• 嫉妒带有腐蚀性的,并且幸福感自尊造成很大伤害,所以,选择合适比较对象非常重要的。

    Feelings of envy are corrosive and can cause great damage to your happiness and self esteem, so choosing the right comparisons is important.


  • 真正明白这点并且拒绝私人的看待事情,那么几乎不会别人无心评论行为伤害到。

    When you truly understand this, and refuse to take things personally, you can hardly be hurt by the careless comments or actions of others.


  • 坚持自己并且无论发生什么乐观去看待:面对即将经历重大变化可能会受到伤害就像一样

    Be Yourself Always and Think Positive No Matter What. You may be hurt by all of the big changes you’re going to experience all at once, like the way that I do.


  • 湿地附近水域观鸟推荐穿长袖长裤,它们可以将蚊子和其他昆虫叮咬减少到最低程度,并且长袖衫也保护皮肤避免来自太阳伤害

    Long sleeves and long pants are recommended for birding in wetlands or near waterways to minimize mosquito bites and other insects, and long sleeves also help protect your skin from the sun.


  • 但是伴侣伤害很深并且找到痛苦的内在根源发现即使努力事实却仍旧是带来伤害多于帮助怎么做?

    But what do you do when your spouse hurts you so deeply that you find a bitter root developing within, despite your every effort, and the fact that you know it can hurt more than it can help?


  • 重新开始用那个时间表或者另外一个跑步初学者项目没有什么不对,它们能够建立有序跑步习惯并且使远离伤害

    There's nothing wrong with going back to that schedule or another beginner runner program to help you establish a regular running habit and avoid getting injured.


  • 如果这样做,那会显得一点都并且别人带来多余伤害

    You'll just be leading them on. It's not cool to break unnecessary hearts.


  • 找出那些伤害并且折磨他们

    He wanted to find and torture anyone who would even think about hurting you.


  • 假死任何会使的生命恢复最大值的10%,并且伤害减免现在受到韧性的影响。

    Cheat Death: Any KB now restores you to 10% Max health and the damage reduction is now modified by resilience.


  • 已经伤害并且每个太多这个桌子上针对这个话题。

    I have heard you and everyone else talk so much about laying the truth upon the table.


  • 如果移动最终不能停止水平表面上将摔下去并且承受正常强况由于跌落而造成的伤害

    If you do not end your move on a horizontal surface, you fall prone, taking falling damage as appropriate for your distance above the ground.


  • 本质上,所有充满爱心个体仅仅已经伤害多次并且被教导其他的生命形式作为潜在敌人去看待。

    At heart all Humans are loving individuals, and it is just that you have been hurt so many times and taught to see others as your potential enemies.


  • 有没有急切使得伴侣的话,并且他们伤害事情来道歉?

    Have you ever felt desperate to make your partner hear what you are saying and apologise for the hurtful things they've said?


  • 出去的话就像泼出去的水。怒火伤害他人并且永远留下了痛苦。

    Realize that words once spoken cannot come back. Your anger hurts others and leaves a sour impression that lasts forever.


  • 首相并且我们必须修复翠德乐贝克斯带来伤害

    Cameron: I can't blame you. Anyway, we had to repair the damage caused by Tweedlebecks here.


  • 10秒之后(受到跌落伤害)并且周围的人造成伤害

    After about 10 seconds, you will blow up, causing you to fly into the air (you will take some falling damage) and dealing damage to anyone around you.


  • 鲁莽并且一点都介意行为可能对他人造成了伤害

    You're reckless and don't care if your actions hurt others.


  • 只要对方两个英雄之间距离不大并且他们原理其小兵可以倾泄令人发指伤害的黑暗之风

    Whenever two enemy champions are grouped up far away from minions, you can dish out frightening amounts of damage with a Dark Wind.


  • 任何扎人的东西小孩身边拿走,解松小孩的衣物并且保护的小孩不要受到外物伤害

    Remove any sharp objects that are near your child, loosen tight clothing and hold your child to prevent injury.


  • 熔铸装甲等级1要求62消耗法力630瞬发法术击中目标造成6090的点火焰伤害并且降低物理法术伤害致命一几率10%。

    Molten Armor - Rank 1 Requires Level 62 630 Mana Instant cast Causes 60 to 90 Fire damage when hit and reduces the chance you are critically hit by melee attacks and spells by 10%.


  • 压制被认为过于强大,现在修正为“被压制”,自己而不是目标造成伤害并且的目标躲闪后自动使用

    Overpower has been deemed overpowered, and will now be called Underpower, will damage you instead of your target, and will automatically be used upon your target dodging.


  • 圣餐增加了额外效果-光环可以令的小队团队成员伤害提高3%,并且伤害再额外提高2%。

    Communion additional effect - your auras increase your party and raid's damage dealt by 3% and your damage by an additional 2%.


  • 知道的,并且必须但是如此伤害

    I know you are tired, my dear, and I must let you go. But I love you so much and it hurts to do so.


  • 明白因为造了并且看到其他人无法看到的心里受到伤害

    He understands because he made you, and he sees the hurt in your heart like nobody else can.


  • 所以有人伤害时候,首先冷静下来摒住呼吸并且一些能够快乐的事情:大自然的美丽景色、或者喜爱的等等,都可以。

    So when someone has hurt you, calm yourself first. Take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, someone you love.


  • 所以有人伤害时候,首先冷静下来摒住呼吸并且一些能够快乐的事情:大自然的美丽景色、或者喜爱的等等,都可以。

    So when someone has hurt you, calm yourself first. Take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, someone you love.


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