• 庆和,王劲松的构图正是利用水墨流动的特质,表现能量以及动态

    Liu Qinghe and Wang Jingsong's compositions capitalize on the ink's watery nature and its capacity to render energy and movement.


  • 过私塾,光绪三十一年一九五科举,以后又到更远的顺成都读书

    At first I was sent to an old-style private school and in 1905 I took the imperial examination. Later, I went farther away from home to study in Shunqing and Chengdu, both in Sichuan Province.


  • 乘坐公共运输上班族他们可以预期周年世界杯期间通过这些繁忙的中心北方隧道至少小时

    Commuters have been told they can expect waits of over half an hour or more for tubes at some of the busiest stations on the Jubilee, Central and Northern lines during the games.


  • 对于蜜月结婚周年生日聚会、生意成功期待许久假期的人们来说,顶级酒店豪华套房里仿佛是身处另一个世界

    For those celebrating a honeymoon, anniversary, big birthday, successful deal or long-awaited vacation, a stay in a posh suite at a top hotel can make any holiday feel like another life.


  • 藤森首都利马经济繁荣获益不少海岸地区有着强力的支持而乌马拉却在贫困的南部安第斯山地区有着众多支持者

    She has strong popular support in Lima, the capital, and the coast, which have benefited most from the economic boom, whereas Mr Humala has many supporters in the still-impoverished southern Andes.


  • 今年早些时候行为范思哲模特电影明星愤怒摇滚青年出席了纽约卡罗琳戏剧俱乐部女士基金会25周年

    Earlier this year, the angry rocker turned Versace model and movie star showed up at the Ms. Foundation's 25th-anniversary bash at Caroline's Comedy Club in New York City.


  • 英语日语,曾进修于义塾大学哈佛大学。

    He speaks English and Japanese, having studied at Keio and Harvard universities.


  • 对于那些缺基金经理公司而言,高西是个大红人。

    For fund managers and companies in search of money, CIC's chief investment officer, Gao Xiqing, has become highly sought-after.


  • 对于那些缺基金经理公司而言,高西是个大红人。

    For fund managers and companies in search of money, CIC’s chief investment officer, Gao Xiqing , has become highly sought-after.


  • 工人陈(音)边公司招工通知皱眉头。公司产品复印机、DVD驱动器到移动电话汽车零件

    Factory worker Chen Qinghai frowned as he looked at a tall bulletin board full of help-wanted notices from companies making everything from mobile phones to car parts.


  • 山公司的女发言人山木子说:“由于公司降低人力成本,阿玉条线上唯一一个‘站长’。

    Tama is the only stationmaster as we have to reduce personnel costs.


  • 空闲时候,我喜欢看书写作朋友出去玩…等等人们认为少年、女会

    I love reading, writing, handing with friends... and all those kinds of stuff that teenagers do during their free time.


  • 来自日本大学国力次郎这些新的无线技术带来的一个重要结果就是可见责任性提高

    One of the most important consequences of these new wireless technologies will be to increase visibility and accountability, says Jiro Kokuryo of Keio University in Japan.


  • 周五白天明媚的天空相比晚上新年时候,由于燃放大量烟花爆竹,北京空气很明显地差了。

    Compared with the daytime blue sky on Friday, Beijing's air turned noticeably hazy at night due to fireworks displays as locals welcomed the New Year.


  • 利用摄影创造出具有批判性讽刺性场景不仅瞩目于中国本身,而且关注他自己面对世界问题时立场

    On the other hand, Wang Qingsong makes use of photography and recreates critical and ironic scenes, not only focused on the Chinese context but also his position in the face of world issues.


  • 明天皮肤上弄太,龙凉平名字文身

    Tomorrow, I will have a tattoo with Keita, Ryuichi, and Ryohei's names on my skin.


  • 很少有人知道,阿伯丁希拉里九月份一起祝了二人职业周年她们最初相遇,肩并肩驰骋在美国政坛上,已有20之久。

    Few people know this, but Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton celebrated their professional anniversary in September: it's been 20 years since the two first started working side-by-side.


  • 这些照片事后补拍,对松产生重大影响可以作品仔细构图故意人为性中看出来

    The fact that many of these photographs were re-staged after the event greatly influenced Wang Qingsong and is evident in the careful composition and deliberate artificiality in his work.


  • 这个平台更多手机软件联动,鼓励公众协助打拐工作,帮助更多的被拐儿童家人团聚

    Meng said the platform will bring together more mobile apps, encouraging the public to help in anti-trafficking work and reunite more stolen children with their families.


  • 杨元如此慷慨的举动公司今年良好的销售业绩无不相关。

    Yuanqing's generosity may be partly inspired by his company's record sales this year.


  • 62岁,身上有着苦干企业家优势弱点

    Mr Zong 62 blends many of the strengths and weaknesses of his generation of hard-driving entrepreneurs.


  • 杨元认为,人工智能互联网的推动下,各个领域更加以服务为导向

    Yang said driven by ai and Internet, every sector will be more service-oriented.


  • 所有朋友家人来到结婚典礼上参加欢宴抗活动。大家过得开心。

    All of their friends and family came to see the lovely ceremony and to partake of the festivities and celebrations. All had a wonderful time.


  • 王玉梅王璐琪小孩王安纳王天尤其成为众人的榜样

    Among the martyrs, Joseph Wang, Lucia Wang, and small children Anna and Andrew, stand out as great models for all.


  • 根本的矿物质保持强健的骨骼牙齿关紧张,并增强软骨构造

    Calcium is an essential mineral crucial for maintaining strong bones and teeth and fortifying cartilage.


  • 根本的矿物质保持强健的骨骼牙齿关紧张,并增强软骨构造

    Calcium is an essential mineral crucial for maintaining strong bones and teeth and fortifying cartilage.


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