• 大王油藏华北油田近年隐蔽油藏成功勘探一个典型范例

    The Lithologic oil reservoir of Dawangzhuang is a typical example of Huabei Oil Field for successful exploration of subtle oil reservoirs in recent years.


  • 本文介绍横岭关、北峪、济、野庙滩、太峪中条山裂谷中的元古代花岗体。

    The rock masses of HengLingguan, Beiyu, Yongji, Yiemiaotan, Taiyu and Yianzhuan are early proterozoic granide rock masses which are located in the paleo rift of Zhongtiao Mountain.


  • 加斯顿好了自己的伤,重整了葡萄园,并片有着许多洞窟、富含石灰的土地上,创建最为著名

    Gaston healed himself, healed the vines and went on to create the most famous domaine in that cave-carved, limestone-rich region.


  • 鼓浪屿靠近厦门美丽的岛屿赢得了日光花园盛名。

    Gulangyu island, the most beautiful island near Xiamen, has won great reputation for its Sunlight Rock and Shuzhuang Garden.


  • 凹陷第三系生油地层由于三角洲沉积作用形成了较多透镜体油藏。

    Many oil pools in the sandstone lenses are formed in the Eogene oil source beds in the Niuzhuang Depression as a result of deltaic deposition.


  • 分析了城东油气特征、油气苗的油气的层,石楼地区的油气勘探前景进行初步展望。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics, the source rock and the reservoir rock of the oil gas seepages, and predicts the prospects of the oil gas exploration in ShiLou area.


  • 笔者1992年汶川结晶采到了海百合化石,证实时代奥陶纪

    In 1992, the author found fossil crinoid stems in crystalline limestone at Xia-zhuang, Wenchuan, which were determined to be of Ordovician age.


  • 采用井下仰斜钻孔端堵水观测技术对白煤矿综放开采条件下,覆破坏规律进行了实测,得出了导断裂带的发育高度

    Adopting survey technology of double-head water-stopped machine flowing high of upward-inclined drillhole rock destruction rules were surveyed, development height of water conducted zone was gained.


  • 煤矿深部煤层开采一直经受着太原组灰的威胁。

    Xuzhuang coal mine often encountered the hazard of water from Taiyuan Formation, as it mines the deep buried coal seams.


  • 泉为全排侵蚀构造上升露于奥陶纪中。

    The Guozhuang Spring exposed in the Middle Ordovician limestone is one of complete-drainage and of erosion structure of ascending type.


  • 根据金矿实践本文叙述开采厚度破碎蚀变金矿方法

    According to the practice made in Can-Zhuang gold mine, this paper made a description on the new method to mine the altered rock type gold deposit of big thickness of broken orebody.


  • 座副坝分别走马骆驼、西石骆驼、松山等地,总长2592

    Secondary 5, respectively, in the North Shiraiwa, cursory Zhuang, Southern rock Camel, West Camel stone, nine Matsuyama and other places, with a total length 2592 meters.


  • 河北省唐山市乡前仁里村人。

    Qiao Yan, of the origin of Qianrenli Village Fangezhuang Township, Tangshan City Hebei Province.


  • 岛上日光、菽花园皓月郑成功纪念馆海底世界天然海滨浴场等旅游景点

    On the island there are tourist attractions like the Sunlight Rock, the Shu Zhuang Garden, the Bright Moon Garden, the Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall, the Underwater World and the Natural Sea Resort.


  • 东营凹陷牛洼陷沙透镜体油藏成藏过程进行了分析,研究了性油气藏的藏机理。

    The pools of sand lens in the third section of Shahejie Formation in Niuzhuang sub-depression were analyzed.


  • 河北孔金矿位于紫荆关—灵山大断层东侧,易县西部司各良岗—杜岗—西陵背斜西翼,在柴厂—官座岭—带北西部。

    Konggezhuang gold deposit lies in the east of the Zijingguan-Lingshan fault, west limb of Sigezhuang-Lianggang-Dugang-xiling anticline and north-west of Caichang-Guanzuoling rock mass.


  • 本月6日,1992年巴塞罗那奥运会柔道冠军通过媒体表示19年前奖励的“奥运造假嫌疑

    June 6, 1992 Barcelona Olympic judo champion Zhuang Yan through the media, said 19 years ago, reward her "Olympic gold pot" has suspected fraud.


  • 水合物气田开采过程经常遇到问题气田高压异常低温封闭气藏,气井因水合物冻堵影响正常生产是气田开发中最主要的问题。

    Hydrate is a frequent encountering problem in gas field exploitation. Mazhuang gas field belongs to a pressurized abnormal, low temperature, and constant volume confining lithological gas reservoir.


  • 韩立汪培,《应用模糊数学》,首都经济贸易大学出版社

    Han Liyan, Wang Peizhuang, the applications of Fuzzy mathematics, Capital University of economics business press.


  • 研究区三叠系谭有机质丰富暗色主要厚度大分布广埋藏深度

    The dark mudstone in Triassic system of Tanzhuang Formation which rich for organic substance is mainly source rocks, which has large thickness, wide distribution and great burial depth.


  • 井田处于开发阶段,而侵入煤系地层对煤层煤质有很大的影响,7煤层井田的主采煤层

    The Zouzhuang coalfield is just at the developing stage and the coal seam 72 is the major one for mining.


  • 廊固凹陷构造沙三中段发育三角洲,且邻近生油洼槽,有利于油藏形成

    The fan delta sand body developed in middle segment of ES3 of Wanzhuang structure in Lang-Gu depression is adjacent to oil-generating sag, which is of benefit to form the lithologic reservoir.


  • 廊固凹陷构造沙三中段发育三角洲,且邻近生油洼槽,有利于油藏形成

    The fan delta sand body developed in middle segment of ES3 of Wanzhuang structure in Lang-Gu depression is adjacent to oil-generating sag, which is of benefit to form the lithologic reservoir.


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