• 过了分钟年轻男子清理喉咙讲话

    After a few moments the young man cleared his throat and spoke.


  • 原材料司巡视员贾银松司长高云虎到会讲话

    Raw materials division inspector Jia Yinsong, Gao Yunhu of vice director attends a meeting and speak.


  • 中国石油天然气集团公司总经理党组成员廖永远参加会议讲话

    Deputy General Manager of China National Petroleum Corporation, party members never attended the meeting and spoke Liao.


  • 出席经济俱乐部活动讲话陪同昆恩了位于德保罗大学的活动点。

    She also accompanied him to a campaign stop at DePaul University before speaking to the Economic Club.


  • 一周之前华盛顿可能已经听说正在举行一个一系列关于经济问题国际峰会讲话

    A week ago in Washington, you might have heard that I had the honor of hosting a summit in what will be the series of international summits to address the financial crisis.


  • 马云如今很少代表公司公开发言,而决定参加这次会议讲话目的似乎想安抚投资者

    Mr. Ma's decision to attend and speak at the meetinghe rarely speaks publicly on behalf of the company these daysappeared to be aimed at soothing investors.


  • 港台三地“上海银行”代表沪著名台资企业代表出席了会议,我行祝幼一行长到会讲话

    Reprsentatives from the three "Shanghai Banks" and some renowned Taiwan companies were presented at the meeting. Mr. Zhu You Yi, Vice President attended and addressed the meeting.


  • 发言者可能无法持续讲话完成任务严重依赖反复提示

    Speakers may be unable to sustain speech to complete the task and may rely heavily on repetition of the prompt.


  • 建议莫妮卡进行练习,想象她在全班同学面前自信地讲话

    She advised Monica to practice, to imagine that she was speaking confidently in front of her class.


  • 这次活动我们学到了班级讲话试图劝说他们我们团队投票非常重要的。

    Speaking in front of the class and trying to persuade them to vote for our teams was an important thing we learned from this activity.


  • 所以配偶讲话的时候要倾听()沉浸当天快乐中——即使你的当天与其相比没有那么完美。

    So, listen when your spouse speaks, and let him (or her) revel in the joys of their day-even when your day has been less than perfect by comparison.


  • 他们首席执行官不同的会议讲话解释他们的对社区事业激情或者是他们成为中和”公司的新承诺

    Their chief executives queue up to speak at conferences to explain their passion for the community or their new-found commitment to making their company carbon-neutral.


  • 希拉里支持者讲话庆祝肯塔基获得压倒性胜利承诺要竞选进行到底

    Speaking to her supporters, Clinton celebrated her lopsided win in Kentucky and promised that she will stay in the race.


  • 《新闻周刊》发表文章公众作证就此事发表电视讲话反应平静而且正常的。

    Newsweek ran an article reporting that the public's reaction to my testimony and television address about it was calm and measured.


  • 段简单而直接讲话侧重于用民众所能理解的方式解释银行危机鼓励民众信任银行体系

    The simple, straightforward address focused on explaining the bank crisis in a way that people would understand, and that would encourage them to trust the banking system.


  • 新任总干事冯富珍博士讲话开始,讨论许多公共卫生问题

    It opened with a speech by the new Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan, and discussed a number of public health issues.


  • 当地时间上午11点的全国电视讲话首相菅直人放射物质反应堆向外扩散呼吁国人保持冷静

    In a televised address to the nation at 11 a.m. local time, Prime Minister Naoto Kan pleaded for calm as he announced that radiation had spread from the reactors.


  • 所以只要孩子看看外语片听听外文歌曲或者一些外语词汇就能他们有用的工具帮助他们在今后学习讲话

    So just hearing a television show, listening to music, or learning a few words in a second language will give your child essential tools for appreciating it now and learning to speak it later.


  • 病例中,有纽卡斯尔患者,此前讲话是泰恩赛德口音,但中风后却变成牙买加口音,时而夹杂斯洛伐克口音。

    In one case, a stroke victim from Newcastle switched from speaking with a broad Geordie accent to a Jamaican, and occasionally Slovak, tone.


  • 螺母的时候,老太太下车窗,开始讲话

    As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him.


  • 苏珊还有,和日本人讲话他们偶尔会眼睛点点头

    Susan: Here's something else: the Japanese sometimes close their eyes and nod while you're talking to them.


  • 尽管最后承认其讲话是“轻率的” ,所造成的“痛苦”教皇表示道歉,但是,他没有撤回他的主张没有向犹太人道歉。

    He did not however withdraw his claim, nor did he apologise to the Jews.


  • 即兴发挥语言流畅讲话对丈夫所取得的成就大加赞赏承诺强化这些成就。

    In an improvised but fluent speech, she returned the compliment by lavishing praise on his achievements, and promising to consolidate them.


  • 巴马星期三亚利桑那州发表讲话推出了一个减少住房被没收的项目

    Mr. Obama spoke in Arizona on Wednesday, where he unveiled a program to reduce home foreclosures.


  • 奥巴马星期五宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡卡内基-梅隆大学发表讲话观看微型机器人水下探索检查下水管道是否泄漏和裂纹。

    He gave the address at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where on Friday he watched a display of mini-robots that explore water and sewer pipes looking for leaks and cracks.


  • 作为讲话稿一部分,拉伊巴勒斯坦难民强烈发声,指出以色列必须黎巴嫩撤军

    As part of his prepared remarks, Rai also spoke strongly for Palestinian refugees and said Israel needs to withdraw from parts of Lebanon.


  • 作为讲话稿一部分,拉伊巴勒斯坦难民强烈发声,指出以色列必须黎巴嫩撤军

    As part of his prepared remarks, Rai also spoke strongly for Palestinian refugees and said Israel needs to withdraw from parts of Lebanon.


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