• 对于铁路上,可以提取表面边缘使用混合曲线命令

    For the upper rail you can extract the surface edges and use the blend curve command.


  • 针对检测数字图像灰度梯度最大值采用SOBEL边缘检测算子数字图像进行边缘检测,利用硬件(大规模可编程逻辑器件CPLD)实现了数字图像的边缘提取

    The article will contrapose maximum value method based on detecting image grey grad, and take example of SOBEL operator to realize digital image fringe picking up based on hardware (CPLD).


  • 通过基于TMS320C6000专用信号处理器的图像处理系统实现了图像边缘检测的自动提取

    Edge detection in image is realized by image processing system based on TMS320C6000 DSP.


  • 算法首先图像进行边界提取二值化然后利用所定义基于边缘的相似距离(esd)对处理后的图像进行相似性匹配运算。

    Firstly the new algorithm processes the image by extracting edge and thresholding, then calculates the correlation of the binary images using the defined ESD distance.


  • 针对抽取海岸边缘特征二值化电子海图提取海岸边缘特征缩放至海图比例的实时雷达图像进行匹配。

    The paper works with a binary electronic chart which has extracted the characteristics of coastal edge and a binary radar image which has been zoomed out in electronic chart at real-time.


  • 改进算法增加了背景主颜色自动提取通过平滑循环曲线方法剔除噪音点,保留真正的边缘点。

    The improved method is designed to extract the color of playing surface on the table automatically, and we filter the noise edge pixels by smoothing and iterated curve fitting.


  • 应用小波变换腹部MRI进行图像压缩平滑化处理应用边缘检测技术进行边缘数据与肝脏特征值提取结合医师确定肝脏区域进行图像分割效果的评价。

    Wavelet transforms are used to compress image and smooth edge of liver region from abdomen MRI. The results of image segmentation are evaluated based on the liver region determined by doctor.


  • 讨论了一种新的边缘检测方法,即扫描激光束进行调制利用调制信号相位突变提取边缘信号。

    A new method is proposed to detect the edge through modulating scanning laser beam and picking up the phase reversal of the detection signal as the edge signal.


  • 提出迭代算法图像分割最佳阈值运用数学形态学腐蚀算法实现轮廓提取结合细胞图像边缘精确检测算法,给出仿真实例。

    A new accurate edge detection method obtaining the best threshold of image segmentation based on iterative arithmetic and abstracting edge by eroded arithmetic of mat.


  • 其次利用形态学运算,对已除去噪声的二值SAR图像进行边缘提取边缘图像进行形态学区域开运算,去除较小的区域。

    Secondly, the binary SAR image is processed by using morphological operations to extract edges of the object and remove smaller areas. Then lines are extracted by Hough transform.


  • 分析研究可用于指针图像处理的图像分割、图像滤波边缘提取直线拟合、平行直线运算方法

    It analyses and studies the operating method in image processing area, including image division, image filter, picking up edge point, drawing up line and getting the distance of parallel lines.


  • 根据金属图象分析要求,提出了二值化金属图象再进行边缘提取方法

    Furthermore, a new method of metal image edge detection was presented by binary image.


  • 操作员通过人机界面选择房屋种类输入初始位置 ,然后经过边缘检测、直线段提取据此房屋几何模型线段自动编组等处理得到各房屋角初始位置。

    In the semiautomatic extraction system, the building model is defined by selected roof type input through human_machine interface and input points of rough position of the building by operator.


  • 介绍了图像处理技术中的预处理边缘轮廓提取参数标定等技术研制了相应检测软件

    Introduced some methods of image processing, such as Pre-processing, extracting contour, parameters calibration, and developed the detected software.


  • 本文提出边缘检测算法,能够对灰度图像边缘进行有效提取保证像素封闭边缘曲线

    Through the edge detection method in the paper, the edge of gray image is detected efficiently and it is single-pixel line.


  • 利用小波包分析算法提取出单图像边缘信息获得细化的目标区域边缘

    Firstly, a rough motion mask is obtained by introducing a motion area segmentation method based on an improved accumulative frame- difference algorithm and optimal threshold segmentation.


  • 利用小波包分析算法提取出单图像边缘信息获得细化的目标区域边缘

    Firstly, a rough motion mask is obtained by introducing a motion area segmentation method based on an improved accumulative frame- difference algorithm and optimal threshold segmentation.


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