• 2008年,阿根牛肉出口数量首次少于相邻小国乌拉

    In 2008, for the first time, Argentina exported less beef than Uruguay, its tiny neighbour.


  • 乌拉,阿根混浊拉普拉塔河而相望。 这个国家最近的一、二十年里不是受到他的巨人邻居社会经济长期不稳的冲击就是受益于其中。

    URUGUAY, lying just across the muddy waters of the River Plate from Argentina, has been fated in recent decades both to be buffeted by, and to benefit from, its big neighbour’s secular instability.


  • 当成南美人,也许乌拉人,阿根人,智利人或者巴西人

    He took me for a South American, perhaps a Uruguayan, an Argentine, a Chilean or a Brazilian.


  • 1930年世界杯总决赛东道主乌拉阿根之间展开。

    The 1930 World Cup final was played between the hosts, Uruguay, and Argentina.


  • 进出阿根乌拉国际航班智利南部火山持续喷发所形成巨大的火山灰云层再次被扰乱。

    International flights to and from Argentina and Uruguay have been disrupted again by a huge ash cloud caused by an ongoing volcanic eruption in southern Chile.


  • 美洲巴西东部乌拉阿根都可以看到全食部分,但是北美完全看不到本次月食。

    In the Americas, the totality was visible from eastern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. But none of the eclipse was visible from North America.


  • 不想表达感受如果特维斯继续我们在一起,非常美妙的,因为我们已经签了国家队队友阿(阿根)。

    I don't want to express my feelings about that, but if Carlos Tevez stays with us it will be fantastic as we've signed Aguero who plays in the (Argentina) national team with him.


  • 阿根具有巨大国内市场相比作为一个依靠银行业海滨旅游业牛肉出口业的开放型的较小规模的经济体乌拉本应受到世界经济衰退大打击。

    As a small, open economy dependent on banking, beach tourism and beef exports, Uruguay ought to be more exposed to the world recession than Argentina, with its large domestic market.


  • 阿根最后对阵乌拉资格赛不得不84分钟才等到进球确保了进军南非,小组赛还曾被普通的玻利维亚队以6 - 1击溃。

    Argentina had to wait for an 84th-minute goal in their final qualifier, against Uruguay, to ensure reaching South Africa and endured a 6-1 thrashing to lowly Bolivia along the way.


  • 如此结构意味着承上启下做得不够好:比如第一个例子讲了拉丁美洲乌拉2002年的重组,下一个则阿根1993年的案例,第三个却是巴西1983年发生的问题。

    This structure means that there is no narrative flow: his first example from Latin America is Uruguay's 2002 restructuring, his next is Argentina in 1993 and his third is Brazil in 1983.


  • 2007年提出的一项汽车行业实行自由贸易的协议推迟协议各国(阿根巴西巴拉乌拉)多哈谈判也都无法站在共同立场上。

    An agreement to bring in free trade in cars by 2007 has been postponed. The countries that form the pact (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) failed to adopt a common stance in the Doha talks.


  • 自从近期爆炸事故发生之后,乌拉阿根之间没有正式接触

    Since the recent explosion, there has been no official contact between Uruguay and Argentina.


  • 曼城阿根球星塞尔吉奥-俱乐部和国家队带来了好消息,他已经恢复健康准备出场比赛

    Manchester City and Argentina star Sergio Aguero has handed both club and country a boost by declaring himself fit and ready for action.


  • 委内瑞拉石油收入减少巴西阿根乌拉不能以前那样在大豆和其他农产品出口获得大量收益,而一旦价格需求出现下滑,智利会面临麻烦

    Venezuela will get less for petrol, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay won't receive as much from soy and other agricultural exports and Chile could have trouble if copper prices and demand falls.


  • 巴西流感受感染的人员主要集中乌拉阿根接壤的南里奥格兰德州和圣保罗市。

    Most cases in Brazil are concentrated in Rio Grande do Sul, the state that borders both Uruguay and Argentina, and in Sã o Paulo.


  • 孩子父亲,阿根队前锋塞尔吉奥·阿罗也一同离开训练营

    The child's father, the striker Sergio "El Kun" Agüero, left the training camp to be with her.


  • 2010年2月初,剧烈雷暴使乌拉阿根部分地区洪水泛滥。

    Intense thunderstorms inundated parts of Uruguay and Argentina in early February 2010.


  • 然而巴西无力解决阿根乌拉之间委内瑞拉与哥伦比亚之间,以及宏都拉斯政争等简单多的纠纷

    However, Brazil has failed to settle far simpler disputes between Argentina and Uruguay, Venezuela and Colombia, and Honduras's political rivals.


  • 其时阿根采取拖欠债务国有化外资企业物价监管的措施。而乌拉债权人静悄悄达成友好重整债务协议

    While Argentina defaulted on its debt, nationalised foreign businesses and imposed price controls, Uruguay quietly reached an amicable rescheduling agreement with its creditors.


  • 里奥内尔·梅西——世界最佳球员——跨入球场参加星期六举行美洲杯四分之一决赛,广受支持阿根不被看好的乌拉之间的比赛时,自家制横幅向他致意

    This homemade banner greeted the world's best player, Lionel Messi, as he strode onto the pitch for Saturday's Copa America quarterfinal between heavily favored Argentina and underdog Uruguay.


  • 花旗集团1985年聘用了刚刚获得沃顿商学院MBA学位的彼得森然后通过工作表现逐步获得晋升,阿根企业银行部门客户经理职位晋升哥斯达黎加区域经理,此后又曾担任乌拉区域经理。

    Citi hired Peterson in 1985, fresh from Wharton's MBA program, and he worked his way up from corporate banking role in Argentina to country manager in Costa Rica and then Uruguay.


  • 先前七个国家夺得冠军-巴西意大利德国阿根乌拉法国英格兰

    The previous 18 World Cups have been won by just seven nations - Brazil, Italy, Germany, Argentina, Uruguay, France and England.


  • 地区出口了全球59%油料籽粒,11%的粮食,37%的肉类它同阿根巴西智利乌拉一道跻身农产品出口国。

    The region accounts for 59% of global exports of oil seeds, 11% of grains and 37% of meat; with Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay being among the top 10 food exporters.


  • 阿根边境城镇瓜列哇伊丘(gualeguaychu)激进团体频繁走上街道切断联通阿根乌拉的圣马丁大桥(Sanmartin bridge)交通

    Militant groups in the Argentinian border town of gualeguaychu took to the streets repeatedly to cut traffic on the San Martin bridge connecting Uruguay and Argentina.


  • 2001- 2002年阿根经济崩溃导致了乌拉银行挤兑经济衰退

    Argentina's economic collapse of 2001-2 duly prompted a bank run and recession in Uruguay.


  • 虽说乌拉的经济增长速度10年前可能阿根超越过,现在情势

    Uruguay may have been outpaced by Argentina earlier this decade, but the tables seem now to have been turned.


  • 虽说乌拉的经济增长速度10年前可能阿根超越过,现在情势

    Uruguay may have been outpaced by Argentina earlier this decade, but the tables seem now to have been turned.


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