• 平均而言,父亲母亲说得他们话语长度所提问的问题的比例差异

    On average, fathers spoke less than mothers did, but they did not differ in the length of utterances or proportion of questions asked.


  • 聚焦过程意味着成功失败无差异

    A process focus means that successes and failures are equal.


  • 结果显示人的容量并无差异

    The two male groups showed no difference in brain volume.


  • 关键是已知变异基因方面,长寿控制变量之间差异

    Importantly, there was no difference in the presence of known disease-associated gene variants between the longevity and control groups.


  • 单纯烧伤烧伤吸入性损伤的输液情况,两者差异

    There was no difference for fluid management between burns and burns with inhalation injury.


  • 试验主持人发现复合物齐修复术的不良作用差异

    The investigators found no difference in adverse effects between composite and amalgam restorations.


  • 研究者发现服用氧化剂治疗前后患者PS A水平差异

    Researchers found no difference between patients taking antioxidants and those who did not.


  • 在随访过程中患者入院差异,而患者住院时间长短存在争议

    There was no difference in readmission rates at any follow-up time and results for hospital length of stay were conflicting.


  • 后来远古玛雅手稿研究者争论说奥古斯塔斯的翻译”与生动想像并无差异

    Later students of the Ancient Maya writings argue that le Plongeon's "translations" were based on little more than his vivid imagination.


  • 男女生学习能力取得好成绩的能力并无差异他们知识的吸收和运用方式不同。

    Boys and girls are equally capable of learning and experiencing success but they go about internalizing and using information differently.


  • 左右被研究人员称自己有轻微更严重网瘾这一数字男性女性群体间差异

    Around 40 per cent of the sample reported mild or worse levels of Internet addiction - a figure which did not differ between males and females.


  • 作为对比,大脑一部分情绪关的小脑里面基因的甲基水平差异

    In another part of the brain, the cerebellum, however, which is not involved in mood, there were no differences in the levels of methylation between the two groups.


  • 这在某种程度导致了当今突发疾病存活率20年前并无差异:低到令人震惊的8%。

    Partly as a result, the survival rate for such incidents is the same today as it was two decades ago: a shocking 8%.


  • 研究证明了优思明其他口服避孕药相比,其相关心血管不良事件风险差异

    Both these studies confirmed that the risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes for Yasmin does not differ from those associated with the use of other oral contraceptives.


  • 停止使用类固醇持续使用类固醇副作用风险,感染癌症移植糖尿病等差异

    Side effects, such as infection, cancer or diabetes after transplantation did not differ between groups of patients whose steroids were discontinued compared with those who continued to take steroids.


  • 所有研究汇总分析显示两组(OR=0.8;95%置信区间CI:0.5-1.5)之间完全流产并无差异

    Pooled analyses from all studies revealed no difference in complete abortion rates between groups (odds ratio = 0.8; 95% CI: 0.5–1.5).


  • 结果显示:被测试的组女性记忆力思维注意力持续时间、组织技能空间方位感上的表现,并无差异

    There were no differences between the two groups in memory, thinking, attention span, organisational or spatial skills.


  • 有了这些基因这种鲑鱼成长速度野生大西洋鲑鱼的两倍公司,这种转基因鲑鱼味道其他鲑鱼差异

    With these genes, it can grow twice as fast as a wild Atlantic salmon. The company says the fish does not taste or smell any different from other salmon.


  • 一方面,这种结果较好的支持了这种观点,即视觉问题因其他缺陷而复杂化,则视觉障碍儿童正常儿童之间差异

    The results also somewhat supported the viewpoint that if visual impaired children had no other defects, they had no difference with normal children.


  • 国内外的房产开发商很多方面上虽然差异但是相对西方国家来说,中国的房产开发商合伙人设计其实有较多影响

    Real estate developers in many ways are the same but there is less influence on the design process by clients and collaborators in the west than in China.


  • 有着固定性关系青少年成绩方面那些禁欲同龄人相比,学习成绩并无差异,有着差异的是他们对于学习的期望值大学的期望值。

    Teens in serious relationships did not differ from their abstinent counterparts in terms of their grade-point average, how attached they are to school or college expectations.


  • 看来,二者并无差异

    Not a huge difference in my opinion.


  • 这股势力同打造纽约时尚南加州宇航中心影响势力之间并无本质差异

    It's not so different from the forces that turn a neighborhood into, say, New York's fashion district or the aerospace hub in southern California.


  • 对照认知差异

    And there was no difference cognitively between the two groups.


  • 但是如果相片颠倒,那么我们看到人脸,和平时看到的并无二样,而且我们真实看到的画面大脑中的画面之间的差异,会使得我们产生困惑。

    But, when the picture is right side up, we see it as a face and we confuse what we know about faces with what we actually see. It’s as if we have an internal monologue that goes “Oh, face.


  • 他们说,研究结果揭示发生剽窃行为可能性学生群体的确存在显著差异与学生们的种族背景并无关联

    The results do reveal "significant differences" among students in the likelihood to plagiarize, but these did not relate to students' ethnic backgrounds, they report.


  • 由于预期现状之间差异,有人认为世卫组织及其科学顾问别有用心。这样的看法可理解,根据

    Given the discrepancy between what was expected and what has happened, a search for ulterior motives on the part of WHO and its scientific advisers is understandable, though without justification.


  • 她们发现男孩女孩的数学平均成绩并无较大差异

    They found little difference between boys' and girs' average math scores.


  • 我们一般认为,大部分看来-,某些贫富差异坏事,对于那些本身过错,却深陷贫困泥沼来说是不公平的。

    We have a philosophy that — most of us — that some kind of economic inequality is a bad thing and that it's unjust for someone who is, for no fault of his or her own, suffering economic hardship.


  • 我们一般认为,大部分看来-,某些贫富差异坏事,对于那些本身过错,却深陷贫困泥沼来说是不公平的。

    We have a philosophy that — most of us — that some kind of economic inequality is a bad thing and that it's unjust for someone who is, for no fault of his or her own, suffering economic hardship.


- 来自原声例句

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