• 下雨时,成年企鹅们会出现聚集临时出现的水塘里进行交配

    When it rains, the adults emerge and congregate to mate at temporary ponds.


  • 聚集了一专业技术人才

    And gathered a group of professional and technical personnel.


  • 光柱空中移动聚集飞机

    The beams of light moved across the sky and focused on the aircraft.


  • 类似地最近出现内容联合可以用来访问聚集不同内容

    Similarly, content federation has emerged in recent years to enable access to and aggregation of heterogeneous content sources.


  • 但是如果能量恰巧处的地方附近反弹聚集放大振动

    If the energy happens to bounce around and get focused on where you are, that will also amplify the shaking.


  • 然而孩子摆脱他们的大使馆聚集一个废弃教堂伦敦南华

    However the children escape from their embassies and gather together in an abandoned church in Southwark, London.


  • 虚拟数据储存库允许应用程序通过单个api访问聚集不同种类的元数据源

    A virtual metadata repository allows applications to access and aggregate heterogeneous metadata sources through a single API.


  • 磁场强度达到6.6T时,初晶硅发生迁移聚集产生明显聚集

    The primary Si grains tend to migrate and form a remarkable Si-rich layer at magnetic flux of 6.6 T.


  • 一个简单示例URI分配给了客户项目然后就可以生成聚集活动RSS

    To take a simple example, URIs are allotted for things like customers or projects, then RSS flows of activity could be generated and aggregated.


  • 可能原子之间无序碰撞产生大分子,这些大分子复制自己聚集更加复杂结构

    It may be that random collisions between atoms built up macromolecules that could reproduce themselves and assemble themselves into more complicated structures.


  • 但是世卫组织无疑制定卫生议程聚集技术专长指导其它行动努力实现各自目标铺平了道路。

    But WHO has unquestionably shaped the health agenda and gathered the technical expertise and guidance that have paved the way for other initiatives to move forward towards their goals.


  • 如果这样的话雨水就不会蒸发聚集裂缝,吸收掉许多通常岩浆里渗出气体

    When this happens, rainwater is able to collect in the cracks without evaporating, and this water captures a lot of gasses that would ordinarily vent from the magma.


  • 载有组织样本载玻片上它们使看清这些磁性颗粒如何个体细胞吸收聚集在区域细胞里变得可能。

    In histological slides of tissue samples, they make it possible to see how the magnetic particles are taken up by individual cells an in which cell compartments they are concentrated.


  • 作者培养神经元中进行MFN2突变表达线粒体碎片细胞内生长聚集于最接近那些神经元轴地方。

    The authors expressed mutant MFN2 in cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons. Fragmented mitochondria clustered in cell bodies and proximal axons of these neurons.


  • 结论1. MC3T3 - E1细胞羊膜基质上以常规培养方法培养可以存活3聚集复层排列,相互沟通

    Conclusion: 1. MC3T3-E1 cells can survival on the HAAM under routine culture for 3 weeks, and migrated into clusters with communication.


  • PM10指大气直径小于10微米的颗粒物,称为可吸入颗粒物,由于进入呼吸系统聚集,对人体健康有一定隐患

    Particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter (PM10) pose a health concern because they can be inhaled into and accumulate in the respiratory system.


  • 这些分子会”通知“血液中的凝血剂,并聚集种在血液循环成分----称为血小板细胞碎片称为纤维蛋白可溶性蛋白分子

    They round up cellular fragments known as platelets, along with molecules of a soluble protein called fibrinogen, both of which circulate in the bloodstream.


  • 之后所有要做的就是编写XQuery查询查询选择聚集用于报告数据最终需要格式(xmlhtml)对它们进行格式化

    Then all that was needed was to write XQuery queries, which would both select and aggregate the data for the report, and format them into the final desired format (XML or HTML).


  • 一旦在线加入聚集的“朋友们”,你就通过他们照片、“状态更新其他珍闻趣事分享他们的生活经你允许他们也能分享的生活。

    Once you join and gather your "friends" online, you can share in their lives as recorded by photographs, "status updates" and other titbits, and, with your permission, they can share in yours.


  • 最初刀耕火种农业本质鼓励人们进一步依赖农业,促使人们聚集人口更密集居住区

    The very nature of the initial slash-and-burn agriculture encouraged a further dependence on agriculture and the aggregation of people into denser settlements.


  • 当然构建管理工具需要能够聚集组织任何拥有开发工具那里来的审计数据即使这些工具是来自不同厂商

    Of course, the build management tool needs to be able to aggregate and organize audit data from whatever development tools you have, even if they come from different vendors.


  • 分组信息之后,我们就可以识别正确聚集信息,计算最终应该返回结果

    With the group information, we can identify the correct aggregation information and calculate the final result that shall be returned.


  • 如果单独使用UDDI4J的,那么您必须自己编写代码不同UDDI注册中心发出多个搜索查询设法自己聚集数据

    If you are using UDDI4J alone, you must write your own code to send out multiple search queries to different UDDI registries and then try to aggregate the data yourself.


  • 技术使用检测到荧光信号比值表明,一组集群开始聚集疾病相关脑部产生影响。

    The technique USES the ratio of detected fluorescence signals to indicate that clusters of peptide associated with the disease are beginning to gather and to have an impact on the brain.


  • 大约30幸存者家园聚集共同居住这个寺庙内。

    About 30 survivors gathered in the temple and lived together after their homes were destroyed by the disaster.


  • 如果成功测试证明实现聚集在一起,互操作一次

    If successful, the test proved that a certain set of implementations could get together and interoperate once.


  • 然后可以在两个不同粒度级别之间定义聚集编排需求选择适当的实现技术

    Specific aggregation or choreography requirements between different granularity levels can then be defined, and appropriate implementation technologies selected.


  • 然后可以在两个不同粒度级别之间定义聚集编排需求选择适当的实现技术

    Specific aggregation or choreography requirements between different granularity levels can then be defined, and appropriate implementation technologies selected.


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