• 归因结果影响个体的情绪动机随后应对行为

    The result of attribution would affect the emotion, motivation, and afterward activities of the attributor.


  • 应对方式压力过程中继认知评价之后所表现出来具体应对行为

    Coping styles are concrete problem solving ways succeeding cognitive evaluation in the process of stress.


  • 目的探讨老年抑郁障碍患者应激状态应对行为社会支持临床特点

    Objective To explore the clinical characters of stress state, copying styles and social support of the depression of old patients.


  • 准备意外事件应对方案应对行为过激,口头身体攻击危险客户。”

    Prepare contingency plans to treat clients who are "acting out" or making verbal or physical attacks or threats.


  • 本文COPE量表测评我国大学生应对行为方式构念等同偏差性进行深入探讨

    The construct equivalence and bias of the COPE inventory in the assessment of coping styles of Chinese college students was further investigated.


  • 国内有关应对研究起步较晚影响个体应对行为诸多因素,至今还没有一个系统全面的研究。

    But in our country up to now, there has not yet a systematic and comprehensive study on the effect of the factors of an individual's coping behavior due to its late initiation.


  • 议论焦点是否应对自己行为负责

    What is at issue is whether she was responsible for her actions.


  • 观点孩子应对自己行为负责。

    He takes the view that children are responsible for their own actions.


  • 额外需求机器人治疗师必须十分精密足以应对患者而不吓跑他们,必须十分机灵足以识别患者行为作出反应

    Among other requirements, robot therapists must be subtle enough to respond to their patients without scaring them away, and smart enough to identify and react to autistic behaviors.


  • 组织预期,应对活动一补充受欢迎支持有助于引起多人接受控制措施和减少高危行为

    WHO anticipates that this added and welcome support to response activities will help create greater acceptance of control measures and reduce high-risk behaviours.


  • 能够有效地发挥作用或者冲突非常严重时,人们需要学习一定行为策略更好地应对情绪反应

    When this brain region does not efficiently activate or when the intensity of the conflict is very high, people need to learn behavioral strategies to cope with the emotional response.


  • 好消息可以学习一些应对他们行为简单方法

    But the good news is there are simple ways you can learn to deal with their behaviors.


  • 对于这种情况出答案,我所做仅仅指出看上去非常愚蠢的回避真相的行为有时也不失为应对世界复杂性理智策略

    I offer no answers, merely to point out that avoiding information is a much more rational strategy for dealing with the complexities of a frightening world than it might at first seem.


  • 即使已经自己行为感到羞愧并且觉得负责,而别人因为自我宽恕而认为我根本对此事负责么?

    Will others think I am not holding myself accountable if I act as if I deserve self forgiveness even if I have done things to be ashamed of and should be held accountable for?


  • 真正丢脸一切过后父母依然知道如何女儿应对行为带来的一系列后果

    The real shame is that after all of this happened, her parents apparently couldn't summon up the wisdom to help their daughter deal with the aftermath of her actions.


  • 他们应对策略包括情感物质支持、分散注意力、拒不接受、寻求宗教信仰宣泄使用药物、自我批评、以及行为解脱

    Their coping strategies included using emotional or instrumental support; self-distraction; denial; religion; venting; substance use; self-blame; and behavioural disengagement.


  • 有时候,人们应对这种伤痛时候,通常会做出一些危险或者自我伤害的行为

    People sometimes deal with their sorrow by engaging in dangerous or self-destructive activities.


  • 报告中的批评富国威胁穷国如果签署协议就中止应对气候变化的资助的行为

    In one section the report criticises threats by richer countries to withdraw funds to help poorer nations cope with climate change if they failed to sign up to the accord.


  • 我们期望相对沉默形式承受坚强我们行为模板,而放声大哭哭哭啼啼则是种“悲伤屈服”的表现——这也认为一种不好应对方法

    We are expected to suffer it in comparative silence; being "strong" is the template; wailing and weeping a sign of "giving in to grief," which is held to be a bad way of "dealing with it."


  • 今年早些时候BAE每个工人发放了一本64行为准则,列明了各种情况下应该如何应对详细建议

    Earlier this year BAE sent a 64-page code of conduct to each of its workers, with detailed advice on how to behave in every situation.


  • 此外发脾气认为应对这个不完美世界合理行为不是什么精神失调的表现

    Besides, curmudgeonliness is arguably a rational way to cope with an imperfect world, rather than a sign of mental maladjustment (or so your occasionally curmudgeonly columnist would like to believe).


  • 这个意义上讲应对拖延行为一步不是承认问题

    In that sense, the first step to dealing with procrastination isn't admitting that you have a problem.


  • 美国银行家忙于应对金融危机片混乱美林收购交易时,一大批美林高层已经逃之夭夭了

    At bank of America, for example, where bankers are grappling with both the financial downturn and a tumultuous takeover of Merrill Lynch, a raft of senior Merrill bankers have jumped ship.


  • 专家阻止新的毁林行为关闭世界电厂一样应对气候变暖强有力措施

    Halting new deforestation, experts say, is as powerful a way to combat warming as closing the world's coal plants.


  • 比如认知行为疗法咨询了解SAD并且懂得如何应对症状

    Some types of counseling, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, can help you learn more about SAD and how to manage your symptoms.


  • 规则如何通报应对国际关注公共卫生事件提供行为守则。

    The rules also provide a code of conduct for how to notify and respond to public health events of international concern.


  • 文化训练包括社交技巧不同社交处境中的礼貌行为如何提出异议而不冒犯别人以及如何应对殷勤的款待。

    Culture training covers social skills, politeness for different social situations, how to disagree without offending, and how to respond to hospitality.


  • 文化训练包括社交技巧不同社交处境中的礼貌行为如何提出异议而不冒犯别人以及如何应对殷勤的款待。

    Culture training covers social skills, politeness for different social situations, how to disagree without offending, and how to respond to hospitality.


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