• 这个版本登上了英国歌曲的排行榜收录的专辑“24 Nights二十四中”。

    This is the version that charted in the UK. It is included on his album 24 Nights.


  • 首单曲作为杰克逊电影《This is It》片尾曲,收录进杰克逊的双cd套装专辑。

    The song plays during the closing sequence of Michael Jackson's film of the same name and will be included on a companion 2-disc CD set.


  • 本《RICS房产测量》文件更新了《RICS测量实践准则》(第6),收录国际房产测量标准IPMS)》。

    RICS Property Measurement updates the RICS Code of Measuring Practice, 6th edition and incorporates International Property Measurement Standards (IPMS).


  • 首次推出图片回顾形式,并收录社长编辑吉尔伯特H .格罗夫纳(Gilbert H . Grosvenor)“浪漫地理”一文。

    The special issue also presents a retrospective on photographic firsts and an essay by former President and Editor Gilbert H. Grosvenor on "the Romance of the Geographic."


  • 本文收录各个版本主要变化一些微小调整,进行记忆小道上轻松漫步不仅仅是一个版本目录。

    We've included major changes within each version and some minor ones. This is meant to be a fun stroll down memory lane rather than a complete version catalogue.


  • 本文收录各个版本主要变化一些微小调整,进行记忆小道上轻松漫步不仅仅是一个版本目录。

    We’ve included major changes within each version and some minor ones. This is meant to be a fun stroll down memory lane rather than a complete version catalogue.


  • PPL公司从一个收录了约1800首圣诞主题歌曲数据库中选出了170多首制成榜单歌曲打分

    PPL compiled the list using a database of about 1, 800 Christmas themed recordings to rate the Christmas songs.


  • 他们专辑2016年再创新高,当时包括不要失望玫瑰》在内的一系列的打纷纷跻10收录于多白金唱片。

    Their new strategy peaked in 2016, when a string of singles, including Don't Let Me Down and Roses, went Top 10 and multi-platinum.


  • 百度收录任何面页都不是蜘蛛直接收录显示出来的。

    Baidu collects any recto is not the spider climbs to receive those who come to record and be shown directly.


  • 每册课本的视像光碟收录了课本内容儿歌加入动画提高幼儿学习英语兴趣

    All the book content and songs are included and interesting animations enable children to learn English in a fun way.


  • 每位配戴者谈话内容都会一个麦克风收录翻译后可视文本的形式通过耳机以声音的形式即时传送对方

    Each user's spoken words would be picked up by a microphone, translated, and be instantly available for the counterpart in both visual text and as audio delivered through headphones.


  • 所有入围获奖作品均GDC15设计展获得展出,收录到《GDC15年鉴》。

    All the entries and awarded works will be collected in the Yearbook of GDC 15.


  • 支持生成静态网站方便搜索引擎收录

    And support generation website, convenient static search engine included.


  • 作者在本部分考证了豫北地方志收录北魏造像碑,对豫北佛教造像碑地域性特征以及样式与风格进行了归纳总结。

    The author examined the Bei Wei joss statues recorded in the local chronicles of North Henan, and summed up the regional characters and styles.


  • 本文SCI及其收录农学核心期刊加以介绍指出投稿的注意事项,以便该专业的科研人员检索投稿。

    This paper introduced SCI (Science Citation Index)and its source Periodicals of agronomy and some points for attention of submitting papers and searching.


  • 德国《数学文摘》数据库及其快速检索高级检索、命令式检索、引文查询功能做了较详细介绍分析对其收录评论情况做了较细致的描述

    Its function of search, advanced search, command search, and citation checker are introduced and analysed, and the elaborate status of selection and review are described.


  • 玩法简单,共收录著名京剧脸谱100张。配合京剧名段作为背景音乐

    Play is simple, but difficult to play good. This game include more than 100 famous Peking Opera facial. And use the Peking Opera excerpts as background music.


  • 要是其中一个文明捕获旅行者探测器明白唱片里收录内容那么这就是我们讯息我们尝试我们的时光里活着或许有天会你们的时光里活着。

    If one such civilization intercepts Voyager and can understand these recorded contents, here is our message: we are trying to survive our time so we may live into yours.


  • 本文《干禄字书》收录异体字为考察对象,分析了异体字之类型重点讨论了异体字中的正字说明了《干字书》类型异体字所作的不同处理

    This paper, aiming to explore the variant in Gan lu Zishu, analyses its types, discusses its coexisting orthography and also illustrates the different disposals to the same type of variant.


  • 第三部分国家农业数字图书馆资源收录情况服务现状进行了调查构建知识仓库进行需求分析和功能分析;

    Part 3 investigated the resources and services of Chinese agriculture digital library, and analyzed the needs and functions for the construction of knowledge warehouse;


  • 本书收录了欧洲顶尖设计师产品设计素描作品,每作品配有相关的文字阐述。

    This book sets a new standard of design for children by presenting smart products and concepts for smart parents and their kids.


  • 第一作者指导研究生发表论文130篇,其中国外杂志发表SCI收录论文4篇。

    As the first author or instructor, he has published more than 130 research papers, among which, 4 had been published in foreign magazines registered by the SCI.


  • 第一作者指导研究生发表论文130篇,其中国外杂志发表SCI收录论文4篇。

    As the first author or instructor, he has published more than 130 research papers, among which, 4 had been published in foreign magazines registered by the SCI.


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