• 数据工程师布莱恩·斯图尔特表示园艺一个爱好,他可以朋友们一起享受栽种的乐趣。

    Brian Stewart, a data base administrator, says gardening is a hobby that he can enjoy with friends.


  • 普雷迪普·马尔·达斯一位工程师

    Pradip Kumar Das is an engineer.


  • 第一次加入苹果在线商店开发小组时,我一位经验丰富软件工程师搭档,他教会我如何快速地熟悉代码构建流程以及单元测试组件测试

    When I first joined the Apple online store, I was paired up with an experienced software engineer so that I could get up to speed on the code repository, build process, and unit and component testing.


  • 堪比出任[gm 66nd] ([gm 99nd])首席执行官的埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmid)——一位工程师,来到雅虎指导位天才创始人提供商业智慧

    Mr Koogle was comparable to Eric Schmidt's appointment as [gm99nd] chief executive - he was an engineer, there to supervise two talented founders and provide the business smarts.


  • 明星工程师专注三种基本类型重用第一内部基础架构重用,相应代码自己或同事编写的;第二,使用第三方的函数,比如jdk。

    A rockstar engineer will focus on three essential kinds of reuse. First of all, the reuse of internal infrastructure, the code that he and his peers have written.


  • 使用这些价值在于工程师可以广泛浏览器和平台上专注地维护测试它们,这样省去大量的工作和麻烦。

    The value of using these libraries is that dedicated engineers maintain and test them on a wide variety of browsers and platforms, which can save you a lot of work and headache.


  • 应用程序看到一个问题工程师试图数据当作编程语言使用,即通过使用具有逗号分隔标识符文本字符串来创建数组

    One problem I've seen with applications is when engineers attempt to use a database as though it were a programming language, creating arrays by using text strings with comma-separated identifiers.


  • 这个弱点系统工程师提供了客户请求即时实现应用数据服务器机会

    This weakness provides system engineers with opportunities to implement application or database servers immediately following a customer request.


  • 贝尔实验室研究工程师接到曼哈顿嘈杂街道打来的电话时,心里是怎么的?

    Think how the Bell Labs research engineer must have felt when he heard Cooper calling him from the noisy streets of Manhattan.


  • 优秀工程师能够认知这一点愿意学习语言、新函数构建系统的新方法

    A good engineer knows that and is willing and able to learn new languages, new libraries and new ways of building systems.


  • 1972年手机提出想法做出模型只用了90,多亏了摩托罗拉的工程师赞助一场设计竞赛,许多其它部门的工程师参与其中。

    From idea to prototype took 90 days in 1972 as Mr Cooper sponsored a design contest among Motorola engineers-many from divisions he did not run.


  • 阿兰·柯莱克扎斯基是一退休工程师,现做为美国核管理委员会顾问,致力于核工厂事故发生几率的研究。

    Alan Kolaczkowski, a retired nuclear engineer, consulted with the nuclear Regulatory Commission on specific probabilities of accidents at nuclear plants.


  • 在加入Iris之前是DigitalEquipmentCorporation性能工程师主要研究关系数据网络协议等许多技术

    Before coming to Iris, he worked as a performance engineer for Digital Equipment Corporation, focusing on technologies ranging from relational databases to network streaming protocols.


  • 该研发中心工作工程师普雷迪马尔达斯说:人们很容易相信华为的广告。

    Says Pradip Kumar Das, an engineer who works at the Bangalore R&D site: “People easily believe propaganda about Huawei.”


  • MySpace工程师声称放在ioDrive上的数据部分运行起来就存在内存上面一样

    The MySpace engineers claim that the ioDrive-hosted parts of the database ran as fast as if they had been cached in a RAM drive.


  • 数据管理人员获得89752美元,互联网工程师回家72496美元。

    Database administrators made $89, 742, and network engineers took home $72, 496.


  • 作为一个自动化工程师需要创建仅仅数据测试利用的测试项目(当然除非所有事情)。

    As an automation engineer, you do not create test projects focused solely on database testing (unless, of course, that is all that you are doing).


  • 职业的角度来看关注数据业务逻辑WebV1.0时代后端工程师”,WebV2.0时代中作用有限的。

    From a career perspective, the "back-end engineers" of the Web V1.0 world, who focused just on the database and the business logic, are limited in the Web V2.0 world.


  • 从事Lotus协作软件方面IBM软件工程师已经设计出了一个具有独创性方法用于动态地Domino数据OutlookPST文件之间来回复制数据

    The IBM software engineers working on Lotus collaborative software have devised an ingenious method for replicating data on the fly back and forth between a Domino database and an Outlook PST file.


  • 但是其他地区Google雇员不同,中国,谷歌的工程师没有访问代码的权限。

    But unlike Google's employees in other locations, the China workers did not have such access.


  • 因此认证零件构成中心零件先由采购部门制定好用来帮助设计师工程师确定哪个元器件可以的。

    As such, a centralized library composed of approved parts lists generated by the procurement organization is used to identify which components are OK to use for designers and engineers.


  • 石油工程师想方设法地下储存中提取石油天然气蒸汽热水并用储存安全处理废物

    Petroleum engineers devise ways to identify and extract underground reservoirs of oil, natural gas, steam, and hot water, as well as using the empty reservoirs for the safe disposal of waste.


  • 硬件软件数据不能进行设计---进行设计的是工程师

    The hardware, software and databases do not do the designs - the engineers do.


  • 工程师只需丰富选择一款盒型,输入几个必要的参数即可完成盒型结构图的设计软件立即生成包装盒的展开刀模图;

    First, Designer needs to choose the box style from the database, after enter the size and edit the parameters, the software will finish the package expend die-cut automaticly.


  • 系统分析员信息技术员数据管理员以及通信工程师等掌握信息管理能力人才将会非常吃香

    Systems analysts, information technologists, database administrators and telecommunication engineers are examples of people with highly developed information-management skills.


  • 土木工程数据CEDB)可以提供方便查阅美国土木工程师协会所有出版物书目

    The Civil Engineering Database (CEDB) is designed to provide easy bibliographic access to all ASCE publications.


  • 土木工程数据CEDB)可以提供方便查阅美国土木工程师协会所有出版物书目

    The Civil Engineering Database (CEDB) is designed to provide easy bibliographic access to all ASCE publications.


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