• 心理测试技术作为一种应用广泛的科技手段侦查实践发挥重要作用

    As a widely used scientific and technological method, the psychological test plays an important role in the practice of investigation.


  • 课程IT专业人士需要先进技术基础广泛的科技理论实践打算专注一个特定科技领域

    The course is designed for IT professionals who require advanced skills in broad-based IT theory and practice, or intend to specialise in a particular IT area.


  • 他们可以设立广泛分布的零售网点后援公司提供最新科技以及雇用优秀设计师管理人员

    They can pay for an extensive retail network, the latest technology for the back office and employ the most talented designers and managers.


  • 认为,两国的科技文化交流同样有着广泛的前景

    He said that scientific and technological and cultural exchanges would have a broad prospect.


  • 网上售卖一种成本的科技,传播快,影响广泛成本提供详细信息

    Internet selling is a low-cost technique with instant, widespread accessibility and the ability to provide targeted, detailed information at low cost.


  • 然而一个广泛的研究发现在20世纪70年代早期90年代晚期之间美国大学培养的科学科技工程和数学领域的学生远远超过需求

    Yet an extensive study found that between the early 1970s and late 1990s American colleges produced more than enough graduates in science, technology, engineering and maths to meet demand.


  • 他们创造拥有广泛使用者科技一些合法还有一些人不合法。

    They, too, have created a new technology with a range of different USES, some legal and some illegal.


  • 年前看起来有些古怪,但现在正常不过了,并成为科技产品共同特色广泛追求目标

    Ten years ago, this would have seemed bizarre. Now it is the norm, a common feature of high-tech products and a widely Shared goal.


  • 往常一样今年群人反映了与世界世界市场相连科技一代广泛兴趣技能历史上任何一代都不一样

    As always, this year's group reflects the broad interests and skills of a tech-savvy generation connected to the world and its markets like no other in history.


  • 这个科技数百万使用者广泛接纳

    It needs to be wide spread and scale for millions of users.


  • 但是技术人员出去他们公开宣布电动轮毂电机——这种新型科技有可能广泛应用于动力系统中。

    But one group of engineers have stuck their necks out and declared that a particular technology, the electric hub motor, is likely to become the most widely used drive system.


  • 但是,要使人们广泛接受固定-移动融合需要一段时间梅丽先生因为新的商业合作需要科技新的商业模式支持。

    But widespread adoption of FMC will take time, says Mr Merry, because it requires technologies and business models to be brought into a new alignment.


  • 由于这种独特自然科技如此的广泛与不同所以成本难以比较的,但是最后结果初期的启动成本上升的非常快。

    The costs are difficult to compare due to the widely disparate nature of individual technologies but the net result is that startup costs are steep.


  • 遗憾,关于日内瓦主人公寓言故事——《科学怪人》这部电影,却得到广泛好评尤其是在关于对科技失控担忧方面

    That is a pity because the parable of the Genevan protagonist, Victor Frankenstein, deserves wider appreciation, especially among those concerned about technology getting out of control.


  • 全球化带来汹涌信息流科技资金流货物流、服务流、人流给更多的地方带去机遇,产生广泛影响

    Globalisation's increasingly unfettered flow of information, technology, capital, goods, services and people has helped spread opportunity and influence far and wide.


  • 这个下个深入观点进行铺垫。公司社会来说比起最初闪现发明火花更具价值科技走向商业化,广泛运用

    That points to his next insight, that the commercialisation, diffusion and use of inventions is of more value to companies and societies than the initial bright spark.


  • 科技发挥了作用:管理事务公开化需要互联网计算机支持现在一些贫困国家廉价方便地上网和使用电脑,互联网和电脑的使用非常广泛

    Technology is helping too: the Internet access and computing power that make open governance possible are now cheap and simple enough to be used widely in poorer countries.


  • 几乎每一个21世纪家庭离不开稀土金属在全球范围内,他们还被广泛的应用武器制造平板电视移动电话机等类的科技产品

    These metals are found in almost every 21st Century household, and used globally to make high-tech products, from weapons, to flat-screen TVs and mobile phones.


  • 如何跨越鸿沟与如何一个科技产品能被广泛接纳有关。

    Crossing the chasm is all about getting a technology widely adopted.


  • 一类科技产品2004年开始盛行,他们对于那些广泛分布苹果产品非常着迷,喜欢不断的探索社交网络而且喜欢写博客

    These Geeks became prevalent starting in 2004, obsessed with the ever-expending collection of Apple products, inventing social network design and blogging.


  • 而且肯定不是用在电唱机上的-不过,这项科技其他行业还是广泛利用的,而且就,他说的没错

    And certainly not for a juke box - but the technology, he says, is very much alive in other industries, and, from what I can tell, he's right.


  • 信息竞争15一书中 ,DonaldMarchand合著者强调科技商业化广泛实际应用重要性。

    In Competing with Information, 15 Donald Marchand and his co-authors highlight the breadth of the practical, commercial applications of tech- nology.


  • 我们电脑广泛使用,我们这一代是伴随着科技成长的。

    Computer is widely used with the me generation, the me generation is grow up with high tech.


  • 摘要元素科技信息量巨大的今天广泛的应用各个层面各种媒介

    Abstract: Some elements in science and technology information huge today, is widely applied in all levels and all kinds of media.


  • 虚拟语气不仅广泛存在各种文学作品之中,科技英语文章能找到虚拟语气的踪影。

    Subjunctive is not only used frequently in many kinds of literature works, but is found in the scientific articles at times.


  • 广泛利用已经剧烈地重新改变了社会的本质,同时发明人类科技进步标志

    The widespread use of... has dramatically reshaped the nature of the society meanwhile its invention was a landmark in the technological advances of humans.


  • 我们必须广泛应用现代科技成果

    We must apply new achievements in modern science and technology on a wide scale.


  • 美国目前广泛微创脊柱外通过管状显微椎间盘切除术治疗椎间盘突出。

    The treatment of herniated discs via minimally invasive tubular microdiscectomy is the most common minimally invasive spine technique currently used in the United States.


  • 材料用途广泛科技产品辐照生产热缩材料关键工序

    Thermoplastic material is a kind of high scientific and technologic product in wide use, while irradiation is the key procedure in thermoplastic production.


  • 材料用途广泛科技产品辐照生产热缩材料关键工序

    Thermoplastic material is a kind of high scientific and technologic product in wide use, while irradiation is the key procedure in thermoplastic production.


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