• 广告委员会保证这个瞬息万变的传媒世界公益广告建立一个立足之地,并且忠于职守,保持警觉

    The Ad Council's pledge is to remain committed and vigilant in establishing a foothold for public service advertising in a rapidly changing media landscape.


  • 二月联邦贸易委员会数字广告联盟DAA行业快速响应DNT要求达成共识。

    In February the FTC and Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the industry would get cracking on responding to DNT requests.


  • 雅虎允许用户网站上关掉行为广告微软委员会质询还没有做出回应。

    Yahoo has said it will allow users to turn off targeted advertising on its websites; Microsoft has yet to respond to the committee.


  • 肯尼亚媒体委员会已经表明了自己的方式——拒绝播放煽动性空中广告

    The Kenyan media council has shown the way by refusing to air inflammatory government radio advertisements.


  • 正如美国联邦贸易委员会正在那样,欧盟的反不正当竞争部门也会仔细研究谷歌收购一家在线广告公司“双击”公司计划

    Just as America's Federal Trade Commission is now doing, the EU's competition authorities will look closely at Google's planned takeover of DoubleClick, another leader in online advertising.


  • 负责评选活动海报瑞士APG Affichage广告公司负责人霍兹表示:“评选委员会希望匿名进行。”

    "It's a committee that wants to remain anonymous," said Christof Hotz, who is running the poster campaign for advertising agency APG Affichage.


  • 此外,Google收购移动广告公司AMob一事正在接受联邦贸易委员会(FTC)调查,可能也是导致Google股票下跌的原因之一。

    The fact that Google's purchase of mobile AD network AdMob is currently under review by the Federal Trade Commission may have also contributed to the restraint of the market.


  • 而对营销人员来说,大奖能为他们提供极具价值第三认可有效地用于荐证广告advertising testimonials,源自美国联邦交易委员会制定的《荐证广告行为指引》(Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements andTestimonials in Advertising——译注)。

    For marketers, the award provides a high-value third-party endorsement that can be used effectively in advertising testimonials.


  • 他们报导有失偏颇,专门的广告铺天盖地,巴马竞选团队奖励他们合同,但是联邦电信委员会起诉他们。

    By their bias reporting, which resulted due to excessive advertising contracts awarded to them by Obama and his campaign executives, complaints will be filed against them with the FCC.


  • 我们已经广告标准委员会福特英国公司写信,要求他们道歉

    We have written to the Advertising Standards Agency and to Ford UK and are hoping for an apology.


  • 大多数广告出版商允许用户有权不参加类似定位活动联邦商务委员会认为需要更简单的、透明选择方案

    Most advertisers and publishers do allow users to opt out of such targeting, but the Federal Trade Commission believes that simpler, more transparent options are needed.


  • 委员会表示,他们口号人人都需要牛奶错误的,误导性以及欺骗性的广告

    It cited the slogan, "Everybody needs milk" was false, misleading, and deceptive advertising.


  • 委员会陈述FDA联邦贸易委员会具有管理虚假有误导倾向医疗器械广告法定权利

    He told the committee that the FDA and the Federal Trade Commission already have legal authority to regulate false or misleading advertising for medical devices.


  • 去年玉兰油化妆品公司广告监督委员会批评——他们一个眼霜广告,修饰了崔姬(Twiggy)照片,抹去了周的皱纹

    Last year the Olay cosmetics firm was criticised by the advertising watchdog for retouching a photograph of Twiggy, removing wrinkles around her eyes in an AD for an under-eye cream.


  • 华盛顿 -美国联邦通讯委员会(FCC)星期一调查报告透露造成这次全国各地所有电视机意外死机事件的元凶已经查明,正是微软公司最近推出的耗费三亿美元的第二轮广告

    WASHINGTONAccording to an FCC report released Monday, a new $300 million Microsoft ad campaign is responsible for causing televisions all across the country to unexpectedly crash.


  • 如果法案通过成为法律扩大目前联邦贸易委员会FTC)的权力征收不公平欺骗性广告民事罚款

    The bill if passed into law would enlarge the current the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) powers to levy civil penalties on "unfair" and "deceptive" advertising.


  • 广告标准委员会发言人昨晚他们广告展开任何调查因为他们没有收到任何来自公众投诉

    A spokesman for the Advertising Standards Authority said last night it was unable to investigate the campaign as it has not received any complaints from members of the public.


  • 英国广告标准委员会禁止有机产品有益健康声明时,食品标准局始终站在怀疑者的阵营。

    The Food Standards Agency has long held a sceptical line, while the Advertising Standards Authority has banned organic producers from making health claims.


  • 现在食品药品管理委员会提高直接药品广告限制报纸杂志电视大众媒体广告检查

    And now that the Food and Drug Administration has lifted its restrictions against direct advertising, the public too will be assaulted with AD campaigns in newspapers, magazines and television.


  • 为了克服一点,联邦贸易委员会严密地注视着这一广阔行业,他们对于假冒、欺骗性广告可以实施禁令

    In order to overcome this, the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces a ban on false and deceptive advertising, watches over this far-flung industry.


  • 现在美国联邦贸易委员会表示如果设备用来构建孩子们的配置文件或者作为广告目的行为需要父母同意。

    Now the FTC says that requires parental contest too if the device ID is use to build the profile on the child, or target him with behaviour advertising.


  • 新闻界皇家委员会坚持认为,广告商业没有作用同样的也新闻媒体的影响上不屑一顾

    Royal Commissions on the press are adamant that advertising has no effect on commercial and equally dismissive about the effect of it on the press.


  • 联邦贸易委员会不久前起诉了一比较折扣广告进行限制,从而损害消费者利益的汽车代理商

    The FTC recently charged a group of auto dealers with restricting comparative and discount advertising to the detriment of consumers.


  • 许多平面电视广告看起来就像委员会开会的会议记录事实也是如此。

    A lot of advertisements and television commercials look like minutes of a committee meeting, and that is what they are.


  • 加州牛奶咨询委员会继续使用快乐奶牛广告形象,目前快乐的奶没有几个。

    The California Milk Advisory Board continues to ply its "happy Cows" advertising campaign, but there are few happy dairy farmers right now.


  • 英国《卫报》报道美国医师医药责任委员会资助的一则电视广告麦当劳大为恼火。

    A U. s. television commercial bankrolled by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has infuriated McDonald's, the Guardian reports.


  • 赫本多个美国国会委员会听证会上发言多次出现在公益广告里,她代表饥饿折磨儿童提出情深意切恳求并帮助世人了解真相。

    Speaking before Congressional committees and on numerous public service announcements, Audrey's heartfelt 11)pleas, on behalf of starving children, helped raise the world's consciousness.


  • 预计政策制定机构韩国广播电视委员会Korean Broadcasting Commission)将很快完成草案,内容涵盖新的插播广告如何运作细节

    The policy-setting agency, called the Korean Broadcasting Commission, is expected soon to write a proposal that would include the specifics of how the new in-show ads would work.


  • 预计政策制定机构韩国广播电视委员会Korean Broadcasting Commission)将很快完成草案,内容涵盖新的插播广告如何运作细节

    The policy-setting agency, called the Korean Broadcasting Commission, is expected soon to write a proposal that would include the specifics of how the new in-show ads would work.


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