• 让·戴西迪芝加哥大学神经系统科学家,他研究人的移情作用,或者说,研究我们如何获得理解另一个感受

    Jean Decety is a neuroscientist at the University of Chicago who studies human empathy, or how we share and understand the feelings of another person.


  • 去年东京大学ShinyaYamanaka领导研究团队老鼠身上完成了这个实验取得成功。

    A group of researchers at Kyoto University, led by Shinya Yamanaka, did this with mice last year.


  • 米兰大学研究已经实验室老鼠身上这一系统工作准备一年进行人体身上实验

    Researchers at the University of Milan have made the system work in mice in the laboratory and are now looking to carry out trials in humans next year.


  • 爱荷华大学研究观察记录了名妇女面对各种大多数害怕情境反应

    Researchers at the University of Iowa, in Iowa City, observed and recorded the woman's responses in situations that would make most people feel fear.


  • 英国利兹大学研究人员志愿者穿着重型盔甲跑步机上跑步记录他们的耗氧量

    Researchers at the University of Leeds in England placed armor-clad volunteers on a treadmill and monitored their oxygen consumption.


  • 约翰·霍普金斯大学研究人员接着旋转乐高了解不同角度下会出现什么结果为了获取他们所需要统计数字,他们扔进了几百小球

    The Johns Hopkins researchers rotated the Lego board to see how different angles affected the results, and dropped hundreds of balls to obtain the statistics they needed.


  • 纽约医科大学研究结果显示服用二甲双胍,改变饮食中水化合物含量的女士大概有百分之八十年内减掉了百分之十的体重

    About 80 percent of women who took metformin while following a modified carbohydrate diet lost about 10 percent of their body weight within a year, a New York Medical College study found.


  • 加州硅谷找到住房,计划自己二十岁女儿,一名波士顿读书计划湾区研究大学买下这所房子。

    He found a house in California’s Silicon Valley that he planned to buy for his 20-year-old daughter, a university student in Boston who plans on attending graduate school in the Bay area.


  • 大阪大学研究征募年龄30到69岁之间的1122个男士2165个女士他们密切留意记录自己饮食习惯和身体质量指数——一种肥胖基准指数

    The Osaka University study recruited 1, 122 men and 2, 165 women aged between 30 and 69 and asked them to closely track their eating habits and body mass index (BMI), a benchmark of obesity.


  • 这项研究Karl Heinz-Bäuml雷根斯堡大学实验心理学系实验室进行,建立这些最初研究结果

    The new study, carried out in Karl Heinz-Bäuml's laboratory in the Department of Experimental Psychology at Regensburg University, builds on these initial findings.


  • 此人名叫卡洛·塔格,今年33岁,她花了3时间伯明翰大学短信短信语言研究写出了8万的论文。

    Dr Caroline Tagg, 33, spent three-and-a-half years tapping out an 80000-word thesis about SMS texts and its language at Birmingham University.


  • Williams和平时期曾最后20世纪60年代后期加州大学洛杉矶分校获得博士学位迅速成为抢手研究公共知识分子

    Drafted into the peacetime Army, Williams eventually earned a PhD from UCLA in the late 1960s and quickly became a sought-after researcher and public intellectual.


  • 研究印第安那州的普大学(Purdue University)领导环境保护局(EPA)的监督,尽管遭遇一些磕磕绊绊(密苏里州碎了一些设备),但进行的还算顺顺利利。

    The study, led by Purdue University, Indiana, and overseen by the EPA, is proceeding well, despite a few hitches. (Pigs in Missouri chewed through some equipment.)


  • 然后研究指导建设相关理论基础分析了分园地区大学科技园主园区中的定位探讨了分园建设的作用

    Based on study on the reference theory of branch parks guidance, the orientation of branch part of University Science park are analysed, and the function of construction of branch part are discussed.


  • 不过,密西根科技大学研究人员已经发现了一种方法可以捕获红外光使物体周围发生弯曲从而物体隐形

    But researchers at Michigan Tech University have found a way of capturing infrared light and bending it around an object, making it invisible.


  • 加州大学圣迭戈分校毕业拿到生物历史学的学位后,我还获得乔治敦大学学习历史研究奖学金

    After graduating from the University of California at San Diego with degrees in biology and history, I was offered a graduate fellowship to study history at Georgetown University.


  • 参考译文泰勒1938年时候已经全国闻名。那一年,应罗伯特·哈邀请俄亥俄州大学来到芝加哥大学8年的研究成果也一了过去。

    Tyler became well-known nationally in1938 when he carried his work with the eight-year study from Ohio state university to the university of Chicago at the invitation of Robert hutchins.


  • 研究了多位哈佛大学教育先驱领先思想家理论基础上,研究一些幼儿教育和小学教育最佳方法试图将这些方法与推广

    Building on the research of many educational pioneers and leading thinkers in Harvard University, I set out to expand upon some of the best practices in early childhood and elementary education.


  • 杨澜之后工作来到美国哥伦比亚大学研究主修国际关系。

    Yang Lan: And then I quit my job to come to the States for a post-graduate study at Columbia University of New York, where I studied International Affairs.


  • 本文介绍体验哲学的基本原理探讨体验哲学英语教学认知层面上的相关性,对新一代大学英语教材研究开发提出了参考建议

    Based on its basic principles, the paper tries to explore their implications and raise some key issues for the development of ELT materials in China.


  • 作者试图3b教学法基础上提出一些有关大学初级阶段英语听力培养的建议希望对有关该课题进一步研究提供一些思路。

    The author tries to bring forward some Suggestions on the basis of 3b teaching Approach and hopes that this study can offer some guidelines for the future study on the CELT.


  • 1997年至2000年,新加坡从事建筑设计工作,东南大学建筑设计研究项目管理负责人

    From 1997 to 2000, he had worked as an architect in Singapore and was assigned as the Deputy Officer of Project Management of Architectural Design Institute of Southeast University.


  • 本文结合南通大学生产过程控制实验室建立,介绍了高校企业联合创建高水平实验室的做法,阐述实验室人才培养科学研究服务社会方面所发挥的作用。

    The article makes the use of sports science, higher education, economics and management science to have a theoretical study on the social service of higher institution physical education.


  • 本文结合南通大学生产过程控制实验室建立,介绍了高校企业联合创建高水平实验室的做法,阐述实验室人才培养科学研究服务社会方面所发挥的作用。

    The article makes the use of sports science, higher education, economics and management science to have a theoretical study on the social service of higher institution physical education.


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