• 进行日光浴假装坎昆

    She can sunbathe and pretend she's in Cancun.


  • 格里利用幽默话语自己进行了描述假装宿敌作品

    Greeley provided a humorous description of himself, written under the pretense that it had been the work of his long-time adversary.


  • 及时练习假装没有担心忧虑不会麻痹

    Practice and pretend not to worry and, in time, anxieties won't paralyze you.


  • 假装聪明不能真正的变聪明的。

    And that pretending to be smart doesn't make you smart.


  • 银行选择延期假装贷款僵尸企业

    Banks have chosen to "extend and pretend" loans to zombie firms.


  • 人们自然关注自身的力量假装身上毫无弱点

    It is natural to want to focus on your strengths and pretend like your weaknesses don't exist.


  • 孩子们纷纷散开,用冷水冲洗伤口”,纱布包炸好,假装伤者送到医院。

    The kids shuffle off, rinsing the "wound" under cold water, packing it with gauze, and pretending to take their charges to the hospital.


  • 唱道,她怎么决定要不要回去扮演一个传统女性角色假装喜欢

    She sings of how she is determined not to go back to playing a traditional woman's role and pretending to like it.


  • 他们设立两个织机假装非常艰难工作但是他们什么也没什么的织机。

    They set up two looms, and pretended to be very hard at work, but they did nothing whatever on the looms.


  • 比起处理拙劣工作来,大的错误试图掩盖错误假装它们存在

    A bigger mistake than any botch job you'll ever manage is to try to bury your mistakes and pretend they don't exist.


  • 默默地看着他们离开装作关心假装抛弃他们,他们谁没有抛弃

    I quietly watched them leaving, pretended not to care, and pretended that it was I who deserted them but not they who deserted me.


  • 中医不良坐姿补救方法向内牵引下巴假装头顶笔直向上绳子

    The Chinese remedy for poor posture is to pull your chin inward and pretend there is a string pulling straight upward from the top of your head.


  • 这个捕获到响应可以第三作为其他请求的响应再次发送并假装它就是XKMS服务本身

    This captured response can again be sent by the third party as a response to some other request and masquerade as the XKMS service itself.


  • 走进房间重新做了自我介绍。假装他不知道如何包装圣诞礼物,我也假装信了的话帮了他。

    He walked into the room, reintroduced himself and pretended he didn't know how to wrap his Christmas gifts. I pretended to believe him and helped.


  • 因此出现了某种类型人格分裂,这种情况下潜意识允许控制同时意识呆滞假装发生了什么毫不知情。

    Thus a type of split personality emerges, where the subconscious is allowed to control the hands, while the conscious glazes over and pretends it knows nothing of what is happening.


  • 许多银行乐意贷款展期忽略价值下跌所导致贷款价值契约违约(该策略称作“延期假装不知”),不是强行变卖

    Many Banks have been willing to roll loans over and ignore breaches of loan-to-value covenants caused by falling values (a strategy known as "extend and pretend") rather than force a sale.


  • 礼貌地笑笑假装听到句话觉得有点幽默

    You smile politely, pretending that you've heard the remark and found it mildly humorous.


  • 可能已经成千上万的使用了,是刚刚发现它的,所以我要宣布它,命名为:假装打电话。

    Probably thousands of people have already been using it, but I just discovered it, so I'm going to claim it and also name it: Fake Foning.


  • 每一个钓鱼式欺诈案中,数千帐户持有人犯罪分子锁定。这些犯罪分子假装客户银行的名义向他们发送电子邮件诱导他们虚假网页上输入帐户口令

    In each phishing scam, thousands of account holders are targeted by criminals, who send emails pretending to be from the customer's bank and directing them to enter their password on a bogus website.


  • 假装惊讶了吧知道他们存在着组成了老大党(Grand Old Party,共和党别称)核心的大部分

    Don't pretend to be shocked: you know they're out there, and make up a large share of the G.O.P. caucus.


  • 补充说通常情况下人们获知检测结果为阳性时“突然离开下定决心假装这件从来没有发生过’”。

    Often, she added, someone who has just tested positive "can walk off that day and decide, 'I'm going to pretend that never happened."'


  • 2008年加州大学伯克利分校圣迭戈分校研究者假装垃圾邮件制造者潜伏进一个僵尸网络病测量了成功比例

    In 2008 researchers from the University of California at Berkeley and San Diego posed as spammers, infiltrated a botnet and measured its success rate.


  • 停止假装自己不是我原本面目的任何人,开始所有精力集中在完成唯一重要作品上。

    I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me.


  • 没有人生就是勇敢的,勇敢不是害怕而是假装勇敢,学会克服恐惧

    Not born to be brave, brave and not afraid, but to pretend to be brave, and learn to overcome the fear.


  • 百货公司,银行餐饮怎么当回事好的服务假装她,甚至表现他们没有听到她。

    People in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.


  • 创造指示诱饵单位攻击,以便假装一次袭击

    Decoy units are produced and then launched in the this sector in order to simulate an attack.


  • 创造指示诱饵单位攻击,以便假装一次袭击

    Decoy units are produced and then launched in the this sector in order to simulate an attack.


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