• 看起来像万事通,和善且真诚重要的是博闻广识

    she's non-threatening, sincere and most importantly knowledgeable.


  • 世界佳酿我们身边让我们酒会友广天下朋友

    The world vintage wine is all around us. Let's go to a cocktail party and know some wide knowledge friends all over the world.


  • 而博阅强记、执着求知、多才广识提高说话水平技巧关键

    Profound knowledge, good memory & perseverance in working are the keys to improving one's talking level & skills.


  • 博闻广识流浪汉杰基表演马戏团的绝技,兄弟们都看呆了。

    My brothers and I stared in awe as the knowledgeable old hobo put Jacky through his circus tricks.


  • 这个家庭殷实富足深谙世故,见多广

    The family is rich, and extremely sophisticated and cosmopolitan.


  • 克劳德是个有魅力见多广伙伴

    Claude was a charming, sophisticated companion.


  • 见多广,足迹遍及全世界以往任何美国主要作家都无法望项背。他的作品翻译70多种语言

    He had seen more of the world than any major American writer had before him, and his books would be translated into over 70 languages.


  • 虽然一些PM 好像其他人理性见多广可信赖有经验,但是所有 PM 都对项目相同关注

    While some PMs appear to be more rational, informed, trusting, or experienced than others, all share the same concerns about the project.


  • 一般情况下,外国游客不是路人,这些却是见多广他们了许多穿越高加索山,游历非洲和海湾引人入胜的故事

    Usually expats are not my sort of people, but this group are a well-travelled and interesting lot, who keep me entertained with stories of murky goings-on across the Caucuses, Africa and the Gulf.


  • 自由职业者往往见多广一点别人有用。

    Freelancers oftentimes have a broad spectrum of knowledge which can be helpful to others.


  • 电影做出见多广鉴赏我们许多人确实能通过自我培养实现事情

    A sophisticated appreciation of film is something that many of us can and do cultivate.


  • 去过很多地方应该算是见多广了。

    You have a lot of experience. You have been to a lot of places.


  • 读者网站真是见多广他们往往标签

    The readers of this site are really quite well informed and they tend to read labels.


  • 这些结论说明未曾谋面(调研对象甚至没人沃伦·巴菲特)的直观判断见闻广的的专家评估更加准确

    These findings suggest that instant judgments by the ignorant (nobody even recognised Warren Buffett) are more accurate than assessments made by well-informed professionals.


  • 也许过滤、关闭程序是为了在家安全上网程序无法取代见多广言传身教父母位置

    Don't rely on a program to do your job! Filtering and blocking programs can be a part of your Internet safety plan at home, but they don't take the place of an informed and involved parent.


  • 电影每场戏里都有洋溢着典型美式自信的克鲁尼身穿剪裁得体的西装个见多广的专家一样灵巧地拉自己行李箱穿行机场连锁酒店之间,仿佛它们全是属于他的。 不过从某种意义上说,也的确是这么回事。

    Dressed in impeccably cut suits and wheeling his carry-on bag with the deftness of a seasoned pro, he glides through airports and chain hotels as if he owned them, as in a sense he does.


  • 评比选择可以编织密切有效的合作关系,为见多广消费者们提供选择不同服务商的机会。

    Voice and choice make a potent partnership where informed consumers can choose between different suppliers.


  • 鄙人并非见多广虽然很多关于文本处理 方面东西例如本书),但是来说语言处理(linguistic processing) 是一个相对新奇领域

    Your humble writer knows a little bit about a lot of things, but despite writing a fair amount about text processing (a book, for example), linguistic processing is a relatively novel area for me.


  • Daniel FilmusCristina Fernández身边立场温和且具有专业背景人物之一,打造成适合首都教育水准高见多广选民

    Mr Filmus is one of the most moderate and professionally accomplished members of Ms Fernández’s entourage, making him a good fit for the capital’s educated and cosmopolitan electorate.


  • 而且现在学生老练见多广,且他们开始接受MBA培训的时候,学习基础更扎实。

    And the students are much more sophisticated now, they're broader they are better educated when they come to us.


  • 如果我们需要见多广、善于推理负责任公民,我们不但需要教育青年人知道他们需要知道的知而且需要帮助他们开发他们做事所需要技能

    If we want to have informed, reasoning, responsible citizens we must teach young people not only what they need to know, but also help them develop the skills they need to be capable of doing.


  • 23播音生涯中我相信自己见多广, 观众们。

    In 23 years of broadcasting I thought I'd seen it all, folks.


  • 见多广分享阅历展现风格创造令人感觉特别时刻做到令人难忘

    Make it memorable by being knowledgeable, sharing stories and showing your style to create moments that make people feel special.


  • 虽然见多广,但还从未见过细心不管职业是什么。

    Much as I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in thoroughness, whatever the job.


  • 好的内容总是自己的特点,可能表达个声音,一种观点,它也可能见多广,开卷有益,或者仅仅是好玩,总之,它总会更多。誛。

    Good content takes a stand. It has a voice, a point of view. It may be informative, useful, or funny but it always leaves you wanting more.


  • 好的内容总是自己的特点,可能表达个声音,一种观点,它也可能见多广,开卷有益,或者仅仅是好玩,总之,它总会更多。誛。

    Good content takes a stand. It has a voice, a point of view. It may be informative, useful, or funny but it always leaves you wanting more.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定