• 最后得出一些启示提出一些建议

    At last, this paper educed some Revelations and brought forward some advices.


  • 最后一部分整个论文结论部分,提出一些建议

    The last part is to draw a conclusion of the whole paper and some suggestion in the future.


  • 通过亲身体验比较中学教育,对目前中学教育进行思考提出一些建议

    Then she compares the secondary education in the UK and China, and gives some suggestions.


  • 确保液化石油气罐区安全本质安全工艺安全两方面采取措施提出一些建议

    Measures are taken to both intrinsic safety and process, and put forward some suggestion, so as to insure safety of tank farm of liquefied petroleum gas.


  • 文章共生营销理论应用我国航运企业提出一些建议旨在提高我国航运企业竞争力

    This paper applies the theory of coexisting marketing to shipping companies in our country and presents some Suggestions in order to improve the competitiveness of these companies.


  • 文章共生营销理论应用我国航运企业提出一些建议旨在提高我国航运企业竞争力

    This paper applies the theory of coexisting marketing to shipping companies in our country and presents some Suggestions in order to improve the competitiveness of these...


  • 简述纤维类型主要生产技术,重点介绍其功能性应用以及生产现状,并提出一些建议

    The style of superfine fiber and some main techniques of producing superfine fiber was introduced.


  • 简述超细纤维类型主要生产技术,重点介绍功能性应用以及生产现状并提出一些建议

    The present situation of organic dielectric capacitor production and the development of the materials for the capacitor is presented.


  • 针对国内炼油厂面临燃油质量升级换代提高柴汽比难题展开综述进行探究提出一些建议

    Two difficult problems that domestic refinerys should regenerate their fuel oil products and increase the ratio of diesel oil output to gasoline one are reviewed. Some research and proposals are made.


  • 通过当前招商引资中出现有悖招商引资原意现象进行了剖析提出一些建议全民招商理性招商

    This article is to analyze the phenomena that conflict the regulations of bidding for investment and give some constructive advice: first, from citizens' to reasonable bidding;


  • 最后章作为结论,一方面总结以上讨论,另一方面根据前面章节的分析指出中国英语教育现状提出一些建议

    The last part summarizes the above discussion, and according to the above analysis, points out the present status of English teaching in China along with some Suggestions.


  • 文章就龙滩水轮机转轮水力设计模型试验、转轮结构设计、转轮工地制造转轮的最终验收,进行评述提出一些建议

    The thesis comments on the hydraulic design, the model test, the runner structure design, the runner field fabrication and the acceptance check. Some proposals are put forward also.


  • 这些问题和现象进行研究分析,提出一些建议高校“阳光体育运动长效机制建立提供可靠的理论实践依据

    Aimed at solving these problems, this paper raises some Suggestions to give a sound theoretical and practical basis for the long-effect mechanism of "Sunshine Sport".


  • 电厂脱硫投产当年创造环保效益经济收益进行分析估算,同时围绕脱硫装置投入运行产生的经济效益进行了探讨提出一些建议

    The environmental and economic benefits of desulfurization system in coal fired power plant were analyzed and evaluated, and some Suggestions on economic benefit of desulfurization system were given.


  • 篇论文中将着重介绍英语学习汉语式英语产生原因提出一些避免汉语式英语的建议

    In this paper, it will focus on introducing the reasons for the Chinglish of English learners and putting forward some Suggestions to avoid Chinglish.


  • 本文结合工程实例楼板温度裂缝进行了有限元分析提出一些预防裂缝的建议

    In this thesis based on engineering examples, some Suggestions were put forward to control crack by finite element analysis of floor slabs.


  • 第四部分是彝族女童出现辍学问题结果相关思考提出一些建议

    The fourth part of the emergence of the Yi girls drop out of school-relined issues and consider the results and put forward some suggestions.


  • 本文分析了高职生人际关系不良种类以及深层的心理障碍提出一些建立和谐人际关系的建议

    The article analyses the type of ill relationship and its psychological barrier and comes up with some suggestion on how to set up cordial relationship.


  • 仪表控制设备选型中注意问题进行了阐述提出一些建议

    This paper expatiates several question adverted during Electing type of Instrument and Control equipment for new unit, the paper brings forward some advice.


  • 本文提高道路工程质量三个方面进行探讨提出一些建议

    To improve the quality of road works from three aspects, explore, and made some Suggestions.


  • 目前计算机专业毕业的大学生使用计算机还存在诸多问题造成这些问题原因进行了分析提出一些切实可行建议

    At present there are many problems when nonprofessional undergraduate students use computer. This paper intends to analyse the causes of those problems and give some practical advices.


  • 本文旨在分析我国目前推行股票期权激励制度障碍,提出一些政策建议

    Through analyzing the shortcomings of the stock right encouraging system used in our country, the authors point out some suggestions of policy.


  • 论述房产面积测绘法律纠纷中的一些热点问题提出一些意见建议讨论和参考。

    This paper discussed some hot issues of law dispute in real estate area surveying, and put forward a few opinions and Suggestions for discussion and reference.


  • 本文邮件系统相关协议扩展进行了探讨提出一些建议

    This paper discusses the extension of the protocols pertinent to Mail System, and brings forward some advice.


  • 文中详细叙述装饰装修导致室内有害气体污染来源危害提出一些建议防治对策

    The Article describes the sources and hazards of harmful gaseous pollutions in decoration and fitment in details, and puts forward some Suggestions and preventive measures.


  • 目前研究存在的问题进行了分析,对以后进一步的研究进行了展望提出一些建议

    The problems in current research is analyzed, the future research is forecasted and some Suggestions are put forward.


  • 该文主要论述了树种产业开发现状存在问题,提出一些相应的对策建议

    The current situation and some problems of colored leaf trees industry in China are mainly discussed here and some countermeasures to develop the industry are also put forward.


  • 目前采用常用板型连接方法形成蒙皮效应进行了分析和评测,并提出一些建议

    The effect of skin diaphragms that made of general used boards and connect method is analyzed, some Suggestions are presented in the part.


  • 目前采用常用板型连接方法形成蒙皮效应进行了分析和评测,并提出一些建议

    The effect of skin diaphragms that made of general used boards and connect method is analyzed, some Suggestions are presented in the part.


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