• 基地基本水平并且暴露邻居面前公路南侧西侧可以得到。

    The plot is generally level and exposed to the neighbour and views from the public roads to the south and west.


  • 想象更清晰,也深入。他改变着事实并且暴露世界的本美丽

    His vision, clearer and more penetrating, transfigures the facts and discloses the beauty only waiting to be thus revealed.


  • 米利班德的会议讲话已腾出这块中心场地,并且暴露作为传播者局限

    Mr Miliband's conference speech vacated the centre-ground and exposed his limits as a communicator.


  • 网络陷阱技术核心思想通过人为地设置网络陷阱诱骗攻击者,使他们时间资源都浪费陷阱上面,并且暴露自己攻击方法工具

    The core idea of honeypot is to build an artificial network trap to lure attacker, then direct their time and resource to the tarp, thus can also reveal their attacking method and tools.


  • 无论暴露何种程度烟雾环境中,肺部细胞知道并且做出反应

    No matter what level of exposure of smoke you have, your lung cells know it and they are responding.


  • 自然环境中暴露气味通常持续长的时间并且产生的适应性可能短期嗅觉适应性在质量上有所不同

    Exposures to odors in natural environments often occur over far longer periods, and the resulting adaptations may differ qualitatively from short-term olfactory adaptation.


  • 发现这些问题最佳方式度量这些项目并且问题暴露时对它们进行跟踪

    The best way to discover them is to measure these items explicitly and track down problems as they are revealed.


  • 然而这些暴露大肠消化道寄生细菌产生结果,并且任何剩余糖分是通过这种方式移除的。

    These, however, have been exposed to the digestive mercies of bacteria in the large intestine, and any residual goodies have been removed from them that way.


  • 并且更进一步——暴露日光下主要我们控制的。

    And we can always go inside - our sun exposure is mostly within our control.


  • 开发人员必须修复已经暴露错误并且考虑已经提出的建议其他评论

    The developer must fix the bugs which are revealed and consider the Suggestions or other comments put forth.


  • 尽量减少在太阳下暴露肌肤并且使用防晒霜

    Do this by minimizing your sun exposure and using sunscreen.


  • 如果他们工作干得好,他们就解释药物科学机理并且订正甚至暴露出的错误信息

    If they are doing their jobs well, they explain the science of the medication, and correct even debunk erroneous information.


  • 过程要么导致陆地暴露并且温度升高要么冰层表面形成池塘(湖泊,或溪流),吸收能量融化更多冰。

    Either it exposes land, which then warms up; or it forms ponds (or lakes or streams) of meltwater on the surface of the ice, which absorb energy and melt more ice.


  • 一点女士们安全考虑男士不同并且她们对暴露自己地理位置更加谨慎。

    The first is that women's concerns about security differ from men's and are warier of broadcasting their physical location.


  • 有时候避免危险并且暴露了。

    Sometimes you can't avoid the dangers and you are just exposed.


  • 往往很难确定是否发生人际传播因为家庭成员暴露同样动物环境来源并且彼此接触。

    It is often impossible to determine if human-to-human transmission has occurred since the family members are exposed to the same animal and environmental sources as well as to one another.


  • 患上此病人不能暴露阳光下、头发稀少、排系统差、并且长有尖利的牙齿使得他们看起来酷似“吸血鬼”。

    Sufferers have light and sparse scalp and body hair, a reduced ability to sweat and the congenital absence of teeth.


  • 一次偏激离职将你的错误判断暴露无遗,并且你的行为会很快传到你的潜在雇主那里特别是通过社会媒体的宣传。

    An extreme exit can show bad judgment, and word can quickly spread to a potential employer, especially via social media.


  • Salamislice范式暴露所有元素所以可以模式其他部分引用重用它们并且它们其他模式是透明的。

    The Salami slice pattern exposes all elements so you can reference and reuse them in other parts of the schema, and it makes them transparent to other schemas.


  • 由于任何服务器交互每个组件本地并且脚本通信分离,因此不会暴露cookie

    Because any server interaction is local to each component and separate from the inter-script communication, cookies are not exposed.


  • 内部提前部署代码会提供许多be ta版优点而不会向外暴露缺陷,并且不会牵扯到友好客户

    Internal and earlier deployment of code provides much of the advantages of a beta, without external exposure and involving a much friendlier set of clients.


  • 定位社交网站市场方兴未艾,BlockChalk脱颖而出原因在于他们允许用户当地论坛发布信息并且无需注册暴露自己地点

    As the LBS market expands, BlockChalk stands out from many of its competitors, as it allows users to post on local message boards without having to sign up for the service or reveal their location.


  • 补救前面提到反模式可以隐藏暴露实例变量并且提供公开暴露增变方法访问方法适用访问对象状态”。

    To remedy the previously mentioned anti-pattern, you can "hide the exposed instance variables and provide publicly exposed mutator and accessor methods as appropriate to access the object state."


  • 通过暴露setter方法代码愈发紧凑并且提供了域不可修改额外益处

    By not exposing a setter method, the code is more concise and also provides the additional benefit of enforcing immutability.


  • 一些法庭可能会提出这个反语通过发布者必须保留这个权利能力并且因而必须使它自己暴露代理侵权诉讼

    Some courts might want to address this irony by saying that the distributor must reserve this right and this ability - and thus must expose itself to a vicarious infringement claim.


  • 这些复杂场景趋于暴露困难故障它们更难调试并且有时间歇的。

    These more complicated scenarios tended to expose more difficult bugs, which were harder to debug and sometimes were intermittent.


  • 这些方法含蓄地明显地假设构架风险并且任何结构性变化正常开发工作暴露出来。

    These methods implicitly or explicitly assume that the architectural risks are low, and that any architectural changes will emerge out of the normal development work.


  • 二者都减少了他们麻烦风险暴露可以召集令人满意资本额度并且拥有牢固流动资产

    Both have reduced their most troubling exposures; both can call on decent amounts of capital and strong pools of liquidity.


  • 二者都减少了他们麻烦风险暴露可以召集令人满意资本额度并且拥有牢固流动资产

    Both have reduced their most troubling exposures; both can call on decent amounts of capital and strong pools of liquidity.


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