慌。

    The country was shocked and distraught when he picked Spain to win after tipping German wins over Argentina, England, Ghana and Australia.


  • 平的创作经历中国文化阿根的文化了更深刻的理解

    Though my work in Fuping, I have learned Chinese culture and Argentinean culture.


  • 平的创作经历中国文化阿根的文化了更深刻的理解

    Though my work in Fuping, I have learned Chinese culture and Argentinean culture.


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