• 数据概要分析并不神奇——帮助揭示数据质量问题但是仍然需要一个数据业务分析师或者主题专家来对结果加以评价得出适当结论

    Data profiling is not magicit helps bring data quality issues to light, but you still need a data or business analyst or subject matter expert to review results and draw appropriate conclusions.


  • 解决通货膨胀神奇方法并不存在

    The magic cure for inflation does not exist.


  • 关闭这类中心削减委员会预算神奇增加人们储蓄金,供他们生活。

    Closing such centres and cutting council budgets doesn't magically increase reserves of individual self-reliance.


  • 是因为人类大脑并不逐个字母阅读而是把整个单词连起来阅读。 很神奇吧? 嗯,认为拼写重要

    This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself,but the word as a whole.amazing hun?yeah and I always thought spelling was important!


  • 当然可以”,说道,“很多年来一直是这么做并不需要什么神奇的玩意儿。”

    "Sure you can;" He say's "it's been done that way for many years." nothing magical is needed.


  • 因为从根本上讲,传统SQL数据库并不具有可扩展能力。 这个世界上根本没有什么神奇精灵之可以我们任何人突然使获得扩展性的。

    SQL databases are fundamentally non-scalable, and there is no magical pixie dust that we, or anyone, can sprinkle on them to suddenly make them scale.


  • 巧言神奇功能起源并不清楚

    The origins of the Blarney Stone's magical properties aren't clear.


  • 非常令人遗憾牛奶并不具有过去人们所想象的那种神奇性能,”渥太华肥胖症医学协会医学主任Yoni Freedhoff

    "It is unfortunate it does not appear milk has the magical properties it was once thought to have," said Yoni Freedhoff, medical director of the Bariatric medical Institute in Ottawa.


  • 是因为人类大脑并不逐个字母阅读而是把整个单词连起来阅读。很神奇,是吧?

    This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself, but the word as a whole.amazing.


  • 最终她得到并不只是神奇旅行也是对于遗失命运个人思索

    The result is not only a fascinating travelogue, but also a personal meditation on loss and fate.


  • 这次的确不同并不因为兴盛-衰落循环圈神奇消失了

    This time is indeed different, though not because the boom-and-bust cycle has miraculously disappeared.


  • 艺术家并不仅仅停留模仿昆虫世界神奇事物梵高星夜蛋糕给眼睛(还有只耳朵)一道盛宴

    Artistic license doesn't stop at imitating the wonders of the insect world. Feast your eyes (and one ear) on these Van Gogh Starry Night cakes.


  • 并不没有相机做不了这件事,我只是说这是我一个好的工具,它帮助认识所生活这个世界里美好神奇

    I'm not saying you can't do this without a camera, I'm just saying that this has been a great tool for me in realizing more of a wonder and appreciation for the world I live in.


  • 世上并不存在某个神奇秘方能够阻止扭转更年期增胖的趋势。

    There's no magic formula for preventingor reversing — weight gain after menopause.


  • 记住减肥成为更好可能神奇改变生活,它的目的健康,它只为两个字:健康!

    Try to remember that losing weight isn't going to make you a better person - and it won't magically change your life. It's a good idea to maintain a healthy weight because it's just that: healthy.


  • 它们是什么神奇拖鞋,只是洗碗水颜色的鞋带肮脏球鞋

    They weren’t magical slippers — just dingy sneakers with dishwater-color laces.


  • 看起来神奇吧,并不所有人都成天想着报仇

    And incredible as it may seem, not everyone spends their lives trying to plot revenge.


  • 它们是什么神奇拖鞋,只是洗碗水颜色的鞋带肮脏球鞋

    They weren't magical slippers — just dingy sneakers with dishwater-color laces.


  • 或许是因为我们的“社交”工作一直得不错希望我们能够并且愿意看清本质——社交媒体只是一个工具神奇壮举

    But maybe because we've been doing "social" well for a while, I hope we are also able and willing to see it for what it is — a tool, not a magical feat.


  • 它变得如此清晰明了,只是由人类创造产物并不什么神奇玩意儿

    Became much more clear that they were the results of human creation, not these magical things.


  • 虽然那些魔术并不高明不是神奇手法,不是惊险逃生也不是浪漫雪花共舞眼中那么出神入化

    While those magic is not wise, not the magic card operation practices, not the thrill of the sword mouth escape, nor is it romantic snow dance, but in my eyes is so superb.


  • 并不取悦萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dali)这样人,能创造神奇艺术因为他别无选择。

    He doesn't really care about impressing the likes of Salvador Dali, but rather he makes amazing art because he has to.


  • 但是复制保罗神奇并不容易德国对阵葡萄牙比赛中,沙赫恩押宝的葡萄牙0:4完败,神奇就此结束

    But you want to copy Paul's magic is not easy, in the game against Portugal, Germany, Shahe en betting 0:4 defeat to Portugal, the magic ended.


  • 喇合故事表明我们加入大家庭基于自己的善行而是出于神奇的救赎恩典

    Rahab's story shows that belonging to God's family is not based on our goodness but on God's amazing, redeeming grace.


  • 是因为人类大脑并不逐个字母阅读而是把整个单词连起来阅读。很神奇吧?嗯,认为拼写重要

    This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself, but the word as a whole. amazing hun? Yeah and I always thought spelling was important!


  • 神奇之旅并不容易

    It's been a magical journey, but nothing about it has been easy.


  • 是的知道第三张图片昆虫看上去像昆虫,而且眼睛看起来神奇了。

    And yes, I know the shrimp in the third image is not a bug, but it is buggy, and its eye is awesomely crazy looking.


  • 假如神奇设备可以确定一名员工什么时候工作或者没有工作,或许值得为此花大笔可惜这样的设备并不存在。

    If there was some magic device that determined when an employee was working or not working, it'd be worth a lot of money, but such a device does not exist.


  • 假如神奇设备可以确定一名员工什么时候工作或者没有工作,或许值得为此花大笔可惜这样的设备并不存在。

    If there was some magic device that determined when an employee was working or not working, it'd be worth a lot of money, but such a device does not exist.


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