• 往上延伸后面小山800英亩草木

    Rising into the hills behind are 800 acres of parkland.


  • 珊瑚保护面积99万平方公里海岸向外延伸达1100公里。

    The Coral Sea reserve would cover almost 990,000 square kilometres and stretch as far as 1,100 kilometres from the coast.


  • 行政许多边界延伸

    The county boroughs also had many boundary extensions.


  • 红衫曼谷购物街的领地已经向南延伸到了商业,他们还在那里设了路障

    Their encampment, in Bangkok's shopping district, stretches south to the business district, where protesters have built large barricades.


  • 他们担心如果暴发延伸一月地震幸存者所帐篷死亡人数将会飙升

    They fear the death toll could soar if the outbreak reaches camps housing the survivors of January's earthquake.


  • 尽管篮球场场地有限,但这样一来,它像是忽然拓宽了。因为防守站位空间延伸到了球场一半而不再球篮下所谓的"三秒"。

    The court, though finite, suddenly was expanded, as spacing spread to half the playing surface instead of the so-called "paint" right underneath the basket.


  • 此次耀斑是从太阳南半球活跃1158延伸开来,此前太阳南半球的耀斑活跃性落后北半球,此后几天又发生了小规模的耀斑活动

    The flare spread from Active Region 1158 in the sun's southern hemisphere, which had so far lagged behind the northern hemisphere in flash activity. It followed several smaller flares in recent days.


  • 贫困率至少40%居民延伸更广贫民增长速度是市内的两倍

    Neighborhoods with poverty rates of at least 40 percent are stretching over broader areas, increasing in suburbs at twice the rate of cities.


  • 这里五星级宾馆古奇专卖店望不到头商业街霓虹闪亮的餐馆;这里还有大片厂房狭促宿舍一直绵延伸一个工业城镇

    It has five star hotels, a Gucci store, endless blocks of shops and flashy restaurants; but also acres of factories and cramped dormitory blocks, sprawling into the next industrial town.


  • 这里五星级宾馆古奇专卖店望不到头商业街霓虹闪亮的餐馆;这里还有大片厂房狭促宿舍一直绵延伸一个工业城镇

    It has five-star hotels, a Gucci store, endless blocks of shops and flashy restaurants, but also acres of factories and cramped dormitory blocks, sprawling into the next industrial town.


  • 现如今,这个比从前富裕了,县城主要街道建起旅店餐馆,苹果种植果树成林一直延伸城外

    Today it looks relatively prosperous. The main street of the county seat is lined with hotels and restaurants, and the reddening orchards of this apple-growing district stretch beyond the town.


  • 种种措施目的就是建立一个科技”,西尔延伸2012年奥林匹克运动会会址的地带。

    The aim is to build a "Tech City" stretching from Shoreditch to the 2012 Olympic games site farther east.


  • 不想ThickBox覆盖整个窗口,更不想让它延伸以外

    You don't want ThickBox to cover the entire window, let alone extend beyond the edges of the viewport.


  • 结果表明低的素体轧制温度较高的铁素体压下量时,IF具有更高的冲性能、相对较高的强度延伸率以及织构强度

    The results showed that the if steel has better deep drawability, higher mechanical and texture strength and elongation if the hot rolling temperature was low with big reduction in ferrite region.


  • 发现聚碳酸脂中的屈服延伸裂纹前沿长条裂缝

    The yield zones he found in polycabonate were slits extending ahead of the crack .


  • 室外庭院运动创造一个愉快氛围,形成更加隐蔽美食过渡延伸至护坡附近木质露台

    An outdoor courtyard creates a pleasant atmosphere for sports and makes the transition to the Gourmet area, more secluded, to extend through a wooden deck near the lake.


  • 因此虽然生活视觉上得到了延伸但是睡眠仍然保持私密性

    Thus, the living area receives a visual extension, but the sleeping area retains its intimacy.


  • 新的住宅一直延伸游乐场的那一边。

    The new housing estate stretches beyond the playing-fields.


  • 第二法式开门通向厨房非正式用餐,厨房滑动玻璃门通向座露台造就一道阳光明媚的走廊屋前一直延伸到屋后。

    A second set of French doors opens to an informal dining area in the kitchen, where sliding glass doors open to a deck, creating a sunny corridor from the front of the house to the back.


  • 街道尽头,街道延伸150越过3个,屋旁令人印象深刻的樱桃树,房屋稍微远离市中心的安静住宅

    It was built to the end of a street (extending 150m over 3blocks) with an impressive cherry tree, in a quiet residential area slightly away from the city center.


  • 餐饮延伸到皇冠公园,它位于建筑南部室外空间,里面包括啤酒花园

    Dining areas spill out onto Crown Commons - an outdoor space to the south of the building that also includes a beer garden.


  • 板条表面周围户外休闲延伸大块的石板步道穿过结合种植泳池

    The slatted surface extends around an outdoor lobby area, where a walkway formed of large slabs crosses a reflecting pool incorporating planted beds.


  • 而是坚持认为中国专属经济一直向东延伸日本冲绳岛附近大陆架边缘

    Instead, China insists its exclusive economic zone stretches farther east to the edge of the continental shelf near the Japanese island of Okinawa.


  • 河水岸应该新城核心较为先进基础设施配备也延伸

    Gui Pan River waterfront should extend the modern infrastructure of the New Town core to Feng Sha.


  • 结果表明跨越延伸相应作用参数发生变化

    The results show that there is change in the elongation rate and corresponding nuclear interaction parameters when span knee region.


  • 白色混凝土分隔入口和凉延伸生活形成壁炉

    A white concrete brick blade wall separates the entry from the loggia and extends into the living area to form the fireplace.


  • 白色混凝土分隔入口和凉延伸生活形成壁炉

    A white concrete brick blade wall separates the entry from the loggia and extends into the living area to form the fireplace.


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